how to convert short course times to long course

by Levi Langosh 7 min read

When entering Long Course (50m pool) events entry times must be Long Course times. If your swimmer does not have a Long Course time for an event they wish to enter and a converted time can be used you can convert a swimmer's Short Course (25m pool) time. There are a number of tools you can use to do this but one of the most used is Pullbouy.

Full Answer

How do you convert short to long course time?

  • The type of turn performed (flip versus touch). A flip turn is performed much more quickly than a touch turn, and so will lead to a larger advantage. ...
  • the pushoff and first 3-4 metres. This is the fastest part of the length, and for each person is pretty much constant for all strokes
  • the difference between underwater kicking speed and swimming speed. ...

How long will it take to complete the course?

Regardless of the method of instruction, the course will typically last at least two hours. If you attend the course in person, an instructor will provide you with course materials and teach you in a class setting.

How long does it take to complete course?

How long does it take to complete a course? The time it takes to complete a course is dependent on the student’s ability to dedicate their full attention to the video content. The more focused you are while watching the training video, the quicker you will be able to recall the information required to complete the quiz.

How long do I have to complete the course?

Due to NYSDMV regulations, you must complete the New York 5-Hour Online Pre-Licensing Course within 30 calendar days of registering for the course.

How do you convert LCM to SCM?

To convert from LCM to SCM, use the Men's 200 meter freestyle conversion factor of 0.865 and the All other events conversion factor of 0.896. Biedermann's long course meter world record time for the 200 freestyle equates to 1:38.47 in short course meters.

How do you convert yard times to meters?

To convert yards to meters, all you need to do is multiply the length in yards by 0.9144. For instance, to find the length of 50 yards in meters, multiply 50 by 0.9144 to get 45.72 meters.

What is a converted swim time?

Unlike conversion from one distance to another, which is precise, a time conversion estimates the time it would take a swimmer to swim a specific distance based on that swimmer's previous time swimming the same stroke over a different distance.

What is SCY in swimming?

Short course yards is generally abbreviated as "SCY" to differentiate it from short course meters (SCM). The US national federations, USA Swimming and U.S. Masters Swimming, both maintain SCY USA records, FINA does not currently recognize records set in SCY, but does recognize/keep SCM records.

Is 25 yards the same as 25 meters?

25 meter long pools are slightly longer than 25 yard pools and are primarily used in international competitions. To differentiate between pool sizes for swimming times, here are the three different types of competitive swimming pools: Long course meters, or LCMs, for 50 meter pools.

Is 1 yard the same as 1 meter?

Answer: The difference between meter and yard is that the meter is a SI unit of length and a yard is a unit of length. Also, 1 meter is about 1.09 yards.

What are LCM vs SCM?

Race results from a short course meter pool (SCM) are faster than from a long course meter pool (LCM). The turn makes a difference whether the pool is meters or yards. A short course pool performance will be faster than a long course pool performance at any championship level meet, and at almost all other meets, too.

How far is 40 laps in a pool?

25 Yard pool (Short Course)MilesYardsLaps½ mileabout 800 yards16 Laps1 mile (Olympic Distance)about 1700 yards34 Laps1.2 miles (Half Ironman Distance)about 2000 yards40 Laps2.4 miles (Ironman Distance)about 4000 yards80 Laps4 more rows•Apr 29, 2020

What times are normal for swimmers my age?

Average 1 mile swim time by age and abilityAgeBeginnerAdvanced3551:2927:324052:3328:064554:2629:075057:1430:3713 more rows

What is the slowest Olympic swim stroke?

Breaststroke is the slowest of the four official styles in competitive swimming.

How long is a short course?

Short courses can be taken at various institutions, but there is no set definition of how long a short course is. Short courses are designed to be more intensive than a regular degree, and can last anywhere from one month to two years.

Why is short course faster than long course?

Short course is significantly faster than long course swimming because of the turns! Each turn does two things: 1) increases speed, and 2) allows for a period of inactivity. Pushing off the wall is much faster than swimming any stroke (including underwater dolphin kick).

Long course to short course

Use the form below to select the appropriate conversion, event and your gender, enter your time and click the appropriate button to carry out the conversion.

All Pool Lengths

Use the form below to select the appropriate pool lengths to convert from and to and event, enter your time and click to carry out the conversion.

How to convert a 50 meter pool to a 25 yard pool?

To convert a time from a 50 meter pool to a 25 yard pool (LCM to SCY), multiply the time by the appropriate swimming conversion factor from the LCM table.

What is a conversion factor in swimming?

Consequently, conversion factors allow swimmers to convert their times between short course meters, long course meters, and short course yards. It just takes a bit of math; but don’t worry, this post will guide you through the simple steps of converting your swimming times from one pool to another.

How fast is Katie Ledecky in the 200 meter freestyle?

For example, Katie Ledecky swam the 200 freestyle in 1:41.55 in a short course yard pool which is a USA high school national record. To convert from SCY to LCM, we use the Women’s 200 meter freestyle conversion factor of 0.874.

How to convert SCY to SCM?

To convert from SCY to SCM, use the 400 meters to 500 yards conversion factor of 1.143.

How long is the fastest 50 freestyle swim?

For example, Florent Manaudou swam the world’s fastest 50 freestyle in a short course meter pool with a time of 20.26 seconds. To convert from SCM to SCY, use the All other events conversion factor of 0.896.

What is the world record for 200 IM?

Lochte’s short course meter world record time for the 200 individual medley equates to 1:54.61 in long course meters. As a comparison, Lochte also holds the world record for the 200 IM in long course meters with a time of 1:54.00.

Can you convert long course meters to short course meters?

Although the NCAA doesn’t specify how to convert long course meters to short course meters, the same swimming conversion factors can be used to accomplish this.
