A failing grade will be assigned to any regularly graded course dropped after the designated course change period. Students who do not attend the first-class meeting in a regular semester or Winter Study course may be required to withdraw by the instructor.
Williams College offers a course of study leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. The course requirements prescribe both the number of courses to be completed and the minimum grade level to be achieved; the curriculum also requires that each student explore several fields of knowledge and major in one.
While there are no required courses at Williams, all students take at least three in arts and humanities, three in social sciences, and three in science and mathematics. All students also take at least two writing-intensive courses and one course to improve their ability to reason mathematically and abstractly.
The Winter Study Program offers students the opportunity to enroll in a single course for an intensive four-week term. Students may choose to explore subject areas that do not fit into their major course of study, or to enroll in a course that complements their academic program.
The most popular majors at Williams College include: Econometrics and Quantitative Economics; Computer Science; Biology/Biological Sciences, General; Political Science and Government, General; Psychology, General; Mathematics, General; English Language and Literature, General; Chemistry, General; History, General; and ...
At the discretion of the appropriate departments or programs, students presenting satisfactory scores on Advanced Placement Exams may be placed in advanced courses not regularly open to them and/or may receive course credit toward the major or concentration.
4.07With a GPA of 4.07, Williams College requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants. You should also have taken plenty of AP or IB classes to show your ability to excel in academic challenge.
The acceptance rate at Williams College is 13%. For every 100 applicants, only 13 are admitted. This means the school is extremely selective. Meeting their GPA requirements and SAT/ACT requirements is very important to getting past their first round of filters and proving your academic preparation.
No, Williams College is not an Ivy League school. It plays its sports in the NCAA Division III Eastern Conference Athletic Conference, not in the Division I Ivy League.Nov 30, 2021
Williams College has policies regarding the kinds of information that will be included in the permanent record of students as well as policies regarding the retention, safety and security, and disposal of records. Its information-release policies respect the rights of individual privacy, the confidentiality of records, and the best interests of students and the institution.
Course Change Period. Course changes may be made during the Drop/Add period at the beginning of each semester. No changes may be made after that period except with the approval of the Committee on Academic Standing, after consultation with the Dean’s Office.
By vote of the Trustees, the degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred at Commencement upon students who have completed the requirements as to courses and grades to the satisfaction of the Faculty. The right to a degree may, however, be forfeited by misconduct at any time prior to the conferring of the degree. Students receiving their degree in absentia must communicate that decision to the Dean of the College and the Registrar no later than two weeks prior to commencement. Diplomas will not be authorized for students who have not paid College charges or have not returned all books belonging to the library.
If a student receives financial aid, that aid can be extended if the reduced course load requires additional semesters to complete 32 courses. The college requires all students to take a full course load. This means that students on a reduced course load must be enrolled in a minimum of three courses each semester.
It is the policy of Williams College not to permit a student to remain in residence after it has become evident that they are either unable or unwilling to maintain reasonable standards of academic achievement. At the end of each term, the Committee on Academic Standing reviews all academic records that fail to meet the following minimum academic requirements:
Williams College generally will not disclose personally identifiable information from a student’s education records without his/her consent; however, the College may make authorized disclosures without consent as specified under the law.
For instance, in an effort to foster students’ sense of responsibility for their academic endeavors, grades and academic advisories are sent directly to students and are not released to parents or guardians unless a student specifically requests in writing to the Office of the Registrar that they be released. While students are encouraged to share information regarding their academic progress with their parents, Williams does not mandate it.
This course explores the foundational concepts examined in Williams's Introduction to Biology series through their expression in mass media: newsoutlets, television and feature films. Each topic will be presented through the lens of a "media story," either based in fact or fictional. The first half of thecourse investigates cell structure and function, paying special attention to how information is conveyed in a cell. The focus then shifts to thedevelopmental and evolutionary processes that have given rise to the diversity of life. This is a qualitative-focused, non-majors course and, as such,the students are not expected to have much, if any, background in biology.
Students who enroll in study away programs may receive credit for up to two 200-level electives towards the biology major. Courses must bepre-approved by the Biology Department Study Away Advisor.
