how to create a continuing education course for nurses

by Miss Cheyanne Sanford Sr. 4 min read

To qualify as continuing education for nurses, CE must be designed and delivered by qualified organizations. You can find CE opportunities through professional associations, nursing schools, course directories, or peer-reviewed publications. The right CE for you depends on your work focus and career goals.

Full Answer

What types of continuing education are required for nurses?

Many states require licensed nurses to complete continuing education courses in order to renew their licenses. This = opportunities for you to: 1. EXPAND your leadership skills 2. POSITION yourself as an authority in your niche 3. MONETIZE your income. How to Get Clear on Your Strengths and Expertise

What college courses can help to become a nurse?

To understand the tone, style, and format of some CE courses, go to our courses page or and review a few of them. If you are interested in being considered as a SME, complete our SME Submission Form by clicking here. The form will ask for basic contact information and information about your areas of expertise.

Which states require continuing education for nurses?

Jul 15, 2021 · To qualify as continuing education for nurses, CE must be designed and delivered by qualified organizations. You can find CE opportunities through professional associations, nursing schools, course directories, or peer-reviewed publications. The right CE for you depends on your work focus and career goals.

Why do nurses need continuing education?

• Enter into an agreement with an existing CE Provider to co-sponsor your activity. • Request approval for a single activity through your state nurses association or regional CE Provider. • Become an approved CE Provider through your state board of nursing, state nurses association, a national nurses association or, in some cases, the ANCC itself.

How do you write a continuing education course?

The following are eight guiding steps to initiate a training and development program.Determine Needs. If programs are going to be effective, they must meet the needs of participants. ... Set Objectives. ... Determine Content. ... Select Participants. ... Set a Schedule. ... Select Facilities. ... Select Instructors. ... Coordinate the Program.Jan 16, 2020

How do nurses keep track of CEUS?

How do you keep track of CEU hours? It is a nurse's responsibility to keep track of CEU hours and submit proof of completion to the state for license renewal. This can be done using a spreadsheet, mobile application, or by using tools offered by CEU providers.

How do I become a CEU provider in Florida?

RequirementsComplete an application with fee through three sample courses and an instructor for each.Submit Course Offering Data Form B for each course.Submit a sample certificate of completion for each course.Submit Instructor Qualifications Form C.

How do I become a CE provider in California?

AOD Counselors in California are required to obtain 40 TAP 21-related continuing education hours every 2 years (9 of those must be in addiction-specific Laws and Ethics). CEU Providers should be CAADE approved. Providers receive a link on the CAADE website.

What is meant by continuing education?

Continuing education is the source through which you can continue going to the long path of improvement. People get this education with the aim of becoming better professionals. Also, in an environment as competitive as the current one, companies look for qualified candidates.

What kinds of mobile apps are there for tracking respiratory care continuing education units?

You've got a lot on your plate, so let us take tracking your CE courses off your hands....5 Top CE tracking apps and online toolsCE App. ✓ Free CE App signup without limitations. ... ce broker. ... CE Zoom. ... Doximity CME. ... Ethos CE.Jun 24, 2019

How many CEUs do Florida Nurses need?

24 hoursLicensed Practical Nurses, Registered Nurses, and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses are required to complete 24 hours of appropriate CE during each renewal period, including two (2) hours relating to prevention of medical errors, two (2) hours in Laws and Rules in Nursing, (2) hours in Human Trafficking, and (2) ...

How do I check my CE credits in Florida?

To find out your CE requirement and your CE status, please go to Click on My Profile, log in, and click on CE Status. Contact the department at 850-413-3137 if you have questions regarding your requirement.

Does the BBS accept Ce4Less?

Ce4Less is a CA BBS provider. As of January 1, 2015, the CA BBS will no longer issue continuing education providers CA BBS provider numbers. Instead, the board will accept continuing education courses from a provider who has been approved or registered by a board recognized approval agency.

Does ACLS count as CEU in California?

ACLS certification course is approved for 8 CEU/CME contact hours; ACLS recertification course is approved for 4 CEU/CME contact hours.Aug 22, 2020

Can LPCC join Camft?

A CAMFT-approved provider can offer CE to California LMFT's, LCSW's, LPCC's and LEP's, as long as the course is related to the licensee's scope of practice.

How can I get free nursing CE?

You can get free continuing education for nurses from a variety of providers, including schools of nursing, associations, government organizations,...

