what was the reason for taking the course traffic ticket

by Salma Weber 4 min read

Traffic School for Tickets and Moving Violations The BDI Course is taken for moving violations — the most common reason drivers take this traffic school course is for speeding tickets to avoid points. Completing Traffic School keeps Safe Driver status and auto insurance rates lower.

Full Answer

Why take a traffic school course?

Traffic school—also known in some states as defensive driving courses—isn't the most popular way to spend your spare time. But there are valuable perks to taking this type of course. From reducing ticket fines to offsetting points from your driving record, it's important to know how traffic school can benefit you as a driver. This is just a general guide—if you need state-specific ...

Should you take traffic school after a traffic ticket?

 · Do not accept a traffic school's claim that it's state-approved without confirming. Upon completing the program, you will receive a course completion certificate. This is your proof. You need to present this to either the court or the DMV (whichever one mandated your traffic school attendance). Some schools directly submit the certificate for you.

Can traffic school help reduce my fines?

 · Traffic School One of the most common reasons for enrolling in traffic school is due to a reckless driving ticket. A basic driver improvement course, traffic collision avoidance course or defensive driving class can be taken at any …

What is elect traffic school and how does it work?

TDLR Approved driving safety course, defensive driving course. A traffic citation can result in increase in your auto insurance. Dismiss your speeding ticket so it does not appear on your driving record for only $25. We offer the lowest price, shortest driving safety course that is accepted by all Texas Courts. Start your course for free.

How long do I have to take traffic school after a ticket in California?

60 daysHow Long Do You Have To Do Traffic School After You Get A Ticket? In California, most courts allow you up to 60 days from the date of payment to the court to complete traffic school. However, some courts may allow 90 days so you should check with your county court to be sure.

What happens if you don't complete traffic school on time in Florida?

Failure to complete a Florida traffic school will result in: You are subsequently adjudicated guilty. The points will be added to your Florida Drivers record and stay there for 3 years. You will be required to return the discounted fine amount to the County.

How much is traffic school for a speeding ticket in Florida?

Approved by the State of Florida in all 67 counties $19.95 is your total cost. When you complete your Florida traffic school course you choose the traffic school certificate delivery method that works with your timeline.

How many times can you go to traffic school in Virginia?

How many safe driving points can I get? According to the Virginia DMV, you can be awarded up to 5 safe driving points once every 24 months for completing a Virginia driver improvement clinic.

How many points does traffic school remove in Florida?

Reckless driving and criminal traffic violations will provide 4 points. Passing stopped school bus will guarantee you 4 points.

How many times can you take traffic school in Florida?

Drivers can choose to attend a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period and no more than five times in a lifetime.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record in Florida?

Avoiding a Traffic Ticket Otherwise, if you received a traffic ticket in Florida, you can expect the violation to be added to your record. According to the Florida DHSMV, citations stay on your record for 10 years, suspensions 7 to 11 years, alcohol-related violations for 75 years, and serious CDL violations 55 years.

How many points is a speeding ticket in Florida?

3 pointsPoints for Common Traffic ViolationsViolationPoint PenaltySpeeding3 pointsCareless driving3 pointsFailure to stop at steady red signal3 pointsToo fast for conditions3 points2 more rows

How long do points stay on your license in FL?

36 monthsPoints stay on your license for a period of 36 months or 3 years. The time begins on the day the driver pays the fine and the citation clears the county. For drivers that opted to go to court and were adjudicated "guilty", the points start on the day all court ordered requirements are satisfied.

How many points does a defensive driving course take off in VA?

Virginia DMV-Ordered Attendance Most Virginia drivers who are DMV ordered to attend a defensive driving course will have received 12 demerit points (negative points) on their driver license within a 12-month period, or 18 points within a 24-month period.

How can I get out of a speeding ticket in Virginia?

There are two ways to get your Virginia speeding ticket dismissed.Find a legal defense with your case.Convince a judge or prosecutor to dismiss your case.

How many points is a speeding ticket in VA?

There are no 1, 2 or 5 point traffic offenses. For example, speeding 0 to 9 mph above the speed limit is a 3-point offense, speeding 10 to 19 mph above the speed limit is a 4 point offense and speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed limit is a 6 point offense.

