how to build a posse course for horses

by Aimee Crona 8 min read

How do you train a horse to overcome obstacles?

Nov 06, 2009 · A ?Total Horse Experience? The Posse has grown steadily in size and scope since saddling up for the first time in 1989. Created by two Metropark Rangers at the suggestion of a park director who'd heard of similar organizations in the western United States, the startup Posse had seventeen volunteers, recruited by word of mouth.

How to train a horse to come to you first?

May 25, 2018 · Want to know how to Build an obstacle course for your horse? The obstacle course shown here is mainly built for those who can work their horse without a rope...

How to build a bond with a horse?

CHAPTER 5: Guidelines for Setting up your Trail CourseCHAPTER 6: Obstacle Building Plans. PLAN 1: Basic Bridge with Teeter-Totter option. PLAN 2: Versatile Uprights & Curtains. PLAN 3: Trot Over Stands. CHAPTER 7: Hauling & Storing your Obstacles in Limited Space CHAPTER 8: Build Your Own Trail Course Step by Step Checklist

How to teach a horse to carry its weight?

Jun 15, 2011 · The obstacle course that they built will be great for working on ground work and desensitization exercises with our horses, as well as teaching the riding horses to be fearless of obstacles and strange things they might encounter on a trail. We want our horses to learn to be brave and confident in new and potentially scary situations.

Are you ready to have your own Trail Course?

You have looked online and seen all the pictures and ideas for trail obstacles. It looks like they are having so much fun!

How to Build Simple Trail Obstacles

It is the perfect guide for horse riders who want their own horse trail obstacles and course for fun, practice and training.


To order, first decide if you would like an EBOOK (PDF) or a PRINT Book. The EBOOK is available immediately after you pay. The PRINT book is a physical spiral bound book shipped directly yo your address. Allow up to 10 days for the book to arrive.

Are you ready to have your own Horse Trail Course?

How to Build Simple Horse Trail Obstacles shows you step-by-step how to build a trail course.

What is a rolling grade dip?

A rolling grade dip (RGD) is a modern and more sustainable alternative to the water bar. On an older trail that is too steep, installing a RGD forces water off the trail by creating a raised mound of dirt immediately downhill of a knick.

What is sustainable trail?

A sustainable trail does not follow the fall line (the steepest route of descent down a hill), but rather goes with the contour of the land. This keeps water off the trail and minimizes erosion. It is relatively easy to route a trail in the lowest elevation area of a particular landform.

Why don't you ride wet trails?

To extend the life of a sustainably built trail and to reduce the need for trail maintenance, follow this simple rule-- don't use trails when they are wet and muddy! Riding wet trails causes significant damage because it greatly magnifies the erosion process.

How to build trust with a horse?

By encouraging and training your horse to get over its fears and not be afraid, your horse will learn to trust you and what you’re asking of them.

How to teach a horse to lead?

This exercise will not only teach your horse how to lead correctly but also establish that you’re the one in charge. Having a rope halter, lead rope, and lunge whip on-hand, simply start by leading your horse. The correct position for the horse to be in is at your elbow on the side you’re leading them on.

Why can't my horse stand still?

A horse that can’t stand still is either not paying attention to you or they’re invading your personal space. Teaching your horse to stand still will encourage them to look to you for the next step to take.

How to get a horse to back up?

All you have to do is stand still and allow the lead to be slack. As soon as your horse takes a step out of their original position, shake the lead rope to ask the horse to back up.

How to keep a horse from drifting?

Encourage your horse to walk forward and to the end of the line. Keep the momentum going. If you need to, use a lunge whip to encourage them to keep moving. If the horse starts to drift in with its shoulder, simply point the lunge whip at their shoulder and take a step forward. Your body will act as a wall.

How to train a horse to ride?

The first step to making this goal a reality is by getting them used to things happening in the saddle. The best way to go about desensitizing your horse to movement in the saddle is to repeatedly do the action.

Why do horses get anxious?

Horses associate people with the atmosphere the person creates. If you create an atmosphere of pressure and stress, the horse will get anxious. If you create one of safety, calm, and peace, the horse is less likely to get worked up. A great way to create positive associations for your horse is to make things fun!

Horse Quilt Instructions

1- Complete the horse using the given instructions. Fabric Collage Quilt Tutorial here.

Adding Quilt Blocks to the Panel Center

3- Cut 44– 4 1/2″ X 4 1/2″ background squares. Cut in half diagonally – you’ll get 2 triangles per square.
