how to build a squirrel obstacle course

by Dr. Lowell Smith 3 min read

Create an obstacle course for your backyard squirrels! Cut pieces of PVC pipe or wood poles to the desired height and pound the posts into the ground like a stake. Drill a hole in one end of a wood bar, use duct tape to attach the bar across the top of each post and hang a piece of string from the end of the bar.

Full Answer

How to create an obstacle course for squirrel feeders?

1. Use the mallet to drive the support posts into the ground in the following order: a. 5’ post b. 6’ post, 2 feet from post in step a. c. 5’ post, 4 feet from post in step b. d. 4’ post, 4 feet from post in step c. 2. Attach the 2x4 ledges directly on top of the first two posts using a hammer and nails. 3.

How do you make a squirrel run around a tree?

You don’t need to be an engineer to make a squirrel obstacle course. Squirrels are extremely smart. They’ll outwit a human-made obstacle course and master their new skills by completing it. A few years ago, Mark Rober and his team were able to build an obstacle course for a squirrel that is designed to make them work. They were able to outwit a human-designed maze, and …

Did you know Mark Rober built a squirrel obstacle course?

How to Build an Obstacle Course For Squirrels. Courses Details: course to make it new again. Size of the location These instructions cover a 20’x20’ area; however, you can easily adjust the size by adding more obstacles to make it larger or eliminating one or more obstacles to make it smaller.Squirrel population When planning the obstacle course and filling the feeder, consider …

What are some common issues when building a squirrel obstacle course?

Oct 21, 2020 · A behind the scenes look at how Steve Barley made his most involved squirrel obstacle course to date. After all, what else can you do with leftover wood and ...

How do you make a squirrel course?

0:5720:21Backyard Squirrel Maze 1.0- Ninja Warrior Course - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThey basically cleared this whole tube of bird seed by the end of the day mind you this bird feederMoreThey basically cleared this whole tube of bird seed by the end of the day mind you this bird feeder was advertised as being squirrel proof. So i bought another squirrel-proof bird feeder to replace.

How do you make a squirrel launcher?

10:2312:28Squirrel Launching / Squirrel Catapult - Slow Motion Squirrel FlightsYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWe have our two little levers. Here the Rope goes through a hole in the lever through a hole in theMoreWe have our two little levers. Here the Rope goes through a hole in the lever through a hole in the 2x4 drill the hole lengthways.

What is a squirrel maze?

0:023:26Mark Rober Backyard Squirrel Maze | G.O.A.T. | Disney XD - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThis course is extremely challenging it is not for the timid of heart that i completelyMoreThis course is extremely challenging it is not for the timid of heart that i completely underestimated my adversary when did you go back eight weeks ago when i installed a bird feeder.

How do you make squirrel proof?

Suspend your feeders on a wire strung from one pole to another, at least 5 feet from the ground. To prevent squirrels from doing a tight-rope walking trick, string plastic liter-size soda bottles onto the wire on both sides of the feeders. The plastic bottles roll the squirrels right off as they approach.Feb 3, 2022

How do you make a bungee feeder for squirrels?

Get an ear of corn on the cob, raw or cooked, and tie a small rope around it. Attach the corn to the hook on the bungee cord. The corn should be a few inches from the ground at this point, so the squirrels can easily find it. Once the squirrels know there is food hanging from a rope, shorten the rope.

What is a squirrel feeder?

Thus the rise of the squirrel feeder. These feeders serve two purposes: they might keep squirrels satisfied enough to leave your bird feeders alone, and they provide lots of entertainment as you watch your furry guests scamper, climb, and dine.May 30, 2021

How do I get rid of squirrels?

16 Ways to Get Rid of SquirrelsSprinkle Cayenne Pepper. ... Don't Feed Them. ... Set Up a Buffet. ... Mulch It. ... Use Netting or Fencing. ... Netting in Action. ... Be Dedicated. ... Spray Them.More items...

Do male squirrels have nipples?

They don't have nipples at all. “Monotremes have what's called an areola, which is a mammary patch,” says Skibiel. “The milk kind of oozes out onto the patch, and the young lap it up.” WATCH: Squirrels balance caution and curiosity as they seek and cache their food.Oct 24, 2018

How do you squirrel-proof a birdhouse?

Squirrel-Proof Your BirdhouseAdd a metal ring around the entrance. A squirrel will not be able to chew through the metal, and this will discourage them or even make it incapable for them to stay in your birdhouse.Extend the birdhouse roof four or five extra inches.Aug 30, 2017

How do you make a squirrel proof baffle?

0:433:24DIY Squirrel baffle: Simple and effective - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe five inch pipe is perfect because it's just wide enough where the squirrels can't reach theirMoreThe five inch pipe is perfect because it's just wide enough where the squirrels can't reach their little arms around and grip and the 30 gauge is easier to cut.

How small of a hole can a squirrel fit through?

