how to cite something from a course reader chicago style

by Sincere Parisian 8 min read

Chicago Style
Locate the same information as you would for the APA style: the year the reader was first published and the course instructor who published it. Cite your source in the text thus: (Author course reader publication date, course reader page).

How do you cite a class reading?

The MLA in-text citation just lists the speaker's last name. Speaker last name, First name. “Lecture Title.” Course or Event Name, Day Month Year, Institution, Location.Mar 19, 2021

How do you cite an online course in Chicago?

Instructor's LastName, FirstName. "Title or Subject of Presentation." Course notes for CourseNumber CourseName, CollegeName, Location, Date. URL.Mar 10, 2022

How do you cite text in a reader?

The most straightforward method is to include the author's (or authors') last name and the page number(s) following the quotation, idea, or fact you are citing. Example: There is not a strong correlation between a high GPA and students who began reading at an early age (Kahneman & Klein, 2009).Jan 28, 2020

How do you cite a Coursepack?

Include the author of the material, the year of the course pack, the title of the material, the instructor's name (as editor), and the title of the course pack. Follow this format: Name, A. (Date).Mar 3, 2022

How do I cite an online course?

Online courses, including Moocs, can be cited by providing the instructors, year of course creation (if known), title of the course, site that hosts the course, and URL.

How do you cite an online learning module?

If you are providing an in-text reference to an online module text, you will need to provide the year of module start, instead of the year of publication. For example: Author (year of module start), or (Author, year of module start). comma) • The module code, block number and title (in italics).

How do you cite in-text citations?

The in-text citation consists of author surname(s)/family name(s), in the order that they appear on the actual publication, followed by the year of publication of the source that you are citing. For direct quotes, make sure to include page or paragraph number. eg. (Weston, 1988, p.Apr 13, 2022

How do you do citations?

When using APA format, follow the author-date method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, like, for example, (Jones, 1998). One complete reference for each source should appear in the reference list at the end of the paper.

How do you cite a reading packet?

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Course Pack, edited by Instructor's First Name Last Name, Douglas College, Publication Date, pp. xx-xx.Mar 23, 2022

How do you cite a course material?

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of document. In A. Instructor (Ed.), Course number: Course title (pp.

How do I cite notes from a class?

Basic format to reference lecture notesAuthor or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.Year.Title (in italics).Description of format.Unit name and Unit code.University.Date lecture was delivered.Mar 31, 2022

How do you reference course material?

References: Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Unit code Title of the study guide: subtitle, edn (if applicable). University Name, Place. Author Surname, Initial(s) Year, Unit code Title of the study guide: subtitle, edn, rev.Jan 27, 2022

Can you use course materials as a source?

Course materials should generally not be used as a source for assignments. Try and find another source which makes a similar point to your course materials instead of using it as a source.

Can you cite a Brightspace book if you don't see the author?

If the audience can access the sources in Brightspace or other online learning system, you will cite according to the type of resource (book, journal, PowerPoint slides, etc.). If you do not see an author, you can use Southern New Hampshire University as the group author. If you do not see a date, you can use (n.d.).

What is the purpose of citation?

The purpose of any citation method is the same: to give credit and appropriately attribute the work of others. to assure readers about the accuracy of your facts.

When to use a quote in a paper?

Use quotations only when the exact words of what an author is saying is particularly significant to your point.

Why is paraphrasing important?

Paraphrasing is useful because it allows you to condense ideas into shorter passages and to highlight similarities and differences between someone else's work and your own while retaining the tone of your own writing.

What is plagiarism in UWF?

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. It is defined in the 'Code of Student Conduct' within the UWF Student Handbook as "the act of representing the ideas, words, creations or work of another as one's own.". The document further explains that "plagiarism combines theft with fraud.".

Do you need to cite a quote from another author?

Whenever you quote, summarize, or paraphrase another author's work or research, you MUST include a citation that tells the reader what information you have borrowed and from where. On a more practical note, attributing, borrowing, and citing sources correctly is the easiest way to avoid plagiarism charges.


Give all available details in the appropriate format for the original material, then add: Reprinted in Title of Study Guide or Reader: Subtitle, inclusive page numbers. Place of publication: Publisher.


Mendes, Philip. 1988. "Key Principles of Community Work." Community Quarterly 47. Reprinted in Approaches to Community Development (COD125) Unit Reader 2004, 99-103. Murdoch, WA: Murdoch University.

How to cite a book that is not specific?

If you want to cite a part of a book that is one of these non-specific titles, you include the term used to describe the part in your citation. If the author of the part you are citing is the same as the author of the whole book, only include the citation of the book as a whole in the bibliography or references list.

How to cite a letter in a book?

You begin your citation with the names of the sender and the recipient, then the date of the letter, followed by the information about the book the letter is published in. Only include the citation to the whole book in your bibliography or reference list. For citations in author-date style, the date of the letter needs to be worked into the text because the reference list will only include the citation of the complete book. See CMOS 14.111 and Turabian 17.1.9 and for more information.

How to write a multi author book?

One big difference is that you use the name of the author of the part in the main entry. After “in,” you then include the title of the work the part is in, as well as information on the editors or translators, followed by the page range.

Do you need to cite a book?

