how to delete course content in canvas

by Ofelia Erdman 3 min read

To delete all course content from your Canvas course:

  • Navigate to the course with the content you wish to delete.
  • From the course navigation menu, select Settings.
  • In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content. You will be prompted to confirm. To proceed,...
  • If you selected Reset Course Content, a completely new course shell with a new ID (the...

To delete all course content from your Canvas course: Navigate to the course with the content you wish to delete. From the course navigation menu, select Settings. In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content.Nov 23, 2021

Full Answer

How do I permanently delete a course?

How do I delete a course as an instructor? Open Settings. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link. Permanently Delete Course. Delete Course. View Confirmation.

How to leave classes on canvas?

Aug 01, 2021 · The incorrect content was loaded into my course. I have the correct content in another course. Should I delete the content from the course and then copy the correct canvas course using import? Or should I add student names into the copied correct course and then rename it? I have the job aid on how to copy, but don't know how to delete the ...

How to remove courses from canvas dashboard?

Sep 05, 2017 · The option to delete is to “Permanently Delete this Course”, found on the Settings page in the buttons on the right. Image of Canvas Permanently Delete this Course Button. You may permanently delete the manual Master course shells you created yourself. The operative word is ‘Permanently’.

How to erase previous drawing on canvas?

Nov 23, 2021 · To delete all course content from your Canvas course: Navigate to the course with the content you wish to delete. From the course navigation menu, select Settings. In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content. You will be prompted to confirm. To proceed,... If you ...

How do you reset content on canvas?

Click Settings in the left navigation of the course. On the Settings page click Reset Content in right menu. A dialog box will appear warning you that this option is permanent. Click Reset Course Content.

How do I delete all pages in canvas course?

Once you click Pages on the Course Navigation Bar and then the View All Pages button, you will be able to delete multiple pages at one time. Pages can be multi-selected by selecting a checkbox next to the page title.Jul 29, 2020

What does Reset course content do in canvas?

The reset course content feature exists to purge all content from your course and essentially give you a new Canvas course. It does NOT remove student enrollments, but it will remove all student work associated with assignments.

Is there a way to hide old courses on canvas?

In the Global Navigation menu (on left), click Courses and then All Courses. To favorite a course or courses, click the empty star next to each course name to add it to the Courses menu. To hide a course, click the filled star next to each course name to remove it from the Courses menu.Jan 20, 2021

How do I delete all announcements in canvas course?

Click the Options icon [1] and click the Delete link [2]. To delete multiple announcements at a time, click the checkbox next to the announcements you want to delete [3] and click the Delete button [4].

How do I delete history on canva?

Click the More Tools link. Click the Clear browsing data link. Use the drop-down menu to select the time range from which you want to clear browsing data. Clear browsing data by selecting checkboxes.Jul 26, 2019

How do you remove yourself from a canvas course as a teacher?

@dufay_k ​, go to the course and click on People. You should see a gear icon by your name. If you click on the gear icon then you'll get the option to "remove from course." If you don't see the gear icon then you'll need to contact the person who added you to the course to have them remove you.Aug 13, 2016

How do I delete my canvas account?

From the top corner of the homepage, click the ⚙ gear icon to go to your Account Settings. On the Login & Security tab, click Delete account. Confirm to finish.

How do I delete an unpublished course in canvas?

Now using the Course Navgiation menu, go to the course settings page. Once you get there, look at the bottom right side of the page (see below). Click the link to delete your course. If you are a Canvas admin, you can delete the course manually (see above), or through SIS import using a CSV file.Jul 16, 2020

How do I hide courses on my dashboard?

Here is how to hide and unhide them in your Dashboard view. Click on “Courses” in the red vertical menu bar, and then click on “all courses”. To hide a course card in your dashboard, click on the little star so that the color is gone. To show a course card , click on the little star so that some color is showing in it.

Can you archive classes in Canvas?

When a course is archived, it will no longer appear on your Canvas Dashboard or in your All Courses List. If you do not wish to have a particular course archived, you may temporarily delay this process with the new Course Archive Manager tool.Aug 20, 2019

How to delete a course in Canvas?

To delete all course content from your Canvas course: 1 Navigate to the course with the content you wish to delete. 2 From the course navigation menu, select Settings. 3 In the "Settings" sidebar at the right, select Delete All Course Content. You will be prompted to confirm. To proceed, click Reset Course Content, or click Cancel to cancel. 4 If you selected Reset Course Content, a completely new course shell with a new ID (the number following "") will be generated. All users previously enrolled in the course will remain enrolled.

When you reapply settings in Canvas, what happens?

When you reapply the settings in your Canvas course, the settings and navigation in your course will be replaced with those in the default template. Reapply settings before you start creating or importing course content. If you apply it afterward:

How to reset a course?

Completely resetting your course is a two-step process. First, you'll delete the existing course content, and then you'll reapply the default settings for the course. You can opt to do either step without the other, but if you decide to do both, you should carry them out in the order specified below. Back to top.
