how to apply get pistol course in ny state

by Aniya Kertzmann 5 min read

To apply for New York pistol license, you must complete the following processes:

  • Take a firearm training course if necessary.
  • Download the application form.
  • Complete the form and provide four references.
  • Submit two passport photographs.
  • Go to your sheriff county office or local court to submit your application. Also, provide your fingerprints.
  • Undergo the state’s police investigation and an interview by the FBI.
  • A judge, county sheriff, or commissioner of police will either accept or approve the application based on your county of residence.

Full Answer

How do I get a pistol license in New York?

The licensing unit issues permits based on discretion, but you must first meet the New York pistol license law requirements. New York is a May-issue state for the application of firearms, processed by a county sheriff or a local court.

What is included in the New York State pistol permit course?

The permit that you will be issued is good in all of New York State except New York City. The main topic of this course is SAFETY. Subtopics covered include: Article 35 and NY laws pertaining to the use and carry of your Pistol, Safe handling of a handgun in your home, on the range.

Do I need an application to attend pistol permit classes?

*Pistol Permit Application (& assistance with filling out the application) We can only provide the Erie & Niagara County Application. We do help residents of all counties with filling out the applications, an application is not needed to attend class.

What are the requirements to get a NYS concealed carry permit?

You must be of good moral character. You must give a proper reason for the issuance of the permit. You must be a resident of New York or own a business in the state. In some counties, you must complete a firearm training class, for example, Westchester.

Can you take a pistol permit class online in NY?

If you are a resident of New York State, you need to obtain a pistol permit in order to obtain a handgun. You must be at least 21 years old and complete a Basic Pistol Safety Course administrated by live instruction. An online course is not accepted.

How long is pistol permit class in NY?

The course is four and one-half hours of lecture-style presentation with practical application. Students are introduced to the basic operations of a handgun, safe gun handling, and general information related to confident and proficient gun ownership.

How much does it cost to get a pistol permit in NYS?

The total cost for an applicant, including fingerprinting fees, can approach $150.

How hard is it to get a pistol permit in NY State?

"New York City is one of the most restrictive CCW jurisdictions in the country, and it is very hard to get. On average it takes between six and nine months. It's recommended that one use an attorney who is experienced in the process," Nino Bosaz, the New York-based editorial director of Athlon Outdoors, told Fox News.

Can you open carry in New York State?

The State of New York makes it a crime to possess a firearm without a license, whether inside or outside the home. An individual who wants to carry a firearm outside his home may obtain an unrestricted license to “have and carry” a concealed “pistol or revolver” if he can prove that “proper cause exists” for doing so.

What disqualifies you from owning a gun in NY?

New York prohibits the purchase or acquisition of a handgun, rifle or shotgun by people who know that they are prohibited from possessing a firearm because they have been convicted of, or have had a warrant of arrest issued for, a felony or serious offense.

Can I carry a gun while hiking in NY?

Hiking & Camping include such activities as ATV sports, skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, fishing, etc. You are allowed to wear your weapon going to and from such activities. You are also permitted to possess the handgun at your residence, on property that you own or traveling to and from property that you own.

Can you get a CCW in NY?

Summary of New York Gun Laws. New York is a may-issue state with concealed weapons licenses issued at the local level by the county sheriff or court system. Local law enforcement has discretion in determining whether or not to issue a concealed weapons license to an applicant.

What is a good cause statement?

A good cause statement is a set of circumstances that distinguishes you from other members of the general public and causes you to be placed in harm's way. Include the details that talk about your specific situation rather than talking about random or general threats.

What is the NYS pistol permit class?

NYS Pistol Permit Class. The New York State Pistol Permit Class – also known as the “Concealed Carry Permit Class” or the “Firearms Safety Course“, is required to be completed before applying for the Erie, Niagara, Orleans & Genesee County NYS Pistol Permit process.

Is a gun permit good in New York?