You don’t always need to cite the specific part of a book you are using . It’s often sufficient to just cite the work as a whole. If the article or chapter plays a large role in your paper, then it is a good idea to cite the specific part.

Do you include the page number in a bibliography?

In a bibliography or reference list, you’ll need to include the page range or specific chapter number of the part of the book you are citing. However, you only include the page (s) you are citing in your footnotes or endnotes or in-text citation. Here’s a simple citation structure example for the different styles:

Do you cite a chapter in a single author book?

Chapter in a single-author book. If you use a chapter in a book that is particularly significant for your project, you may find it useful to cite just that chapter in the text and in your list of works cited. This shows anyone who is reading your paper that this chapter is very important for your research.

How does Chicago Notes and Bibliography work?

The Chicago Notes and Bibliography (NB) system is often used in the humanities to provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through the use of footnotes, endnotes, and through the use of a bibliography. This offers writers a flexible option for citation and provides an outlet for commenting on those sources, if needed. Proper use of the Notes and Bibliography system builds a writer’s credibility by demonstrating their accountability to source material. In addition, it can protect writers from accusations of plagiarism, which is the intentional or accidental uncredited use of source material created by others.

What is Chicago Manual of Style?

The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) covers a variety of topics from manuscript preparation and publication to grammar, usage, and documentation, and as such, it has been lovingly dubbed the “editor's bible.”

How are bibliographic entries arranged?

Although bibliographic entries for various sources may be formatted differently, all included sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) are arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. If no author or editor is listed, the title or, as a last resort, a descriptive phrase may be used.

Why is it important to use notes and bibliography?

Proper use of the Notes and Bibliography system builds a writer’s credibility by demonstrating their accountability to source material. In addition, it can protect writers from accusations of plagiarism, which is the intentional or accidental uncredited use of source material created by others.

When to include footnotes in bibliography?

In the Notes and Bibliography system, you should include a note (endnote or footnote) each time you use a source, whether through a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary. Footnotes are added at the end of the page on which the source is referenced, while endnotes are compiled at the end of each chapter or at the end of the entire document.

Where should a superscript number be placed in a note?

In either case, a superscript number corresponding to a note, along with the bibliographic information for that source, should be placed in the text following the end of the sentence or clause in which the source is referenced .

Do you cite the author's name in a bibliography?

In a work with a bibliography, the first reference should use a shortened citation which includes the author’s name, the source title, and the page number (s), and consecutive references to the same work may omit the source title and simply include the author and page number.

Creating Bibliography Entries for Works Collected in Anthologies

Works may include articles, essays, and other short pieces collected in an edited anthology.

Basic Format for Citing a Work in an Anthology

1. Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of Work,” in Title of Anthology, ed. Editor’s First and Last Name. (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Page Number (s).

Work with a Credited Author

1. Plato, “The Apology of Socrates,” in The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces, ed. Mack Maynard (New York: Norton, 1985), 817.

Cite a PowerPoint Presentation in MLA format

Author Last Name, First Name. Presentation Title. Month Year, URL. PowerPoint Presentation.

Cite a PowerPoint Presentation in APA format

Author or Presenter Last Name, Middle Initial. First Initial. (Date of publication). Title of presentation [PowerPoint presentation]. Conference Name, Location. URL

Cite a PowerPoint Presentation in Chicago Style

Author Last Name, First Name. “Presentation Title.” Lecture, Location of Lecture, Month Day, Year.

Guide Overview

General Structure

  • When citing a section of a book, you include the author’s name followed by the title of the section or chapter enclosed in quotation marks. The italicized title of the complete work/book comes next after the word “in.” In a bibliography or reference list, you’ll need to include the page range or specific chapter number of the part of the book you a...
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Chapter in A Single-Author Book

  • If you use a chapter in a book that is particularly significant for your project, or if you only use one chapter within a book in your project, you may find it useful to cite just that chapter in the text and in your list of works cited. This shows anyone who is reading your paper that this chapter is very important for your research. You can check out CMOS 14.106 and Turabian and 19.1.9.…
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Chapter in A Multi-Author Book

  • For articles in a multi-author book, you follow a similar format. One big difference is that you use the name of the author of the part in the main entry. After “in,” you then include the title of the work the part is in, as well as information on the editors or translators, followed by the page range.
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Work in An Anthology

  • For a work in an anthology, cite just as you would for a chapter of a multi-author book. The work title will be in roman in quotation marks. If the work in the anthology is book-length, the work title should be in italics, rather than roman.
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Introduction, Preface, Afterword, Or Similar Part of A Book

  • Some books include sections at the beginning or end that are not considered to be part of the main text, such as an introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword. These are also sometimes written by someone other than the main author. If you want to cite a part of a book that is one of these non-specific titles, you include the term used to describe the part in your citation. If the aut…
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Letters in Published Collections

  • Some books include collections of letters a single person has written or letters on a specific subject. You can cite individual letters similarly to citing a chapter. You begin your citation with the names of the sender and the recipient, then the date of the letter, followed by the information about the book the letter is published in. Only include the citation to the whole book in your bibli…
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  • The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018. Published October 31, 2011. Updated January 25, 2022. Written by Janice Hansen. Janice has a doctorate in literat…
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