Consequences of Multiple Tickets in A Short Period of Time

Multiple tickets can cause your insurance premiums to rise substantially. Tickets generally fall into two classifications, non-moving violations an...

How to Remove A Traffic Ticket from Your Driving Record

It is possible to get rid of a traffic ticket by attending traffic school. However by going to traffic school or a defensive driving class you are...

What Kinds of Traffic Citations Can Be Removed With Traffic School?

Each state handles traffic citations uniquely. In general, speeding citations are the ones that will get you into trouble as well as those that cau...

5 Tips to Avoid Getting A Traffic Ticket

Obeying all of the rules of the road certainly will ensure that you never have to contend with a traffic ticket. 1. Learn the rules of the road.Lea...

How to Avoid Points on Your Record For Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is defined as driving to endanger, or with disregard for passengers and other motorists. A speeding ticket can be issued for drivi...

What happens if you don't complete traffic school?

Failing to complete a mandated traffic school program could result in severe repercussions, especially if it was court ordered - judges don't like when their orders are ignored. You could face additional fines, and/or have your drivers license suspended or revoked.

How to play safe in the DMV?

To play it safe, request a list of approved traffic schools from either the court or your DMV. Do not accept a traffic school's claim that it's state-approved without confirming.

Can proof of enrollment be used to dismiss a ticket?

Proof of enrollment may prompt your state to dismiss your traffic ticket, or reduce points on your driving record. In some instances, you may need approval before pursuing on your own. If afforded this option, be sure, as explained above, to enroll in a state-approved course.

Does attending traffic school get you a discount?

Attending traffic school might also earn you a discount on auto insurance. Contact your provider for specifics.

Do you have to go to traffic school?

If the court and/or your Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) orders you to attend traffic school, you will more than likely be required to complete the course within a certain period of time. So you will need to act fast in choosing a program. This is important. In most instances the traffic school you choose must be recognized by the state.

Do you have to go to traffic school for a speeding ticket?

The more severe the violation, the more severe the penalty, which, in some cases, requires mandatory enrollment in traffic school (excessive speeding tickets usually fall into this category).

How to get rid of a traffic ticket?

It is possible to get rid of a traffic ticket by attending traffic school. However by going to traffic school or a defensive driving class you are not guaranteed to erase the fine, as this is highly dependent on the state you live in. It is impossible to completely remove a ticket unless you contest it in court, but traffic school can get rid of the damage it does, preventing your insurance from going up and you being considered a higher risk driver than before.

What happens if you get a traffic ticket in Missouri?

In other words, if you live in Missouri and get a traffic ticket in Colorado, it will end up on your driving record back in Missouri. Non-Resident Violator Compact. Another interstate compact used by most states, the Non-Resident Violator Compact, is used by states to honor the other state's actions.

What is reckless driving?

Reckless driving is defined as driving to endanger, or with disregard for passengers and other motorists. A speeding ticket can be issued for driving over the posted speed limit of any given area, but driving 20 to 30 mph or more over that limit may be considered reckless driving--depending upon the state in which you are issued the ticket. A citation for racing of any kind, a red light ticket or automobile accident resulting in hospitalization or severe property damage can also be considered reckless driving. You may be penalized with fines, jail time and/or be ordered to enroll in and pass a class in traffic school.

What happens if you don't obey traffic laws?

Obey the laws. Obey all traffic laws. This may state the obvious but by always obeying all traffic laws, you can be assured that you will not be cited for any infraction or violation. Good driving should become second nature. If you do not obey the laws most of the time, you will find yourself disobeying the laws more often than not, increasing the chances of being stopped for a violation

What are the laws governing traffic citations?

Most laws governing traffic citations are local, although from time to time the federal government holds jurisdiction over several regulations. Motorists need to follow numerous and different kinds of traffic laws. Aside from fines and tickets, some traffic citations call for traffic school attendance. Types of Traffic Citations.

How to learn the rules of the road?

