how to clean house over the course of a week

by Brooklyn Stoltenberg 6 min read

How to clean the whole house in a week?

Oct 05, 2011 · Let the bleach water sit at least until the water cools while you sweep the floors, or longer. Wearing dish gloves reach in and remove plug removal and let water drain. Fill the sink with clean water and drain it again to rinse away bleach residue before using any further cleaners. Lastly, then sweep and mop the floor.

How do you clean your house when you are on vacation?

Oct 05, 2020 · Timed Sessions: Decide which days you'll clean and for how long, such as 30 minutes. Set a timer, and start at the top of your list. Clean until the timer dings. On your next scheduled cleaning day, pick up where you left off. Repeat. A Room (or Two) a Day: Decide how many days you'll clean.

How do I schedule a cleaning session?

May 03, 2016 · So, when life gets crazy, and despite your best efforts, you can’t vacuum the whole house, vacuum what you can and do the rest next week. Do what you can. Dust what you can. If you are sick or on vacation, or working on a huge project that is taking all of your focus, then maybe dusting or whatever chore isn’t going to happen at all today.

How to make a deep cleaning schedule for Your House?

Nov 08, 2013 · Go from one side of the house to the other. Instead of focusing on one single room until it’s clean, do each specific task (such as dusting) individually and perform it upon the entire house. Use a caddy. Put all of your cleaning solutions, brushes, sponges, rags, and other small items in a caddy.

How do I clean my house in 7 days?

How To Deep Clean Your Home In 7 DaysDay 1: Declutter every room. ... Day 2: Purge closets. ... Day 3: Switch out seasonal items if applicable. ... Day 4: Clean the higher items. ... Day 5: Clean the lower items. ... Day 6: Clean the bathrooms and kitchen. ... Day 7: Do the finishing touches.Dec 17, 2016

How can I clean my whole house in a week?

Simple System for Deep Cleaning Your Home in Under One Week:Monday – We shall attack the windows and blinds first. ... Tuesday – Next are the lights and ceiling fans. ... Wednesday – Bathroom time. ... Thursday – Kitchens require extra time due to grease. ... Friday – Bedrooms. ... Saturday – Baseboards and floors. ... Sunday – Rest well.Aug 18, 2020

How do you clean a messy house in a week?

To clean your kitchen:Go room-to-room and gather dirty dishes from anywhere in the house.Throw away anything too overwhelming (if you are completely overwhelmed, this may be what you need to stay sane)Rinse and load dishes in dishwasher.Start dishwasher.Clear surfaces as best you can quickly.Wipe down surfaces.More items...•Sep 2, 2021

How do I make my weekly house cleaning schedule?

How To Make A Daily Cleaning ScheduleMonday: Clean the Bathrooms. ... Tuesday: Dust and Vacuum Common Areas. ... Wednesday: Scrub the Kitchen. ... Thursday: Tidy Your Entryway and Bedrooms. ... Friday: Clear the Clutter from Your Mind.

How do you clean a house that is spotless?

Weekly Cleaning RoutineVacuum the visible floor and dust furniture. ... Clean the shower, bath and toilet.Clean your bathroom and hallway mirrors.Clean and disinfect the stove, the fridge and the sink.Take out the trash.Wash the linens and kitchen cloths.Sweep your porch and do some garden maintenance.Jun 7, 2016

How do professionals clean a house checklist?

A typical premium house cleaning checklist looks like this:Vacuuming carpets and floors.Sweeping and mopping floors.Emptying trash.High and low dusting.Cleaning door handles and light fixtures.Dusting windows, window sills and ledges.Changing linen (often as an additional service)More items...•Jan 29, 2019

How do you start cleaning when you are overwhelmed?

Where to Begin When You're Overwhelmed by Clutter and Mess:Take care of time sensitive issues. Check for any appointments or activities you may have forgotten. ... Focus on food and clothes first. ... Make a simple morning routine. ... Make a simple afternoon and evening routine. ... Choose one special task to do each day.

What is the fastest way to clean a big mess?

Establish a daily cleaning routine/scheduleMake beds.Wash dishes/unload or load dishwasher.Empty trash for kitchen and bathrooms.Wipe down counters and table.Put everything away (give it a “home” if it doesn't have one)Sweep and vacuum.Put a load of laundry away and start another if needed.

What is the fastest way to clean a super messy room?

How To Clean a Messy RoomThrow away any trash. ... Put away items that obviously do not belong in the room. ... Put away anything that can be take care of quickly. ... Moving around the room, clean small sections at a time. ... Clean up at the end of cleaning up.

