how to begin a strengthening family course on my own?

by Dewayne Hirthe 7 min read

Can I teach Strengthening Families program (SFP) classes online?

The course should typically be taught to groups of 20 or fewer participants by professionals at LDS Family Services agencies or by volunteers in wards and stakes. A typical course will last 9 to 12 sessions. Sessions are usually 90 minutes long. The Strengthening the Family: Resource Guide for Parents includes nine topics that may be

What is the Strengthening Families program?

Oct 02, 2020 · Strengthening Family Well-Being Through Engaged Community Partnerships Download the video [MP4, 775MB] Download the transcript View the transcript Learn strategies your program can use now to enhance current partnerships and develop new ones.

How can we strengthen our family relationships?

We’re going to start by grounding you in the big ideas that guide the Strengthening Families approach. First, and most important, is the focus on protective factors. Traditionally, child maltreatment prevention and intervention strategies have focused exclusively on risk factors and their elimination.

What are the elements of effective work with families?

The key to strengthening our families is having the Spirit of the Lord come into our homes. The goal of our families is to be on the strait and narrow path. Countless things can be done within the walls of our homes to strengthen the family. May I share a few ideas that may help identify the areas that need strengthening in our own families.

What are 5 ways for strengthening families?

Five Protective Factors are the foundation of the Strengthening Families Approach: parental resilience, social connections, concrete support in times of need, knowledge of parenting and child development, and social and emotional competence of children.

How do you strengthen your family?

Five Steps to Strengthen Family RelationshipsMake eating together a habit. Find time to share a meal with your family, no matter how busy you are. ... Spend quality time. ... One-on-one time with each family member. ... Be involved. ... Share daily expressions of love and support.

How long is the Strengthening families Program?

seven weeksThe Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14) is delivered in seven parent, youth, and family sessions using narrated videos portraying typical youth and parent situations with diverse families. The program is taught with 7-10 families over seven weeks, usually in the evenings.

What is strengthening family program?

The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family skills training program for high-risk and general population families that is recognized both nationally and internationally. Parents and youth attend weekly SFP skills classes together, learning parenting skills and youth life and refusal skills.

How do you fix family relationships?

5 Steps to Repair a Family RelationshipReady to reconnect? ... Step #1: Put Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes. ... Step #2: Use Therapy to Grow as a Person Before Reaching Out. ... Step #3: Reach Out and Take Responsibility. ... Step #4: Hold the First Meeting in a Neutral, Public Setting.More items...•May 18, 2021

How can family communication be improved?

How can I improve communications in my family? Be available: Make time in everyone's busy schedule to stop and talk about things. Even 10 minutes a day without distractions for you and your child to talk can make a big difference in forming good communication habits. Turn off the television or radio.Nov 21, 2015

Which of the following is one of the identified results of strengthening families?

Strengthening Families is a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development, and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect.

What does parental resilience look like?

Rather, parents are resilient when they are able to call forth their inner strength to proactively meet personal challenges and those in relation to their child, manage adversities, heal the effects of trauma, and thrive given the unique characteristics and circumstances of their family.Dec 14, 2017

What is the benefit of the online self assessment tool?

Completing the Self-Assessment online allows the program to print reports showing strengths and areas to focus on improvement, as well as to link to parent and staff surveys.

What are the 6 protective factors?

The six protective factors that have been identified by the United States Department of Health and Human Services include:Nurturing and attachment.Knowledge of parenting and child development.Parental resilience.Social connections.Concrete supports for parents.Social and emotional competence of children.Feb 17, 2014

What national program or law would you suggest in view of protecting and strengthening families today?

The Adoption and Safe Families Act2 states that child safety is the primary consideration in determining services, placement, and permanency. The federal CFSRs require that child welfare agencies reduce the incidence of abuse and neglect of children in out-of-home care.

What policies and imitative would you recommend to strengthen families?

Here are four progressive policies that can improve financial security and make families stronger.Increasing the minimum wage. ... Strengthening collective bargaining. ... Expanding Medicaid. ... Supporting reproductive rights.Oct 25, 2016

What is the most likely way to achieve happiness in family life?

Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are estab- lished and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repen- tance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.

What is a good class setting?

The class setting is a good opportunity for you to model, as well as teach, the principles, attitudes, and skills of good parenting. Teach fathers and mothers to be kind and gentle by treating them with kindness. Be sensitive, empathetic, and caring, especially when participants need redirection.

What happens when a parent invokes self evaluation?

When parents invoke self-evaluation in a harsh, judgmental, and condemning way, the child may lose sight of personal wrongdoing and focus instead on the excessive, inappropriate behavior of the parents. Or the child may respond with unnecessarily severe feelings of guilt and self-condemnation.

How can parents help their children?

Parents can help their children learn to work , accomplish projects that are important to them, get good grades in school, develop athletic abili- ties, and identify, pursue, and excel in areas of interest. Invite the parents to develop, write down, and carry out a plan to help the children develop competence.

Who taught that the family is one of Satan's favorite targets?

THEPROBLEM OFUNRESOLVEDCONFLICT. Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that the family is one of Satan’s favorite targets: “[Satan] works to drive a wedge of disharmony be- tween a father and a mother.

Why do people learn about natural consequences?

A teenager who gets a speeding ticket must pay a fine. Individuals learn quickly from natural consequences because the consequences occur in spite of protests or arguments against them.

What is the purpose of Strengthening Families?

Implementing Strengthening Families is about small but significant changes in everyday practice, and about the shifts in policies and systems that allow and promote those changes.

What is the big idea of a protective factor?

Big Idea #1: A Protective Factors Approach. Risk Factors . Protective and Promotive Factors. Protective Factors: conditions or attributes of individuals, families, communities, or the larger society that mitigate or eliminate risk.