Students interested in Bioinformatics, Genomics and Proteomics (BiGP) should consult the general statement under Bioinformatics, Genomics andProteomics. Biology majors interested in this field are strongly encouraged to enroll in Integrative Bioinformatics, Genomics, and Proteomics (Biology319).
Emotion is influenced and governed by a number of neural circuits and substrates, and emotional states can be influenced by experience, memory,cognition, and many external stimuli. We will read and discuss articles about mammalian neuroanatomy associated with emotion as defined by classiclesion studies, pharmacology, electrophysiology, fMRI imaging, knockout mouse studies, as well as new opti-genetic methods for investigating neuralcircuit function in order to gain an understanding of the central circuits and neurotransmitter systems that are implicated in emotional processing andmood disorders.
Tropical issues have become prominent on a global scale, andmany social issues in the tropics are inextricably bound to human ecology and the tropical environment. Each section provides the science behind theissues and ends with possible solutions. The course highlights differences between the tropics and areas at higher latitudes. It begins with a survey ofthe tropical environment, including a global climate model, variation in tropical climates and the amazing diversity of tropical biomes. The next sectionfocuses on human population biology, and emphasizes demography and the role of disease particularly malaria, AIDS and Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2).The final part of the course covers the place of human societies in local and global ecosystems including the challenges of tropical food production, theinteraction of humans with their supporting ecological environment and climate change. This course fulfills the DPE requirement. Through lectures,debates and readings, students confront social issues and policies from the perspective of biologists. This builds a framework for lifelong exploration ofhuman diversity in terms of difference, power and equity.
Writing Skills Notes: Weekly written assignments consisting of four-page critique papers (five total during a semester) and two-page responsepapers (five total during a semester). Students will receive from the instructor timely comments on their writing skills, with suggestions forimprovement.
This lecture-based course examines principles, patterns, and mechanisms of biological function from the level of cells and tissues to the wholeorganism. The themes of the course include structure and function, mechanisms of regulation, control and integration, and adaptation to theenvironment. Examples of these themes are taken from a wide variety of organisms with a focus on vertebrates. Laboratories provide practicalexperience in measurement and experimental elucidation of physiological phenomena and functional analysis of gross structure.
Auditors and high school students must be fully vaccinated and complete an attestation form prior to attending classes.
High school students must be fully vaccinated and complete an attestation form prior to attending classes.
Students should first meet with their guidance counselors to make sure they have school support and to browse the catalog which provides detailed information about courses. In general 100- and 200-level courses are appropriate choices.
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This is one of the easier writing intensive classes, if you're looking to get that requirement filled and vehemently dislike writing. It's also a pretty interesting class, especially if you're interested in logic.
Some sections are easier than others, but this class assigns weekly or bi-weekly problem sets, a couple of small writing assignments, a midterm exam, and a final exam.
Depends on the professor...if you took physics in high school, this shouldn't be much harder. (this is no longer true. don't be fooled) Physics 100 has now been completely overhauled. If you take the class with Prof. Jones be prepared to do a lot of work with relativity with only a brief review of Newtonian Mechanics.
Kirby's section: If you are not good at math, this class will be hard. But if you have a sound grasp of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and occasionally division, and if you have a sort of understanding of how math works, this class is easy.
Easy (for me, at least, though I've heard that some others have disputed this) if you do the reading and show up for tests and labs. Missing an exam, has, in the past, resulted in almost automatic failure, though, even if you have good excuses and can make the exam up immediately, so be careful about that.
Don't take with Betty Daniel. Sporadic problem sets that can be done at the last minute. Attendance is not necessary as the entire lecture (at least in one prof's section) is contained within a powerpoint presentation available through blackboard - print this out, don't take any notes. Readings from the course packet are assigned but not necessary.
Electives. Statistics is one of the most common math electives, and it is useful for many career fields. You can take statistics at the AP level (see the above section) or regular level. Other math electives include computer math, math literacy, and math applications.
Forty-five states have agreed to follow Common Core standards for math, which aim to create a more standardized math curriculum across the country. The Common Core standards state that six content categories should be covered in high school math classes: 1 Algebra 2 Functions 3 Modeling 4 Geometry 5 Statistics 6 Probability
Because high schools offer many math classes at varying levels of depth, speed, and difficulty, the math classes you take and the grades you receive in them will be looked at closely by colleges to help determine your academic ability and how good a fit you would be at the school.