Learn the rules of the road. Learn all pertinent driving rules of the road. Visit your local department of motor vehicles for their publication on driving laws. Since there are different laws that apply to different types of vehicles, study the particular manual that is pertinent to your particular vehicle. In other words, study the car manual for a car, the motorcycle manual for motorcycles or the truck manual for trucks. Almost all driving laws apply to all vehicles; however, there are some special laws that only apply to certain vehicles. By learning the particular laws, you will know what violations to avoid

Can multiple tickets cause insurance premiums to rise?

Tickets generally fall into two classifications, non-moving violations and moving violations. Although this varies by state, non-moving violations such as a parking ticket or a headlight out will not generally affect your insurance premiums. Be sure you check your state requirements regarding traffic violations, whether moving or non-moving .

How many sections are there in traffic school?

The 8 hour traffic school course is divided into 15 sections. As the name suggests a student must spend a minimum of 8 hours in the course. The course will display a timer and let the student know how much time must be spent in each section and keep track of the time you spend in each section. Like all the courses the student can login and logout on their schedule and use any computer. At the end of each section there is a quiz and at the end of course there is a test.

What is an 8 hour traffic school?

The 8 hour Traffic School is also known as Intermediate Driver Improvement and Defensive Driving. This course is usually taken because of a judge or court order. Some Florida counties allow you to take this course for a second traffic ticket if you have already completed the 4 hour Basic Driver Improvement course in the last 12 months. ...

How long is the DMV traffic school?

4 hours long (DMV Requirement) Users are not required to complete the entire course in one session. The approved traffic school will provide a completion Certificate. Drivers that complete this course avoid points on their driving record.

What do you do when you pay a fine for a non criminal traffic violation?

When you pay your fine for a non criminal traffic violation such as speeding or running a stop sign you must "Elect Traffic" school to avoid points on your driving record.

Who manages traffic school in Florida?

The DMV manages the rules and regulations for traffic school in Florida.

How many times can you take the Florida DMV?

Florida DMV Regulations dictate that a driver may only take the basic driver improvement course 5 times in their life and once in a 12 month period. You can get all the details of past traffic school elections by getting your complete driving record.

Complete At Your Own Pace

Our driving safety course is designed to be entertaining while being informative. You can finish our shortest and easiest course in one sitting of 5 hours or you may choose to logout and come back at your convenience and resume from any device.

Auto Insurance Discount

Taking a defensive driving course will make you a better driver which is a win-win situation for both you and your auto insurance provider. Most auto insurance providers will offer discounts if you complete a state approved defensive driving course.

5 Star Google Reviews

This is so much better than going in person because if you have to leave the page you can and log back in to resume... More

How to notify a driver of a traffic ticket?

Some counties also allow a driver to notify them in person, over the phone, online, or by fax. You should contact the clerk of the court for the county in which you were ticketed to learn their procedures for traffic school election.

What happens if you fail a TCAC course?

Failure to attend a TCAC course can result in cancellation of your Florida driver’s license. If you select this reason for attendance when you register for the BDI course, DTA will report your completion to DHSMV after you successfully complete the course. You will not be required to send anything to DHSMV.

What score do you need to pass the quiz at the end of each unit?

At the end of each unit, you will be required to pass a short quiz. You must score 80% or higher in order to go to the next unit. Each attempt has new questions and you will have an opportunity to review the unit material prior to each attempt.

What is the ticket school number in Florida?

For fastest service, please call our Florida customer support number: 1-800-222-9199. You can also send an e-mail to [email protected]. Our office hours are Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Central Standard Time.

What is Florida traffic school?

Basic Driver Improvement, or Florida traffic school, is a 4-hour defensive driving course that a driver can elect (volunteer) to attend after receiving a Florida traffic ticket (mo ving violation). The benefits of the course are: No points on driving record – Points are not assessed. A notation is placed on the driving record ...

Can I attend traffic school for a Florida ticket?

BDI election is explained in §318.14 (9), Florida Statutes. Per Florida law, CDL holders may not elect to attend traffic school for a Florida ticket, regardless of the type of vehicle they were driving when they were ticketed. However, Florida law permits a driver to contest his or her ticket in court, and judges will sometimes allow the ticketed driver to attend a BDI course for ticket dismissal. A CDL holder who has been given permission by a court to attend this course should select “Court Ordered” as the reason for attendance.

