Access your Degree Audit
Degree Audit. Degree audits provide a breakdown of requirements for a particular major and/or concentration. This tool assists students in monitoring progress toward a degree. For an overview explanation on how to access and read your degree audit, …
Auditing a Course. An audited course is one in which the student attends classes and participates in all course activites, except for the final exam. Successful completion of an audited course will result in a final grade of AU and will not count towards the student's GPA. Undergraduate students/ (UG) Non-Degree seeking students must initiate a Request to Audit a Course by the …
Apr 06, 2022 · For information about LSU Admissions or scheduling courses for future semesters, see the LSU Admissions Web Site. NOTE: If you need to audit a course, you must obtain written consent from the instructor of the course and the dean of the college offering the course. You may schedule a course; then submit the required approvals to your college office to have your …
Abroad, 106 Hatcher Hall, 225-578-6801 or write to [email protected]. Audit Only Registration Students may not schedule courses for "audit only" using myLSU. If a student wishes to "audit only," a special enrollment form must be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar, 112 Thomas Boyd Hall.
Access your Degree AuditLog into the myLSU Portal. ( Student Services | Degree Audit.Select your Classification. ( LSU, LSU Law Center, or LSU Vet)Click View Current Degree Audit.
Retaking a passed course more than once. If a student receives a 'D' in a course and decides to repeat the course to improve his/her GPA, he/she may repeat this passed course ONE time. However, if the student wants to repeat it a second time, the course would not count towards the student's enrollment status.Jul 1, 2011
AS ONE OF THE OLDEST, MOST PRESTIGIOUS UNIVERSITIES IN THE NATION, LSU is in the elite 1 percent with land-, sea-, and space-grant designations, which illustrates our commitment to research and community outreach that addresses the world's most pressing issues.
The letter grade C, including C+ and C-, denotes acceptable mastery of the course material. The letter grade D, including D+ and D-, denotes minimally acceptable achievement. F denotes failure.
0:081:22LSU's F-Grade Policy - What happens when you fail a course? - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou're not guaranteed the ability to be considered to take that course for a third time to attempt aMoreYou're not guaranteed the ability to be considered to take that course for a third time to attempt a class after failing twice you would need to seek approval from your senior.
The policy states that students who fail a course twice at LSU are not permitted to retake the course unless they have the permission of the dean offering the major. 1. Academic Bankruptcy If students declare academic bankruptcy, any F grades they earned are not used when determining if the students can repeat courses.Aug 18, 2013
LSU is the flagship school of the state of Louisiana, as well as the flagship institution of the Louisiana State University System, and is the most comprehensive university in Louisiana.
LSU admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 73%. Students that get into LSU have an average SAT score between 1090-1300 or an average ACT score of 23-28. The regular admissions application deadline for LSU is May 15.
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College reported 207 safety-related incidents involving students on campus in 2019. That works out to 6.52 incidents per 1,000 students, considering that the student body population is 31,756.
While most colleges consider a D a passing grade for pass/fail courses, some require a C. And pass/fail classes may not count toward major or general education requirements.Aug 4, 2021
The student should prepare a formal, written petition for a grade change, which must be filed with the Grade Appeals Committee within the first 45 calendar days of the first regular semester following that in which the course was taken. This petition may be up to two single-spaced pages of justification.
Degrees are awarded summa cum laude to students whose grade point averages are between 3.90 and 4.0; magna cum laude to students whose grade point averages are between 3.70 to 3.89; and cum laude to students whose grade point averages are between 3.50 and 3.69.
The Auditing Specialist Certificate provides the knowledge and skills for professionals who want to advance their career in this accounting specialization or who want to understand the indicators of fraud and how to prevent and detect it. The courses in the group are also beneficial for those seeking CPA eligibility.
You are allowed six months to complete each course; however, because courses are self-paced, you may complete a course in as little as four weeks. Each course includes a syllabus that explains the course requirements. The courses are completed entirely online. Requirements.
An understanding of the structure and symbols used on the degree audit report is important for accurate interpretation. Each degree program is comprised of a set of requirements. The requirements are generally in the following order:
GROK is a resource of Louisiana State University developed and maintained with support of the LSU Student Technology Fee. We love getting feedback from the general public, but our support efforts are generally dedicated to the LSU community . Thanks for your understanding!
1. A Degree Audit analyzes how a student's courses apply to a unique degree program. The degree program is defined by a major and a catalog year. In some cases, an area of concentration further identifies the degree program. Declared minors are also included on the report.
For sub-requirements checking specific courses, a list of acceptable courses is normally provided if the sub-requirement is not completed. The student's courses that have been used to meet the requirement are also listed. A summary of the number of hours and/or courses completed, needed, and enrolled are also indicated.
For example, a general education requirement may have six sub-requirements representing each of the major areas: English composition, analytical reasoning, arts, humanities, natural science, and social science.
