how to challenge an english course yahoo

by Dr. Lucas Boyle 4 min read

What are the 6 challenges that English learners face in the classroom?

1 6 Challenges that English Learners Face in the Classroom. 1.1 Having Unqualified Teachers; 2 A Limited Learning Environment. 2.1 Students not Taking Classes too Seriously 2.2 Overuse of Native Language; 2.3 Students Dependency on Teachers; 2.4 Strong Students Dominating the Class ; 3 Final Remarks; 4 References

How do I register for the English challenge test?

Please visit the Placement and Testing Services web site for Challenge Test registration instructions and other information. If your placement on the COMPASS test is borderline, your test results sheet will tell you so and will advise you to take the English Challenge Test.

What is the challenge test and should I take it?

The Challenge Test requires you to read a short article and write an essay in response to a question about the article. If you take the Challenge Test, it is possible that you will receive a higher placement. NOTE: you may take this test ONLY if you have already taken the COMPASS test.

Why is the spelling of English so difficult?

As a result of this, English spelling is extremely difficult (even for native speakers). Spelling varies, most notably between American and British English. So the difficult British spelling of ‘through’ is being replaced in America with the simpler spelling ‘thru’. And English borrows words but doesn’t change their spelling.

Why is it so hard to teach dialects in the US?

Because of the complexity of the English language in general, it is tough to also integrate the teaching of dialects particular to certain regions in the US and also jargon and slang that can run rampant in careers and certain life situations.

What happens if you mispronounce a word?

When you mispronounce a word, native English speakers are sure to take notice and may even become confused about your overall meaning and intention. Depending on the language background of the speaker, they may have to learn an entire new phonetic sound that can be difficult to train your tongue to properly perform.

Why is learning English a second language so difficult?

Even fluent English speakers have challenges with their own language simply because of the intricacies and differences that lie within the language itself. When an immigrant or non-native speaker begins the process of learning English, they will be plagued with a myriad ...

Why are comma rules so difficult to remember?

Because they are not clean-cut, they are difficult to remember and even more difficult to put into action. Comma rules, pronoun-agreement rules, and plural forms of words have many exceptions and special cases that can confuse any language learner.

Is spelling a challenge?

When learning how to write the English language, spelling can pose a challenge to many English language learners. There are many words that have silent letters or letters that together create the sound of one letter, such as "ph" for "f.". This is difficult for many learners to understand.

What test do you take if you have passed the Compass test?

If you have passed the equivalent of Engl& 101 at a non-accredited college or university, you may take this test for placement into English 201 or 235.

What is the challenge test?

If you take the Challenge Test, it is possible that you will receive a higher placement. NOTE: you may take this test ONLY if you have already taken the COMPASS test.

How to contact the English Assessment Coordinator?

Contact the Testing Services office at (425) 564-2243, or telephone the Arts & Humanities Division at (425) 564-2341 and ask for the English Assessment Coordinator.

Do you need a transcript for the B125?

However, you must have your transcript evaluated (B125) before registering for the test. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION: If you need special testing accommodation, please call (425) 564-2243 for information.

What are the problems and limitations that students face?

The problems and limitations that students face can be summarized as having unqualified teachers, a limited learning environment, classmates not taking classes seriously, overuse of native language in the classroom, students becoming too dependent on teachers and strong students dominating the class.

What are the major problems that take place in the classroom?

One of the major problems that take place in the classroom is students doing the minimum effort to get the minimum score to pass classes of all types including English.

Why is teaching a rewarding profession?

Teaching is also one of the most rewarding professions when all that you do ends up changing the lives of others. The plain truth is that we do the best we can with the resources that we have and the obstacles that we have to overcome. Teachers are not the only ones in the classroom who have to make the best with what they have since students also ...

What is dependent on teachers?

Students Dependency on Teachers. There are classes in which the dependency on the teacher is created, students usually call him for help or ask him or her to correct grammar problems and mispronunciation.

Why do language levels exist?

The main reason for language levels to exist is the opportunity to learn with others who are in the same path that you do.

Why do students have a low interest in learning English?

Students who have a low interest in learning English frustrate the learning of others as they are disruptive in class and no good class can be taught when teachers have to deal from time to time with students who constantly interrupt.
