how to create course topics

by Adam Schulist I 3 min read

The Top Trending Course Topic Ideas in 2021

  1. Brainstorm Your Idea. This is the initial phase of brainstorming so don’t worry if you have no clue about what you want to do.
  2. Research Your Course Idea. Think about why do people join online courses. ...
  3. Refine Your idea. Think about what is the purpose behind your idea and what problem does it solve and get down to specifics.
  4. Research the Competition. ...

Full Answer

How do I choose a course topic to teach?

Make a note of a few subjects you are interested in, you have experience with and you can teach as well! Tip: For business topics, you can also get inspired to find your course topic by reading a book, for example, here you can find the top project management books.

How many courses should you create per topic?

A common early misconception when creating online courses is that you should create one course per one topic. From a student’s standpoint – that’s a terrible idea. Students get overwhelmed by massive amounts of all-over-the-place information within a single course.

How do you come up with a suitable course subject?

Understanding the market is key to coming up with a suitable course subject. A recent report from OpenColleges reveals that the majority turn to online learning for career change to gain academic or transferable skills in their field of employment, or to invest in ‘lifelong learning’.

How can I customize my course?

Customize courses according to your course objectives and personalize them by adding your company logo, brand name, color, and designs. Add custom completion certificates with your company logo and your signature. Create engaging online courses using videos, quizzes, surveys, and presentations

How do I create a course content?

Four Steps to Create Course Content that FlowsConsider your goals in teaching this course. Decide what you would like your students to accomplish from taking this course. ... Develop topics and subtopics, then narrow down further. ... Structure the course with what you have finalized. ... Plan your content types.

How do I choose a course topic?

How To Choose An Online Course Topic That Sells1) Decide On Your Pricing.2) Brainstorm Your Initial Ideas.3) Niche It Down. Example #1: Example #2:4) Research & Validate Your Idea. 1) Research what's already out there. 2) Gain insight to your audience. ... 5) Choose Your Online Course Topic. Finalize Your Course Topic.

What is a course topic?

Course Topics are a way to group courses by common subject. Topics are similar to course Majors, but provide additional features: Administrators can set up a hierarchy of topics, creating a drill-down menu experience. A course can be tagged to multiple topics, but only one major.

How do I choose a topic for an online course?

First, do a quick keyword search for the topic of your online course. Then, check the total number of views for the top results of that keyword. If they have a high number of views, that's a good indication that there is interest in your topic.

How do I choose an online course?

Strategies for choosing online coursesThe “topic” should be chosen brilliantly. ... The “Content” should be thoroughly analysed. ... The 'tone of the speaker” should be checked to know the optimal level of learning forums to keep learners occupied. ... The “flexibility” of online courses should be checked.More items...•

How do I create a PDF course?

Go to Manage Learning Content.Select Courses.Click on a specific course in the Course Overview.You will now be in the Course Curriculum area of the Course Builder.On the left-hand side, click Add Lesson.Select PDF.Name the Lesson Title as desired.More items...

Is selling a course profitable?

It varies widely. Your online course could earn anywhere from a $0 – $50k+ per month. Many course creators will earn $1 – 5k/month and there are numerous examples of online course teachers earning $10k – $50k per month.. There are lots of factors that will determine how much you can earn by selling online courses.

What are some interesting topics to learn about?

Interesting TopicsGlobal warming.Roe v. Wade.Terrorism.Sustainable marketing.Biomes.Autism.Vegetarian and vegan diets.Freedom of speech.More items...

How to choose a course?

Looking at it from the students perspective, they would choose your course if: 1 They want to learn from a person who they can trust and has got experience or is an authority in the field. 2 They want to have access to information that is easy to digest and follow. 3 They want to have a clear outcome in what they can get out from it.

Why are people turning to online courses?

On another level, people are increasingly turning to online means to find a course that can help them improve their employability skills, successfully change a career, or advance in their chosen profession.

What are the areas of investing more money and time?

A major area that people invest more money and time on is self-improvement. The evidence of that is the many self-help and personal development resources that exist and the amount of self-help related information that is being consumed.

Is it cheaper to take real estate classes online?

Completing an online course is a relatively quick and inexpensive way to gain knowledge in real estate and it is usually preferred. Online real estate classes demand by Google Trends. As the diagram shows, the interest in taking online real estate classes is rising and predicted to grow bigger.

Opportunity overview

This topic is a great opportunity. Learner demand is high for this topic but the number of courses available is low, which makes it a great opportunity to create a course on this topic.