Upperclass law students use LSU’s registration system to schedule upcoming classes, make any later schedule changes, and to choose additional services fees. These selections are the students’ responsibility, with the exception of incoming first year students, who will not schedule their own classes or make schedule changes their first year. All students should review the Course Registration Instructions and Calendar publications which are published for each semester and available on the web for details regarding the scheduling process.
Full-time students should not work in excess of 20 hours per week while attending law school on a full-time basis without permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. These restrictions apply during the summer in the same manner as they do during the normal year if a student is enrolled for the summer term. However, first-year students will not be permitted to engage in any outside work without prior written approval of the Associate Dean. Second- or third-year students engaged in outside work to a substantial extent will be required to reduce course loads and to extend their legal education over additional periods in residence, depending upon the circumstances of each individual case. Student employees of the Law Center shall be required, as a condition of employment, to execute a loyalty oath in accordance with the provisions of Act 284 of 1950. This includes student workers, research assistants, Moot Court Board, and Law Review.
Incoming freshmen are separated into three sections for their first-year courses. Students are assigned to the sections at random, and they may not change sections. Freshmen remain with their sections through their second semester. Each freshman has at least one course in a “small section” consisting of half of one full section.
Class rank information is posted to the academic record of each student about two weeks after all final grades are received for the semester/term. Courses with 25 or more students will show a course rank. First-year students will receive course ranks, class ranks, and section ranks. This information is also available through myLSU.
It is a violation of the Honor Code to falsify information on a class roll sheet in any manner. Such falsification includes, but is not limited to, the following: “backsigning” for the dates on which the student was not present; signing for another student who is not present; procuring another student to sign for a student who was not present; and signing or initialing a roll sheet to claim attendance when the student was not actually present in the classroom or missed a substantial portion of the class.
The University does not mail semester fee bills. The Office of Bursar Operations will notify you, via email, when the online fee bills are available. Detailed payment information is in the Registration Regulations and Advance Billing System booklet which is available prior to course scheduling. If you are a continuing student at LSU and miss the payment due date you will be assessed, and pay, the $75 late registration service charge. After payment is made and/or your remittance stub is returned, you should verify your registration status via myLSU.
Full-time LSU law students may apply to participate in the LSU-Southern Co-Op Program during the fall and spring semesters. Credit is given for approved courses in which a grade of “C” or better is earned. All credit is transferred on a pass/fail basis.
Undergraduate students must return the Request to Audit card by the 14th day of class during a regular semester (fall or spring) & the 7th day of class during a summer session.
Auditing a Course. A course may be changed from credit to audit or vice versa with permission of the student's academic dean, the instructor of the course, department head of the course, and the academic dean of the course. A Request to Audit card can be obtained from the office of your academic dean.
Schedule Courses. 1. Log into the myLSU Portal. ( 2. Click Registration Services on the left hand menu, then select Schedule Request. 3. Select the Campus and the Semester that you need to schedule. 4. Click View Schedule Request at the top middle of the page.
GROK is a resource of Louisiana State University developed and maintained with support of the LSU Student Technology Fee. We love getting feedback from the general public, but our support efforts are generally dedicated to the LSU community . Thanks for your understanding!
The maximum time for course completion is 9 months, but some courses can be completed in as little as 9 weeks. For complete fee, enrollment and course information, call ODL’s Learner Services at 225-578-2500 or 800-234-5046; go to 1225 Pleasant Hall; or visit the Online Distance Learning website (
Students who are age 65 or older before the first day of classes are eligible for a fee exemption. This exemption covers only instructional costs. To qualify for the exemption, continuing and admitted students who have not previously validated that they are age 65 or older must complete the following steps:
Students who receive a co-op or internship position and need to register through the LSU Olinde Career Center Experiential Education Program can contact the LSU Olinde Career Center at [email protected] or call 225-578-2162.
Sponsors are trusts, government agencies, or other organizations who are willing to pay all or a portion of a student's educational expenses. When prior written notice of a sponsor's intent to support a student has been received, the University will bill the sponsor for approved charges rather than require payment from the student.
courses are identified in the special enrollment column with an entry that begins with “CI” followed by a short description of the communication emphasis. For example, a C-I course with an emphasis in written communication, will be identified as “CI-Written.” All C-I courses will be identified on a student’s transcript.
Departments identify courses that involve Web-based instruction with “Special Enrollment” notes. The notes indicate the levels of Web-based instruction and are as follows. See the table below for a breakdown of web-based course instructional levels.
With the exception of graduate students, professional students and graduating seniors (as defined in the registration calendar), student priorities are determined by adding the semester hours earned to the hours currently carried. Undergraduate transfer students and re-entry students will be placed in a priority group based on credit that has been awarded by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions & Student Aid and any courses that are currently in progress. Please see the registration calendar to determine your scheduling priority. Semester specific registration calendars can be found on the Office of the University Registrar webpage (
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