how to attach documents to tautor course hero

by Mr. Johathan Weimann DDS 4 min read

Part of a video titled How to Upload Documents to the Course Hero Knowledge Drive
Which you can share through Facebook and Twitter to get the word out about this movement. To getMoreWhich you can share through Facebook and Twitter to get the word out about this movement. To get started adding to these numbers click select documents to upload. And head to the document.

How to unblur CourseHero papers?

It is one of the simplest methods for unblurring coursehero papers. To do so, you must register as a free user on Coursehero. After that, you’ll be able to upload the documents to their server. The more documents you upload to course hero, the more free documents you will receive.

What kind of documents should I upload to my course?

Course Hero was created to help students learn more effectively, so documents that are helpful to the studying process are exactly what should be uploaded! It must be tagged to the correct course at the correct school. It must contain useful information and should be a full page or longer. It should have a descriptive and helpful title.

What are the requirements for a photo to be on Course Hero?

It should have a descriptive and helpful title. It cannot be separated into multiple documents. It cannot already exist on Course Hero. It cannot be a photograph.

Can it be separated into multiple documents on Course Hero?

It cannot be separated into multiple documents. It cannot already exist on Course Hero. It cannot be a photograph.

Can I upload PDF to Course Hero?

Unless you have permission from the copyright owner, you cannot post their material that includes your content on to Course Hero.

How do I upload an answer on Course Hero?

Just click the rectangular box ( a blue highlighted icon in image below) from the menu and it allow you to browse the file you want to upload. After browsing a file just post or upload it on course hero. Or you can just simply drag and drop a file here.

Is it safe to upload documents on Course Hero?

As a contributor to Course Hero, you are representing that: You own the copyrights covering the files to be uploaded or have express permission from the copyright owners to upload those files. Your uploading of the files you have selected will not violate any law, regulation, or ethics code.

How do you upload an Excel file to Course Hero?

Step 1 : choose your excel file from your storage and then click on it. Step 2 : select your excel file and click open to upload your file to course hero. If only images are allowed convert your excel file into JPG (image) . If only images are allowed, then you can only upload one image .

Can you get caught using Course Hero?

You can be caught using Course Hero if you apply the answers irresponsibly by plagiarizing them and submitting them as your text. Most universities use plagiarism scanning software like Turnitin or SafeAssign that will flag such open copy-pasting and land you into trouble using Course Hero answers.

Is Course Hero still accepting tutors?

WE ARE STILL HIRING! Course Hero is looking for a Math, Biology, Accounting, and Finance SME or Subject Matter Expert.

Will my professor know if I use Course Hero?

Professors cannot see if you use Course Hero. This platform does not send word to your institution or professor that you have accessed and applied its learning materials. It is nearly impossible to track who uses the platform and who doesn't.

Is Course Hero considered cheating?

Course Hero does not tolerate copyright infringement, plagiarism, or cheating of any kind. Anyone who misuses Course Hero to gain an unfair advantage; submits another member's content as their own; or violates any law, regulation, ethics code, or school code will be permanently banned from the platform.

Will my school know if I use Course Hero?

Course Hero does not notify your school because their services are confidential and they have no affiliation to any university. However, if your school uses Turnitin to check the originality of students' assignments, your tutor could detect if you copied a resource word-for-word from Course Hero.

Why is Course Hero taking so long?

Our system can take up to 24 hours for documents to be processed and credited to your Course Hero account. If your documents have not been processed within this time frame, please contact our Support Team using the Contact Us button below.

Why was Course Hero created?

Course Hero was created to help students learn more effectively, so documents that are helpful to the studying process are exactly what should be uploaded! Specific requirements for each document: It must be tagged to the correct course at the correct school.

Can a course hero be a photo?

It should have a descriptive and helpful title. It cannot be separated into multiple documents. It cannot already exist on Course Hero. It cannot be a photograph. As a contributor to Course Hero, you are representing that: (1) you own the copyrights covering the files to be uploaded or have express permission from the copyright owners ...