Student demand

A deeper dive into how this topic performs from a search perspective. This includes how this topic’s search volume compares against others on our marketplace, the 6 month s earch trend, and t op search keywords. You can explore the o ther topics of interest to understand what what else learners who search this topic are also searching for.

Topic competition

Understand the overall supply for the given topic by seeing the total number of courses in the marketplace that have it listed as the primary topic.

How to make an online course more engaging?

An easy way to make online courses more engaging is to stimulate the student visually. This means pictures and videos. The simplest method of using picture and videos in an online course would be constructing your online class more like a PowerPoint presentation:

What is the most important part of creating an online course?

One of the most important components of creating an online course is setting a learning goal for the course . However, there’s more to it. Every online course consists of various sections, and each individual section also needs to have a clear learning goal.

What does it mean to get started teaching?

Which means you need to get your knowledge together.

What is the target audience of an online course?

The target audience is the group of people to whom you are writing your course.

Do you have to create all the content for an online course?

That being said, you don’t need to create all of the content for your online course before you start selling it. It’s always better to start off with a smaller batch of content, as this will allow you to take in feedback from your students and make improvements accordingly.

Is it a waste of time to create an online course?

It’s crucial that you decide on a specific course subject in the beginning phase of creating your online course. Be as specific as possible.

Do online courses require money?

Contrary to popular belief, the process of creating online courses doesn’t require a large chunk of money. If you know what you are doing, you can develop profitable online courses at no cost whatsoever. Creating successful online courses is like building powerful magnets.

Permissions Level

The Microsoft Community Training management portal provides role-based administration and depending upon the type of access level the administrators can perform an action on the portal.

Option 1 - Create a single course in a category

In this topic, you will learn simple steps to create a single course in the Microsoft Community Training platform. Before executing the below steps, switch to administrator view on the training portal:

Option 2 - Add Course via Content Marketplace

In this topic, you will learn simple steps to Import courses from marketplace in the platform.

Option 3 - Create multiple courses in a category

The easiest way to create courses and upload content in the learning portal is to leverage the Bulk Upload Courses feature. Administrators can save time by creating multiple courses and uploading content at once using the Bulk Upload Courses functionality.

Option 4 - Create multiple translations of a Course

The learning portal allows you to create multiple translations of a course in different languages. Once a course is created within a category via either Option 1 - Create a single course in a category or Option 2 - Create multiple courses in a category, administrators can create its translations.

How long does it take to create a course?

Keep the 10-minute rule in mind, that is, any chapter (containing text, presentation, or video) should take only about 10 minutes for learners to complete.

Can you create a course without software?

Create online courses without any software installation. Courses are adaptable to different devices including laptops, smartphones, and desktops to facilitate ‘anytime’ and ‘anywhere’ accessibility. You can create a course in multiple languages. Configure over 100+ settings to develop secure courses online and provide private or public accessibility.

What is the lesson in Module 1 of Marketing?

Module 1: Marketing. Lesson 1: How to choose the right marketing strategy for your business. Topic 1: Why choose Facebook marketing. By using the modules, lessons, and topics for each new idea, you will create a system that is simple for your learner to follow.

What is the purpose of an outline in a course?

Creating an outline that serves as a guide to the course is useful for both learners as well as for you so you can develop a more effective course .

How long should a microlearning lesson be?

Depending on how far down the path of microlearning you are going, lessons might only need to be a couple of minutes up to 10 to 15 minutes in length. There's not too much content in a 2-minute lesson so you really need to get at the heart of the topic and do so quickly if you're going that route.

What is the best tool to use to outline a project?

These are great, but with most, you will have to manually re-type your ideas into other software to use them later on. However, if you're a visual learner, mind mapping is probably the best tool for you. You can also use Trello or other productivity software to outline and manage your projects.

How long does it take to create an eLearning course?

The idea behind rapid eLearning is where you use every tool and strategy you can to potentially create a course in 2 to 3 weeks instead of taking several months. So within your lessons, outline the exact content you will cover.

Why do you need a script for a video lesson?

You don't want to lose your audience because you are rambling from topic to topic with no clear direction. Outlining will also help with lesson planning.

Why is it important to have an outline?

Having an outline allows you to organize these topics in a way that will make sense to your students. In addition, it prevents you from forgetting to add critical information that is relevant to the topic. Writing out what you plan to cover will also help you generate ideas.