How can I keep my house clean with a busy schedule?

How to Keep Your Home Clean with a Busy SchedulePrioritise.Divide Tasks into Daily Habits and Weekly Chores.Put Things Away as Soon as You Use Them.Clean More Frequently.Micro Clean When You Can.Take Off Your Shoes.Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy.Clean One Room at a Time, and Stay There.More items...•Sep 30, 2020

What housework should be done daily?

Daily Chores Sweeping and mopping the floor. Vacuuming the rugs and carpet. Washing dishes and kitchenware. Cleaning and disinfecting the kitchen area.Aug 1, 2020

What should be cleaned daily?

10 Things You Should Always Clean Every Day (Without Question)Sponges. We love a good sponge to wipe, absorb, and eliminate spills on all hard surfaces. ... Dishes. ... Kitchen Counters. ... Dining Room Table. ... Bathroom Counters. ... Computer Keyboard. ... Keys. ... Remote controls.More items...

How to keep your house clean?

Part two in a four part series in how to clean your house and keep it clean. Part two covers weekly cleaning routines. Using this method , you’ll get your house clean without back-breaking effort. Remember, the more often you clean, the less build up you’ll have. So the first few times, may take you a little longer, but eventually you be able to run thru this weekly list in no time.

How do I clean a bathroom floor?

Bathrooms: First, spray cleanser on the shower doors and walls, tub and sink, and in the toilet to start loosening dirt. Then use the same top-to-bottom, left-to-right system. Like the kitchen, remove all counter clutter to wipe down counter .

How to clean a mirror?

Clean mirrors with the glass cleaner and a fresh cloth. When you’ve finished all the rooms on a floor, vacuum, starting farthest from the door in each room and vacuuming your way out. Try sprinkling carpet with baking soda to freshen and deodorize carpets naturally.

How do I clean a stainless steel kitchen sink?

Clean the kitchen sink next, if you have a stainless steel sink, I like to use Barkeeper’s Friend or clean it with bleach: Run a sink full of hot tap water. When it’s about halfway full, carefully pour in one cup of bleach. Let the bleach water sit at least until the water cools while you sweep the floors, or longer.

How to clean a closet?

Day 2: Bedroom and closet 1 Pull out clothing that doesn’t fit or you don’t wear. 2 Take out items that don’t belong in the closet. 3 Wipe down any dust in the closet. 4 Tidy hanging clothes, drawers and shelves. 5 Remove things that don’t belong in the bedroom (suitcases, kids’ stuff, projects …). 6 Dust dressers, shelves, picture frames in the bedroom. 7 Put fresh linens on the bed. 8 Extra credit: Mend any clothing with holes or missing buttons.

How to clean a kitchen table?

Wipe down oven and stovetop. Wipe down inside and outside of fridge. Wash front of cabinets. Heat bowl of vinegar and half a lemon in the microwave 10 minutes, clean inside and out. Wipe down kitchen table.

How to clean cat litter?

Clean out cat litter/pet areas. Take out all the trash and wipe down the trash cans before putting new bags in. Tidy up / put things away. Last 5 – 20 minutes: Your weekly clean must-have (Like sweeping, vacuuming, dusting or scrubbing anything in any room that you prefer doing on a weekly basis.)

Who is Adrienne Breaux?

Adrienne Breaux. House Tour Editor. Adrienne loves architecture, design, cats, science fiction and watching Star Trek. In the past 10 years she's called home: a van, a former downtown store in small town Texas and a studio apartment rumored to have once been owned by Willie Nelson. Follow Adrienne.

How many children does Shifrah have?

Shifrah Combiths. Contributor. With five children, Shifrah is learning a thing or two about how to keep a fairly organized and pretty clean house with a grateful heart in a way that leaves plenty of time for the people who matter most.

Can you store cleaning supplies in a caddy?

For instance, you might store a whole set of cleaning supplies in a portable caddy you can bring from room to room. Bonus tip: You can clean more and even faster if someone’s helping you. Second, you have to commit to performing a few tasks every day that aren’t part of your “cleaning routine.”.

How to keep your home clean?

The simplest way to keep your home reliably clean? Stick to a cleaning schedule. It's not as daunting as it sounds. In fact, when set up correctly, it's quite the opposite. "A whole-home cleaning schedule allows you to feel less stressed because you know that neat and tidy isn't ever too far out of reach," says Aby Garvey, organizing and productivity expert at Simplify 101. "If you notice dusty bookcases on Tuesday, for example, and you know that Wednesday is your cleaning day, it's a lot less unsettling than if you have no idea when you'll get around to cleaning again."