What counts as continuing education units (CEUs) for nurses?

CEUs must be accredited by a recognized accreditor, such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or the American Association of Nurse Pr...

What is the difference between contact hours, continuing medical education (CME), and CEUs?

CME and CEUs are equivalents; one CME is the same as one contact hour. However, one CEU is made of 10 contact hours. Be sure to review the course d...

How can I get CEUs fast?

Online, asynchronous (you can take at any time) courses are usually the fastest way to meet continuing education requirements for nurses if you're...

How many hours of continuing education for nurses? provides a variety of free continuing education courses for nurses on career topics and nursing practice. Most offer one or 1.5 hours of credit.

Why is continuing education important for nurses?

Continuing education can also help you develop your skills for your next career move.

What is CE in nursing?

To qualify as continuing education (CE) for nurses, courses, conferences, or professional literature must be designed and delivered by qualified organizations, such as professional associations, specialized companies, colleges or universities, or peer-reviewed journals. The right CE for you will depend on your work focus and career goals.

What is CEU accreditation?

Like nursing school accreditation, CEU accreditation confirms that continuing education courses for nurses provide reliable evidence-based information and are delivered in an appropriate format. You can find accredited programs from directories like the American Nurses Credentialing Center or by going to a provider you know, such as a professional association, and checking which of their courses meet continuing education requirements for nurses.

How many hours are in a CEU?

CME and CEUs are equivalents; one CME is the same as one contact hour. However, one CEU is made of 10 contact hours. Be sure to review the course descriptions for continuing education courses for nurses to be sure which they offer.

Who is Brandy Gleason?

Brandy Gleason. Brandy Gleason is a nursing professional with nearly twenty years of varied nursing experience. Gleason currently teaches as an assistant professor of nursing within a prelicensure nursing program and coaches graduate students.

What is continuing education in nursing?

The ANCC defines continuing education as "systematic professional learning experiences designed to augment the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nurses and therefore enrich the nurses' contributions to quality health care and their pursuit of professional career goals.".

How to get CE approval?

Although requirements vary by state, there are generally three ways to obtain approval for your CE: • Enter into an agreement with an existing CE Provider to co-sponsor your activity. Request approval for a single activity through your state nurses association or regional CE Provider.

What is a nurse's responsibility?

A nurse is responsible--ethically and statutorily--for her continued competence and professional growth. As a Continuing Education (CE) Provider, you will be similarly obligated to promote safe nursing practices and protect the public by developing and presenting quality, research-based educational activities.

What is the ANCC?

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) is recognized as the national authority for accreditation and has the information you will need, including criteria for approval and contact information for other CE Approvers.

What are the barriers to CPD in nursing?

However, evidence from the review suggests and confirms, that the greatest barriers for CPD in nursing are a lack of funding and time to participate in CPD activities, which are clearly related to organisation structure. It is difficult to envisage how such conditions could be conducive for nurse CPD to flourish.

What is CPD in nursing?

Continuing professional development (CPD) is central to nurses’ lifelong learning and constitutes a vital aspect for keeping nurses’ knowledge and skills up-to-date . While we know about the need for nurses’ continuing professional development, less is known about how nurses experience and perceive continuing professional development.

Why is CPD important in nursing?

Furthermore, it suggests that nurses are motivated to take part in CPD to enhance their knowledge, improve skills and keep up- to -date with recent evidence.

What is mandatory CPD?

Mandatory CPD, refers to “… the process of ongoing education and development of healthcare professionals, from initial qualifying education and for the duration of professional life, in order to maintain competence to practice and increase professional proficiency and expertise ” ([6], p.1).

What is the role of the HEE?

Its mandate was to equip the NHS (National Health Service) workforce, including nurses with appropriate knowledge and skills to deliver high standard care to patients. The HEE’s role was to support workforce development by providing funding largely for nurses’ CPD.

What is metasynthesis used for?

The results from metasynthesis studies may be used to underpin and inform healthcare policy, nursing practice and patient care. Furthermore, such information can be utilised by health care professionals involved in nursing education to inform planning and designing of training and educational programs.

What is informal learning?

Informal learning is often volitional and is largely initiated and controlled by individual nurses with the intention to develop their knowledge and skills [16–18]. Due to its unstructured and, at times, unintentional manner, such learning is often acquired during interactions with colleagues and patients [19].
