how to complete an online course

by Cleveland Schinner 3 min read

Time Management Tips To Complete An Online Course

  • Make a study plan. Set fixed times during the week to work on the course. ...
  • Get rid of distractors. That may mean closing the door to keep family members away, going to a café, turning off your cell phone, not opening your email program, or ...
  • Set goals and incentives. Give yourself, or have someone give you, incentives for completing a module or assignment within a certain time period.
  • Be mindful. As you “do” your course, focus on what you are doing and push away distractions. ...
  • Ask for help. If you are struggling, don’t understand or feel really lost, always ask for help—from your partner, your colleagues in the course (assuming it’s a cohort-based online course) ...

manage time over in order to successfully complete an online course:
  1. Make the course a priority. ...
  2. Take the course with a friend or colleague. ...
  3. Set aside one hour a day to work on the course. ...
  4. Make a study plan. ...
  5. Make a calendar or schedule. ...
  6. Get rid of distractors. ...
  7. Set goals and incentives.
May 4, 2015

Full Answer

What is the best way to take an online course?

A Guide for Students. Select a course from the Course Catalog. Confirm with your counselor that your school will accept the course credit. Register for the course online, over the phone, or in person. Be sure to identify your school when registering. Access the course through our …

How fast can I complete an online course?

What are the pros and cons of taking online classes?

What are good classes to take online?

How do I complete my course?

Eight Ways to Finish Your CourseHave a WHY: ... Don't spend too much time choosing your course: ... Spend your time working through the course, not just thinking about it: ... Make it a habit: ... Time management: ... Get organised with paper, writing equipment etc: ... Think of the small steps and break it down into pieces:More items...•Jul 15, 2020

How fast can you finish an online course?

The length of online classes varies. Some can be completed in as little as five weeks, while others take longer. On average, online courses last eight to nine weeks, especially those offered through universities.

Can you cheat online classes?

Online Universities Don't Mind Cheating But this is a myth. All online schools have their own ethics and standards that are in line with those of traditional academic institutions.

How many hours should an online course be?

How much study time should I plan for when taking an online course? You should plan to devote a minimum of three hours per week per credit, plus an additional hour per class each week to review materials.

How to get better at a course?

Set personal learning and time goals. Give yourself a treat when you’ve finished a module or a discussion (but don’t reward yourself when you haven’t!). Jump ahead and do what you can when you can. In terms of workload, most courses start out light and become increasingly more involved each week.

What are the challenges of online learning?

One of the biggest challenges faced by online learners is managing time and carving out enough time and space to complete the requirements of their online course or program. When learners don’t manage time well—when they put off all the readings, discussions and learning activities off until the last moment—they invariably fall behind ...

Is online learning lonely?

Online learning has been described as "a lonely experience.". Make it less lonely- and increase your chances of both completing the course and managing time well- by seeing if a friend or spouse will take the course with you. This may or may not be for credit and his/her role may be more informal than formal.

What are the benefits of being a mentor?

A major benefit of a mentor is you can reach out to them when you are stuck, don’t know where to turn or have any struggles. They are not there to do the work for you but help you know what you need to do to move forward. Find a mentor, get a mentor, be kind to your mentor.

Is it hard to study online?

But it’s totally doable! Obviously, your initial drive is EVERYTHING. If you’re not fully committed to making it work or if you don’t believe that you can do it, then it won’t happen. But we all go through ups and downs.


Tip 1 – Set Smaller Goals

  • Goals, goals, goals… They cannot be over emphasized. At the start of each week, I have a main goal I would like to accomplish by the end of the week. I write it down and put it somewhere I can see every day. The weekly goal is great but does not end there. Each morning, I take a few minutes to review the current situation. What do I want to accomplish today? It is important that …
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Tip 2 – Set Up A Timetable

  • Just having goals is not enough. When will you do the work? If you don’t plan it out, it won’t happen. I’m not calling anyone lazy, but things will always come up to distract you from your school: work, spending time with family/friends or the even more subtle distractions…your smartphone. Those are not bad, but if you don’t set a time each day where you can work on your …
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Tip 3 – Find A Study Buddy

  • Think about how you’ll be accountable for your studying? Having other students learning along with you is a great way. It is one of the ways in-person schools can be effective. That does not mean online schooling is doomed. Finding people going through the same struggles as you, and those who have gotten past that point can have a powerful motivating effect. Get involved in wh…
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Tip 4 – Find A Mentor

  • How well does a football (soccer) team perform without a coach? How about with an experienced coach helping guide them? If your online schooling does not have a mentorship program, I highly recommend finding someone who is willing to help mentor you. Your mentor was not born with the knowledge they have now, they had to learn it, they had to go through the struggles. They kn…
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Tip 5 – Reward Yourself

  • The first point of this was to make small goals, what do you do when you are getting your goals checked off? How about after a week of study that went well, or after you complete that large project that was looming over you for weeks? It is important that you reward yourself in a balanced and healthy way. Go out with friends, go to the movies, treat yourself as a reward. You …
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Tip 6 – Take Care of Your Health

  • Imagine two athletes, one is well rested and eats balanced food, the second gets little sleep and lives off caffeine and sugar. Which one will consistently perform better and maintain the regime goes without saying. When you are learning this new material, you are using one critical part of your body… your brain! Getting enough sleep at night, and drinking enough water and balanced f…
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