How to deep clean a house?

First, you'll need to set up a cleaning routine that notes exactly what must happen for you to have a nice, clean home. Grab a writing instrument and a clipboard. Get ready to walk through your space, room by room, taking a realistic inventory of the areas and tasks that will make up your deep-cleaning house schedule. 2 of 12.

What to do after a month of practice?

After your practice month is over, analyze how things went. Identify what worked and what didn't. If your cleaning schedule didn't quite work out the first time, make this your mantra: "I did not fail the schedule; the schedule failed me." Replace the tactics that didn't work with new ones for the following month. Continue reevaluating monthly until you hit upon a cleaning schedule you can keep.

How to avoid overwhelming yourself?

To avoid overwhelming yourself, limit time spent in each room and plan to simply pick up where you left off next time. Keep in mind that it will get easier. Like anything, it takes practice before a new home cleaning schedule will function smoothly. 9 of 12.

How to schedule a cleaning appointment?

Schedule cleaning appointments. Mark them on your calendar until they become an automatic part of your routine. Cut yourself slack. If you find you can't finish your cleaning tasks on a scheduled day, don't stress. Either complete an abbreviated, prioritized cleaning session or reschedule for a different day.

Is cleaning your home a chore?

Cleaning your home doesn't have to be a daunting, time-consuming chore. The key to managing household duties quickly and efficiently is to design an easy-to-follow routine that includes all the most important tasks. Follow these step-by-step instructions for creating a customized whole-home cleaning schedule.

What are some examples of urgency?

Examples: A few leaves brought in from the yard = not urgent. A pile of pee from a potty-training toddler = urgent (don’t be jealous).

Is laundry a separate beast?

Laundry is a separate beast than cleaning, except it kind of isn’t. You can’t ignore it, or just keep moving piles around. Now is the time to conquer it too. For more info on making sense of Laundry – Read Beyond Killing the Laundry Monster. I’ve added laundry to the cleaning routine because it really only makes sense to look at it as a unified package. I could separate it out … but then I’d just keep trying to look at two lists trying to put it back together again, wouldn’t you?

How do I clean a house?

Before I delve into my actual system, here are a few tips I have found very helpful when cleaning the house: 1 Work from top to bottom and back to front. This way, any dirt, dust, crumbs, or whatever that falls from above or the back will be cleaned up as you work your way down and out. 2 Start at a doorway and work in a circle around the room. You can go clockwise or counter clockwise, it doesn’t necessarily matter which direction, just work in a circle with each task. 3 Go from one side of the house to the other. Instead of focusing on one single room until it’s clean, do each specific task (such as dusting) individually and perform it upon the entire house. 4 Use a caddy. Put all of your cleaning solutions, brushes, sponges, rags, and other small items in a caddy. This way, they can be easily carried from one room to the next.

How to clean a flat surface?

Flat surfaces. Spray all-purpose cleaner on every flat surface (counter tops, tables, side tables, etc.) in the house, working from one end of the house to the other. Leave the cleaner on the surfaces until you’ve gone through the whole house, then come back to the first place you sprayed and wipe it up.

How long should I let toilet cleaner sit?

Squirt about 1/2 cup of toilet cleaner under the lip and into the bowl of all the toilets and let it sit for about an hour (I go about the next few steps before returning to the toilets). Tidy. Take a basket, crate, bin, or some other container and a waste basket or a trash bag and go through every room in the house.

Add Cleaning Tasks to Your Daily Routines

My housecleaner only comes once every two weeks. But I want my house to be “company ready” all the time. This means that my old habit of “run around like a mad woman the night before the cleaning lady comes” doesn’t really give me the results I’m looking for.

Develop (and Teach) Habits to Keep Things Manageable

When you create habits for certain tasks you don’t have to put much thought and effort into getting it done, you just do it because that’s what you do. I have a habit of running at least a mile every single day. It’s not because I love running so much that I can’t live a day without it.

Schedule the Deep Cleaning

If you set up systems and routines to regularly keep your house picked up and in order, and everyone works together to develop habits to clean up all the little messes along the way, then all you have left is the deep cleaning. Here are some tips on that.

Where to Start in Keeping Your House Clean as a Working Mom

I can’t give you the exact recipe and steps for your particular house and your unique family and your specific schedule. However, when we create systems and habits and plans then things become a whole lot easier.

Additional Resources

If you need more help creating routines that work for you, I highly recommend Crystal Paine’s courses on Make Over Your Mornings and Make Over Your Evenings. These can be life-changing.