What is a common framework?

A common framework, using a common language to describe results, can lead to: better understanding of the role that each service system plays in supporting families, . better partnerships among agencies and among individual workers, a professional development system that fosters collaboration, .

What does it mean to listen to your family?

Listening shows that you’re interested in what your family member has to say and who s/he is. Active listening includes giving your undivided attention, asking questions to clarify, being sure you understand before responding, making eye contact and giving verbal and non-verbal cues that you’re listening.

What are some fun activities to do with kids?

Make a list of activities you enjoy as a family or new activities you’d like to try. These can be as simple as a bike ride or Monopoly game. Miniature golf or bowling are two of my favorites. They’re both fun and interactive. People of all ages can enjoy them since they don’t require a lot of skill or stamina.

Can family counseling help with conflict?

Of course, some family conflicts and problems require more than family dinner and a game of bowling. Sometimes family counseling can help. However, no matter the state of your family relationships, making a small gesture of caring and gratitude is a good place to begin.

How can a family be strengthened?

Every family can be strengthened in one way or another if the Spirit of the Lord is brought into our homes and we teach by His example. Act with faith; don’t react with fear. When our teenagers begin testing family values, parents need to go to the Lord for guidance on the specific needs of each family member.

What is the key to strengthening families?

Strengthening Families: The key to strengthening our families is having the Spirit of the Lord come into our homes. The goal of our families is to be on the strait and narrow path. Strengthening families is our sacred duty as parents, children, extended family members, leaders, teachers, and individual members of the Church.

What is the importance of spiritually strengthening families?

The importance of spiritually strengthening families is taught clearly in the scriptures. Father Adam and Mother Eve taught their sons and daughters the gospel. The sacrifices of Abel were accepted by the Lord, whom he loved. Cain, on the other hand, “loved Satan more than God” and committed serious sins.

What did Alma the Younger learn from his father?

Alma the Younger, when “racked with torment … [and] harrowed up by the memory of [his] many sins,” remembered hearing his father teach about the coming of “Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world” ( Alma 36:17 ). His father’s words led to his conversion.

What do we teach our children?

Teach our children the significance of baptism and confirmation, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, partaking of the sacrament, honoring the priesthood, and making and keeping temple covenants. They need to know the importance of living worthy of a temple recommend and preparing for a temple marriage.

How to help children with self worth?

Plan and carry out meaningful vacations together, considering our children’s needs, talents, and abilities. Help them create happy memories, improve their talents, and build their feelings of self-worth. By word and example, teach moral values and a commitment to obeying the commandments.

What is the importance of an unmarried adult?

Unmarried adult members can often lend a special kind of strength to the family, becoming a tremendous source of support, acceptance, and love to their families and the families of those around them. Many adult members of the extended family do much parenting in their own right.

What is Strengthening Families?

Describes the Strengthening Families program, an effort to help families give their children what they need to thrive.

What are the elements of effective work with families?

Elements of effective work with families include engaging families and youth; providing direct assistance with challenges the family is facing, including counseling, parent coaching, and modeling; and continuing to assess—with the family—their strengths, needs, and progress.

What is family centered practice?

Working with families and youth is at the core of good family-centered practice. To conduct assessment, case planning, and case management successfully, caseworkers must be skilled in communicating with children, youth, and families to help them strengthen interpersonal, parenting, and problem-solving skills.

How to Strengthen Your Relationship With Self

Are you wondering how you can show yourself more self love? How you can love yourself more? Then you’ve come to the right place. The relationship we have with ourself ultimately sets the foundation, not only for our life, but for the relationships we have with others.


I struggled with this for the longest time, but external validation can actually create a disconnect between you and your higher self. Seeking external validation can block your intuition and create limiting beliefs and fears.


Did you know that we actually put ourselves down more often than we realize? The way you talk to yourself is extremely important when it comes to creating a healthy relationship with self.


I know keeping promises to yourself can be hard, but it can really build up your intuition and strengthen the relationship you have with yourself. Self doubt can stem from broken promises to self.


Before I started working on my own relationship with myself, spending time alone was hard. I always felt like I needed someone to be there with me at all times as it gave me this sense of companionship and love, especially when it came to spending time with my partner. I was very needy and always wanted his attention.


Setting boundaries is so important. If you want to strengthen your relationship that you have with yourself, you need to protect your energy. Listen, I used to be the BIGGEST people pleaser. I always chose to make other people happy even if it meant that I was unhappy and this was a trauma response.


The best thing you could do when it comes to strengthening your relationship with self is to stop letting the opinions of others control you. It’s time to allow yourself to step into the most authentic version of you.


North America Training

  • Click here to see a Training agenda Training of SFP group leadersby SFP-certified trainers and technical assistance for implementation, and quality/fidelity and evaluation are provided by HH Training & Consulting, LLC. Contact: Hope Heffernan, (812) 787-1668 [email protected] Hispanic and Native American Trainers available
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International Training

  • Training of SFP group leaders outside North America by SFP-certified trainers and technical assistance for implementation, and outcome evaluation are arranged by Dr. Karol Kumpfer, the SFP Program Developer. SFP group workshop trainers are available in Canada, Mexico, Europe, Balkans, Middle East, Central Asia, China, Southeast Asia and Australia to deliver culturally speci…
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Group Leader Training Costs For Sfp3-5, 6-11, 12-16

  • Training fees are $4,100 for a two-day SFP group leader training for 16 or fewer trainees (with one Trainer) or $4,900 for a training of 36 or fewer (with two Trainers). The training fee includes a master set on CD of SFP course materials for one age-variant ($450 value) in one language and permanent site-limited license to copy course materials for the agency’s own use. Trainer travel …
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