A gray squirrel can fit through a hole as small as a quarter. Holes can be sealed with wood, metal or 1/2 inch wire mesh. Nail the material firmly over the hole. Tacks and light staples do not work.

How do I make a squirrel feeder out of a bottle?

Recycled Plastic Bottle Feeder You can use a soda, water, or Gatorade bottle. Then, stick a few twigs through the container to provide a place for the squirrels to sit, and cut holes just above those twigs.. Fill the bottle with treats like seeds or nuts, similar to a DIY bird feeder.

How do you outsmart a squirrel?

0:052:23Nature Moments: Outsmarting Squirrels - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipI have spent 12 hours perfecting this system when I was six feet they could jump that far so I keptMoreI have spent 12 hours perfecting this system when I was six feet they could jump that far so I kept moving it farther so 7 feet laterally they can't jump yeah. So I started out.

How do you make a squirrel proof feeder?

1:403:46DIY Squirrel Proof Feeder - How We Did It! - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIt's about eight inches around and then my dad just took a piece of plastic. I pretty much anythingMoreIt's about eight inches around and then my dad just took a piece of plastic. I pretty much anything would work just enough to block this top.

How many parts does the squirrel ninja course have?

So he created an ingenious eight-part "American Ninja Warrior"-style obstacle course for squirrels to protect his bird feeder instead.May 27, 2020

Who made the squirrel obstacle course?

Mark RoberMark Rober is back, facing off against his greatest frenemy. The maze features Mission Impossible inspiration. Last spring, you may recall that former NASA and Apple engineer Mark Rober built what amounted to a Ninja Warrior course for squirrels.May 18, 2021

What are squirrels afraid of?

Plant flowers squirrels hate To squirrel proof gardens, plant flowers that are either brightly-colored or emit a strong smell. Plants squirrels hate include fritillaries, geraniums, hyacinth, galanthus, lily-of-the-valley, mint, and daffodils.

What deters squirrels from birdfeeders?

Spice it up: Pepper is a natural squirrel deterrent. Apply a pepper-based repellent product, such as Critter Ridder® spray, directly to your feeders to keep them away from your offerings. Squirrels hate the taste and smell, but birds don't notice it.

Does Irish Spring soap keep squirrels away?

Grated Irish Spring soap But you can use Ivory soap to keep the squirrels away from a specific area. Grate a bar of original scent Irish Spring soap and put the shavings inside a piece of pantyhose that is knotted at both ends.Aug 27, 2018

How do you make a squirrel proof baffle?

0:433:24DIY Squirrel baffle: Simple and effective - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe five inch pipe is perfect because it's just wide enough where the squirrels can't reach theirMoreThe five inch pipe is perfect because it's just wide enough where the squirrels can't reach their little arms around and grip and the 30 gauge is easier to cut.

What is a good squirrel repellent?

Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, which they use food sources and shelter. You can repel squirrels using scents they hate such as, capsaicin, white vinegar, peppermint oil, coffee grounds, cinnamon, predator urine, garlic, dryer sheets, Irish Spring Soap, and rosemary.

How do you squirrel proof a birdhouse?

Squirrel-Proof Your BirdhouseAdd a metal ring around the entrance. A squirrel will not be able to chew through the metal, and this will discourage them or even make it incapable for them to stay in your birdhouse.Extend the birdhouse roof four or five extra inches.Aug 30, 2017

Do Boy squirrels have nipples?

They don't have nipples at all. “Monotremes have what's called an areola, which is a mammary patch,” says Skibiel. “The milk kind of oozes out onto the patch, and the young lap it up.” WATCH: Squirrels balance caution and curiosity as they seek and cache their food.Oct 24, 2018

What is the best bait for squirrels?

peanut butterA peanut and peanut butter combo is popular squirrel bait. After all, squirrels gather nuts and seeds from your yard (though they will try to eat just about anything).Feb 13, 2022

How can I say squirrel?

1:497:53How to Pronounce Squirrel - American English Pronunciation - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipLong short squirrel squirrel we begin with the SK consonant cluster let's do this slowly. To makeMoreLong short squirrel squirrel we begin with the SK consonant cluster let's do this slowly. To make the S the teeth are together the tip of my tongue is here behind the bottom front teeth.

What is Mark Robers net worth?

Mark Rober Net WorthNet Worth:$5 MillionDate of Birth:Mar 11, 1980 (41 years old)Gender:MaleProfession:Engineer, inventor, YouTube personalityNationality:American

Is Mark Rober rich?

As of 2022, Mark Rober Net Worth is estimated to be around $6 Million US. He is among one of the rich tech YouTubers in the country, who made his name through his unique content.Feb 5, 2022


This project idea is inspired by former NASA engineer Mark Rober's "Squirrel Ninja Obstacle Course":

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Finio, Ben. "Squirrel Obstacle Course: How Far Can Squirrels Jump?" Science Buddies , 8 July 2021, Accessed 11 Sep. 2021.
