Canvas - Deleting Folders on the Files Tab
You can delete a file or folder within your personal or group file storage area. Once a file or folder is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Learn how to locate your user files and group files.. Note: Files that have been submitted as part of an assignment cannot be deleted.
Aug 24, 2016 · @petersen1 , welcome to Canvas! You've got a few options: 1. You can navigate to the course, click on Files in the left navigation, select all files, and delete them. You'll find the instructions in How do I move and organize my files as an instructor? (scroll all the way down to the bottom of that lesson). 2.
Sep 05, 2017 · Permanently Delete. The option to delete is to “Permanently Delete this Course”, found on the Settings page in the buttons on the right. Image of Canvas Permanently Delete this Course Button. You may permanently delete the manual Master course shells you created yourself. The operative word is ‘Permanently’.
To delete a file, click the line item for the file [1]. Click the Delete icon [2]. Or click the Options icon [3] and then click the Delete link [4].
Go to the files page and select multiple files, then click on the trash can icon. You may select multiple files using shift or control keys.Apr 25, 2019
Deleting Multiple Files / Folders A new ribbon of editing options will appear at the top, next to the search bar. Click on the trash icon to delete the selected items.Nov 29, 2021
To delete multiple files and/or folders:Select the items you'd like to delete by pressing and holding the Shift or Command key and clicking next to each file/folder name. ... When you have selected all items, scroll to the top of the file display and in the upper-right click the trash icon.Jan 18, 2022
Delete filesOpen your phone's Files app .Tap a file.Tap Delete Delete. If you don't see the Delete icon, tap More. Delete .
To add a context menu option that will delete files and folders extremely fast on Windows 10, use these steps:Open Notepad.Copy and paste the following lines into the Notepad text file: @ECHO OFF ECHO Delete Folder: %CD%? PAUSE SET FOLDER=%CD% CD / DEL /F/Q/S "%FOLDER%" > NUL RMDIR /Q/S "%FOLDER%" EXIT.Click on File.More items...•Feb 8, 2022
Canva for Enterprise accounts have unlimited storage....From the home screen, tap Your projects.Tap Uploads.Tap the Images or Videos tab, depending on the media file you want to manage.Tap the ••• icon on the media file you want to manage.To download, select Download original.To delete, select Trash.More items...
Canvas - Deleting Folders on the Files TabOpen the course folder. (+)Select size to reorder the results in the right-hand panel by size. This usually will make folders appear at the top of the list. ... Right-click the folder on the right-hand panel, or select the three stacked dots icon. (+)Select Delete.Dec 2, 2020
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Which courses display on your Dashboard when you log in can be managed by clicking the ‘Courses’ icon then selecting ‘All Courses’. The stars on the left are the way you select which courses you want to see when you log in on the Dashboard.
The courses for each semester or term will be managed within the system. You will eventually see them removed from your list. While the system will add and eventually remove these you may want to use the ‘Favorites’ star feature from above to remove course shells you are no longer actively teaching from the Dashboard.
You have the ability to delete these shells from the Settings page in your navigation.