Can you take a course on a mobile device?

Can the course be taken on a mobile device? Yes. This course is “mobile friendly,” meaning that it can be taken on nearly any tablet, smartphone, or other type of mobile device that contains an Internet browser, as well as any desktop or laptop computer.

Why should I take traffic school online?

FL traffic school, also known as the 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course, provides all sorts of benefits for those who have been ticketed for a traffic violation or simply desire a refresher on the rules of the road and defense driving strategies.

Why take an online traffic school course with Improv traffic school?

The FL BDI course www.MyImprov.com provides will greatly reduce the odds of an auto accident as well as traffic tickets. They provide serious material created in an entertaining and engaging way.

Do I have to pay for my ticket before or after taking an online traffic school course?

You must pay your ticket first. However, once you complete your traffic school course it is possible that the ticket will be dismissed or reduced in severity.

Do I need to appear in court before enrolling in online traffic school?

In most instances, you do not have to go to court before enrolling and completing the traffic school course. If your ticket is eligible to be paid online, it might be possible to avoid court. However, some tickets are not eligible to be paid online and must be paid in-person at the court.

What happens after I complete my traffic school course?

Complete the course and submit your traffic school certificate of completion to the clerk of the court. Those who select reasons for attendance outside of Basic Driver improvement such as for Auto Insurance Discount or Business will not have to submit the documentation to a court clerk., but to their auto insurance agent and/or business manager.

How many times can I take online traffic school?

You can complete the traffic school course one time every 12 months while living in the state of Florida. However, you are limited to completing the course five times in your lifetime. If you sign up for FL traffic school and fail the final quiz, do not worry! You will receive unlimited attempts to pass the course.

Why is it important to take a traffic school course in Arizona?

Dismissing traffic tickets by completing a traffic school course is beneficial to Arizona drivers because doing so will keep your motor vehicle record clean, your insurance rates low and will make you a better, safer driver.

Why is my Arizona traffic ticket dismissed?

The reason your Arizona traffic ticket is dismissed after you complete an Arizona defensive driving course is because the program is designed to make you a better driver. The course will teach you defensive driving techniques and refresh your knowledge of Arizona traffic laws.

How to dismiss a traffic ticket in Arizona?

So you got an Arizona traffic ticket? No big deal; we've all been there before. Now that you have the citation you are probably wondering: what's next? Well, you have a few options here: 1 Pay the fine. 2 Attend an Arizona traffic school to dismiss ticket. 3 Fight the ticket.

What happens if you get too many points in Arizona?

Too many points can cause you to lose your driving privileges. The state of Arizona has a Driver Improvement program in place. If you accumulate more than 8 points in a 12 month period you may be required to attend a special Traffic Survival School or even have your license suspended.

How long is the Arizona defensive driving course?

The benefits of completing an Arizona defensive driving course (also referred to as traffic school) when you receive a traffic ticket are huge compared to the short, 4½ hour online course you need to complete to do so. Register Now to reap the rewards of our easy, interactive course!


4 Hour Traffic School - How It Works

  • The 4 Hour Traffic School course is organized into sections or modules and each section has a required amount of time but you can take as long as you like. When you finish all the sections you will take the final test and you must get at least 80% to pass. You have 3 chances to pass the test. If you do not pass the final test you will have to signup again for the course but there is no charg…
See more on dmvflorida.org

8 Hour Intermediate Traffic School - How It Works

  • The 8 hour traffic school courseis divided into 15 sections. As the name suggests a student must spend a minimum of 8 hours in the course. The course will display a timer and let the student know how much time must be spent in each section and keep track of the time you spend in each section. Like all the courses the student can login and logout on their schedule and use any com…
See more on dmvflorida.org

12 Hour Traffic School - How It Works

  • The 12 Hour Traffic Schoolcourse also called ADI (Advanced Driver Improvement) is commonly by drivers that have had their license suspended. By registering for the 12 hour traffic school course students can apply for a hardship license. The 12 hours of the course cannot be completed in one day - the fastest a student can complete the course is over...
See more on dmvflorida.org