where to take handgun qualification course indiana

by Monserrate Harris 10 min read

What is Indiana firearms training?

"Basic, Practical, and Tactical defense training to keep you & your family safe." Indiana Firearms Training is dedicated to the SAFE, CORRECT, and RESPONSIBLE use of all firearms.

How do I obtain an Indiana handgun license?

The Indiana State Police Firearms Licensing Unit does not accept fingerprint cards directly at our offices. If a fingerprint card is received by mail, it will be returned to the applicant. Applicants must schedule a fingerprint appointment with IDEMIA online. Click one of the links below to either obtain or renew an Indiana Handgun License.

What classes do I need to take to become a firearms instructor?

Must take a firearm safety class from a certified instructor within 10 years of applying. A handgun safety course which must consist of no less than the NRA's Basic Pistol Course. Live fire is also required. b. Instruction regarding safe storage of firearms and child safety;

What is included in a handgun safety course?

A handgun safety course which must consist of no less than the NRA's Basic Pistol Course. Live fire is also required. b. Instruction regarding safe storage of firearms and child safety; d. Instruction regarding safe storage of ammunition and child safety; e. Instruction regarding safe firearms shooting fundamentals; f.


Indiana Firearms Training is dedicated to the SAFE, CORRECT, and RESPONSIBLE use of all firearms.

Important Update

We are happy to continue the company tradition of FREE class repeats! You only pay tuition the first time you take a CORE course, then (read more)​

meet YOUR INSTructors

John is an NRA Certified Chief Range Safety Officer, USCCA Certified Range Safety Officer, NRA Certified Instructor, USCCA Certified Instructor, and is the Lead Instructor at Indiana Firearms Training.


"Thank you for your expert instruction on this class. Your emphasis on developing the fundamentals on which I can build my house are invaluable.

How long is the introduction to handgun safety class?

The class takes 90 minutes to complete and includes short quizzes and an exam to help you make the most of the material. Introduction to Handgun Safety is taught by a State Certified Law Enforcement Instructor with decades of training and competition experience.

Is gun safety important?

Whether you are a new shooter, or just want to brush up on the fundamentals , gun safety is more important than ever in America. From protecting loved ones to maintaining traditions of hunting and recreational shooting, we want to do our part to reduce accidental injury from firearms. So we offer our class Introduction to Handgun Safety completely free of charge to anyone who is interested, from individuals to college classes to hunt clubs. Every year American Firearms Training gives away almost 5000 free gun safety classes.

How long does an Indiana driver's license last?

Things You'll Need. Current and Valid Indiana License to Carry (if you have one) that expires within 365 days. If you don't have one you'll be paying a slightly higher fees. If your license isn't expiring anytime soon you'll have to wait.

Is a concealed carry license valid in Indiana?

This license is only valid in Indiana and select States that choose to honor out-of-state permits from Indiana. Laws regarding concealed carry, the use of deadly force and places off-limits while carrying vary greatly across the U.S. Ignorance is no excuse. Check local laws before carrying across State lines.
