how to aggregate course evaluations

by Esta Borer 10 min read

Which method of evaluation offers a complete view of a course?

No single method of evaluation offers a complete view. This page describes the end-term student feedback survey and offers recommendations for managing it. The end-term student feedback survey, often referred to as the “course evaluations”, opens in the last week of instruction each quarter for two weeks:

Can students provide effective feedback on course evaluations?

Educating faculty about the research as well is really helpful. There have been 40 years of study on course evaluations and the research shows that students can provide effective feedback on course evaluations and that it is a useful measure of teaching effectiveness when they are well-developed and validated.

Are students uneducated about course evaluations?

Dr. Gravestock: What we know from the research, and what we’ve found at our own institution, is that students are woefully uneducated about course evaluations. They don’t know how they’re used and they don’t know where their feedback goes.

Are course evaluations a good measure of teaching quality?

Done well, they can be both a useful and effective measure of teaching quality, she says. Dr. Gravestock, whose dissertation focused on how teaching is evaluated for tenure at Canadian universities, is one of the leading experts in Canada on course evaluations.

What should be included in a course evaluation?

Course MaterialsThe lectures, readings, and assignments complemented each other.The instructional materials (i.e., books, readings, handouts, study guides, lab manuals, multimedia, software) increased my knowledge and skills in the subject matter.The text and assigned readings were valuable.More items...

How do you evaluate the success of a course?

One of the most familiar strategies that faculty use to determine the success of course is to review how well students perform on their assignments, exams, projects, papers, and other learning activities - in other words, grades.

How do you write a course evaluation?

Comment on what you feel was good about the course and why you feel this way. Be honest, be direct and be concise. Don't spend too much time describing what aspects you considered good because it is more important that you communicate your reasons for feeling that way.

How do colleges use course evaluations?

Course evaluation results help faculty gain a better understanding of how well they are meeting the learning needs of their students. Student feedback helps them to develop, modify and improve their courses. Departments use course evaluation results when they evaluate instructors' teaching effectiveness each year.

What are the five levels of evaluation?

Based on the Kirkpatrick Model, Kaufman's Five Levels of Evaluation are as follows:Level 1a: Input. ... Level 1b: Process. ... Level 3: Application. ... Level 4: Organisational payoffs. ... Level 5: Societal Outcomes. ... Change 1. ... Change 2. ... Change 3.More items...

How is effective learning measured and evaluated?

Measure learning A more comprehensive way to measure learning is to conduct a pre-training test and a post-training test and compare the results from each. This is a form of ipsative assessment where you are measure participants' current performance against their previous performance.

What is an example of an evaluation question?

Examples of Evaluation Questions Were participants satisfied with the delivery of the program? How do staff, community partners and referring agencies feel about the program? How did participants find out about the program? How many children/youth and/or families completed the program?

How do you evaluate faculty performance?

Evaluation of Faculty Performanceteaching effectiveness;scholarly and professional achievements;research, as evidenced by both published and unpublished works;direction of graduate studies;advisory and counseling service;success in generating external funding to support research or other programs;More items...

Do professors read course evaluations?

A: No, this is not possible. Instructors and TA's are not able to see their evaluation reports until they have turned in grades. The evaluation reports they are provided contain aggregated information and no specific responses or ratings can be traced back to individual students.

Do course evaluations matter?

In addition to helping professors improve their classes, these evaluations play a role in helping administration make tenure decisions and influence where potential raises are offered, Carini said. Though they aren't the deciding factor, these surveys are one component of how teaching is evaluated.

What is a good teaching evaluation score?

on a 1-5 scale (1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=very good, 5=excellent) and to provide open-ended feedback about their discussion section leaders (“preceptors”).

Encourage constructive student feedback

Before the course evaluation start date, explain to students how evaluations impact and enhance teaching and learning departmentally and college-wide.

Increase student response rates

Take class time for students to complete the end-of-course evaluations. (It is best practice for the instructor to excuse themselves from the room (physical or virtual during this process).

For consideration for next time

CELT recommends making class expectations explicit. Be sure your teaching strategies and assessments map onto your class learning objectives and course goals.

Support for course evaluations (Class Climate)

If you are a student seeking support, contact the IT Solution Center, email [email protected] or phone 515-294-4000.

Adapted from

Clement, M. (2012, July 30). Three steps to better course evaluations. Faculty Focus. Retrieved from

End-term student feedback

The end-term student feedback survey, often referred to as the “course evaluations”, opens in the last week of instruction each quarter for two weeks:

Need help understanding or responding to course evaluations?

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) has trained and experienced teaching consultants who can help you interpret results and advise on teaching strategies. Contact CTL (link is external) to request a consultation at any time.

Further sources of evaluation and feedback

There are many other sources of feedback (link is external) that can help inform your teaching and learning decisions, including:

How to interpret course evaluations

Since you now have secured good data through well-designed forms and navigated away from the paper size, the time has come to interpret the data you have collected.

Course evaluations: Not the only source of information

With well-designed forms, effective solutions for gathering course evaluations, good analytics, and great presentation of your data, it may feel like you have a good foundation for making decisions.

Get more out of your course evaluations today

Have you already picked up a bunch of course evaluations? Then you have a gold mine in front of you that you should start analyzing today.

Can a first year undergraduate comment on their learning experience?

A first-year undergraduate wouldn ’t know whether the instructor is knowledgeable or not. That’s a question that is better suited to a peer evaluation. However, students can certainly comment on their learning experience within the context of a course.

Can students provide feedback on a course?

Dr. Gravestock: Yes and no. There are definitely certain things that students can provide feedback on, but there are also things that students are not necessarily in a position to provide feedback on. An example of the latter is a question that appears on most course evaluations, asking students to comment on the instructor’s knowledge ...

How does course evaluation benefit you?

course evaluations can benefit you, the instructor. . Chief among these benefits is the ability to improve the overall quality of education and learning. The efficient collection of student feedback alone does not lead to significant change. How you use the feedback is critical to the success of the evaluation process.

Why is it important to compare student feedback to your own self evaluation?

It’s a good idea to compare the student feedback to your own self-evaluation to identify any gaps or differences in perception. Once you’ve analyzed both the numerical data and the comments, look for trends or themes in the data.

How to seek further development?

Some ways to seek further development are through training, mentoring, workshops, conferences, seminars, books, tutorials, etc. Curriculum changes: Feedback gathered on the topics covered in your class, or on the materials utilized, can form the basis for your curriculum changes.

Is it good to review both strengths and weaknesses in feedback?

It is good to review both the strengths and weaknesses in the feedback to get a comprehensive view of your performance. However, pay attention to any weaknesses that are highlighted to seek out possible areas for improvement.