The permit that you will be issued is good in all of New York State except New York City. The main topic of this course is SAFETY. Subtopics covered include: Article 35 and NY laws pertaining to the use and carry of your Pistol, Safe handling of a handgun in your home, on the range.

How to get a pistol license in New York?

GETTING A PISTOL LICENSE IN NY STATE. To get a license for a handgun in New York State you must meet local County, NY State and Federal regulations. These requirements can be meet by the average law abiding citizen who does not have any legal problems or other bars to owning a gun, is willing to wait, is willing to fill in ...

How old do you have to be to get a gun license?

be 21 years old to be issued a license. have people willing to be character references. not be barred from owning a gun under federal or state law. be able to provide a set of fingerprints. provide 3 recent passport photos. answer all questions on an application.

Where do I send my fingerprints to for a pistol license?

Wait while you are being investigated and your fingerprints are sent to the FBI. After your fingerprints are returned from the FBI and the investigation is completed your application is normally sent to your county’s Pistol License office and then forwarded to licensing officer for review and decision.

Do you have to have all handguns on your license?

have all handguns that you own listed on your license. Some counties might have additional requirements such as the character references must be residents of the county or might have to fill out an additional questionnaire. In some counties you might also have to meet with your investigator and/or licensing officer.

Do you have to have a license to work in New York?

The law allows for several other rarely used or very specific types of licenses such as, “justice of the supreme court in the first or second judicial departments, or by a judge of the New York city civil court or the New York City Criminal court”, employment by state or local governments in specific jobs. You do not have to have ...

How old do you have to be to get a gun permit in New York?

New York Gun Permit Requirements. To apply for New York gun license, you must meet the gun laws’ requirements, and they are: You must be at least twenty-one years old. You must be a legal citizen of the United States of America. You must be of good moral character. You must give a proper reason for the issuance of the permit.

How often do you need to renew a pistol permit in New York?

The New York permit recertification process takes place every five years. The local licensing authority is in charge of the recertification and updating of pistol permits. Some counties may also have other requirements for renewal permit application. Examples of such counties are Nassau County.

How to report a stolen gun permit?

For stolen or missing gun permits, you must report to the closest police location of where the theft occurred or where you lose the license. You will get a complaint number. After that, notify the licensing department of the police unit immediately and visit the office to obtain a replacement permit.

How to apply for a sheriff's license in Florida?

Go to your sheriff county office or local court to submit your application. Also, provide your fingerprints. Undergo the state’s police investigation and an interview by the FBI. A judge, county sheriff, or commissioner of police will either accept or approve the application based on your county of residence.

Which states have restricted reciprocity with New York?

These states will accept your pistol permit from New York, but you must meet some other requirements provided by their gun laws. They include the following: Alabama.

Can you carry a gun in a car in New York?

To carry firearms in your private vehicle, you must have a New York gun license . However, federal laws in interstate transportation allow the possession of an unloaded firearm through the state. In this case, the gun must not be accessible from the passenger side of the vehicle.

Does New York require firearm training?

New York does not require the completion of firearm training to apply for pistol permits in the state. However, some counties mandate firearm training before the application of gun licenses.

New York Pistol License Basics

New York is a may-issue state with concealed carry licenses issued at the local level by the county sheriff or court system. May issue means applicants must pass basic requirements, and the issuing authority is allowed to use their own discretion in either issuing or denying a license.

What Are the License Requirements in New York?

Be 21 years of age or older, except there is no minimum age for honorably discharged members of the U.S. military

Do I Need Firearms Training in New York?

New York does not generally require applicants for a license to carry a handgun to undergo firearms safety training. However, some counties may have requirements. The USCCA recommends that anyone who makes the choice to carry a concealed firearm obtain as much training as possible in order to be a responsibly armed American.

About The Author: USCCA

The USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) is a membership organization of over 600,000 responsibly armed members. The U.S. Concealed Carry Association exists to help responsible gun owners like you avoid danger, save lives & keep your family safe.
