To add Piazza to your Navigation panel, go to Settings → Navigation and drag “Piazza” from the hidden items list to the course navigation list and click “Save.” If Piazza was added as a tool at the organizational level by an administrator, you will only need to complete this simple step to add Piazza to a class.
Full Answer
In order to access Piazza, you’ll need to add a link to it somewhere within your course site. We generally suggest adding it to your Canvas Navigation panel. We recommend adding Piazza to your Canvas Navigation panel on the left side of your screen.
If you would prefer to add students to your course under the Manage Class tab, you can prevent students from signing up on by enabling an access ... Piazza is an online platform that facilitates interaction among students and instructors in an efficient and intuitive manner. We started as a way to help s...
Tip: You can create a module called “Discussion” and keep it at the top of the list. Browse to Modules in the navigation bar on the left. Click on the plus sign next to your chosen module: Choose “External Tool” from the “Add” menu, and then click “Piazza.” Press Add Item to complete the process.
Please contact [email protected] to receive a key and secret for your school when you’re ready to use the integration in real classes. For testing purposes, we also provide a demo key and secret which are as follows:
How do I manage Piazza discussion board enrollments?Go to Piazza.Click Manage Class. This displays Piazza's Settings page.Click Manage Enrollment. This displays the site's enrollment settings.Scroll down to the Enroll Students panel. ... Scroll to Enroll Professors/TAs panel.
Navigate to the desired course, and then launch Piazza. At the top of the Piazza screen, select Manage Class. On the General Settings tab, in the "Class Information" section, under "Access Code", click Add access code. When prompted to create an access code, enter a code that will be difficult for others to guess.
Steps for Students on How to Post a NoteSteps for Students on How to Post a Note.Click the New Post button:Select Note as the post type:Select the audience for your post. ... Select one or more folders to post in:Fill out the contents of your post:Post as yourself, anonymous to classmates, or anonymous to everyone:More items...
To comment or post a followup question to a Q&A post, please click within the text box just beneath the post that reads, "Compose a new followup discussion." All post contributors, as well as any others following the post, will be notified of a new followup.
You can manually add accounts for people outside of the Canvas class enrollment by adding an email address to the Add Students box and clicking Add Students. These users can only access the site's discussion board via
Enter registration code We sent a registration email to . The email may take a couple minutes to arrive. Either enter the provided activation code, or click the activation link in the email to finish enrolling.
To edit a post, click Edit and clarify the question or note: You can edit both student and instructor answers by clicking Edit below the answer: To edit a followup, hover over the Actions menu and click Edit: Note: Only the name of the person who created the followup will be displayed.
Pin a Post to the Top of Everyone's Feed To bring a post to the top of everyone's feed, select the option on the drop-down menu: Or type #... How to Mark a Post as a Favorite in Your Feed To Favorite a post, click on the star icon: The post will display in the Favorites section of your fee...
How do I edit the student anonymity settings for my Piazza site?Go to Piazza.Click Manage Class, then Customize Q&A.Adjust settings, then click Save Changes. Note: By default, students have a choice when posting to "show their name", "post as anonymous to classmates" or "post as anonymous to everyone".
All users can vie the Piazza site posting statistics. Students can view cumulative student posting statistics. Instructors can view cumulative student posting statistics and aggregate instructor posting statistics.
Method 1: (Join in the student wiki-like student answers) - Click on the student question.In the student's answer box, click Edit. This displays the Piazza Text Editor.Enter your response, then click Submit.To the students, this will display as part of the "student's answer" panel and others can add to the answer.
You can add students and instructors to your class in three ways: sharing a signup link, pasting email addresses, or uploading a student roster as a CSV file. If you’re not ready to enroll your students just yet, you can add them later from the ‘Manage Class’ tab.
This makes it easier for other students to search these posts, reducing the number of duplicate questions asked in your class.
The ‘Manage Class’ tab is where you’ll be able to make any changes to settings you’ve configured on this page, in addition to selecting other preferences.
If you share your class signup link, students and instructors will be required to enter a valid school email address when signing up for your class.
Alternatively, you can paste in student and instructor email addresses. You can add instructors’ email addresses and students’ email addresses here in any format. We will parse out the email addresses. Students and instructors will receive a welcome email.
If you have your student roster handy, you can also upload your roster as a CSV file, we’ll parse out the emails and your students will receive a welcome email.
You can also modify your folders at any time from ‘Manage Class’ .
Piazza integration in Canvas creates a seamless experience for you and your students—and only takes about 5 minutes to set up!
We recommend adding Piazza to your Canvas Navigation panel on the left side of your screen.
Adding the tool to a Managed Account (instead of a course) is preferable, as it only needs to be done once across your institution’s Canvas instance, at which point every instructor will see Piazza as a preconfigured tool in their Canvas. Please note that only an administrator can choose a Managed Account.
You can also create links to Piazza within modules. Add Piazza to an existing module or create a new one. Tip: You can create a module called “Discussion” and keep it at the top of the list.
Piazza has now been added as a tool within Canvas. In order to access Piazza, you’ll need to add a link to it somewhere within your course site. We generally suggest adding it to your Canvas Navigation panel.
Piazza leverages the power of the community – student answers are collaborative spaces for all students to build a single high-quality response; Instructor answers are collaborative spaces for all instructors to build a single high-quality response.
Questions and answers on Piazza are community-edited – a student can edit another student’s question, as well as the collaborative students’ answer (note the position of the apostrophe). An instructor can edit a student’s question, the collaborative instructors’ answer, as well as the collaborative students’ answer. A history slider at the top of each post lets users see how thequestion and answer have evolved over time. If instructors do not approve of any posted content, they can edit the content and disable the history, or delete the content altogether.
Instructors can post announcements to their class by posting a note (not a question) on Piazza. Notes do not need an answer, and are often a great way to update the class of a change in oce hours, a typo in the homework, and so on.
Setting up your course on Piazza takes two minutes:
Once a class becomes active on Piazza, students often contribute answers to each other's questions on their own. Instructors can endorse or correct a response posted by the community to give confidence that it’s backed by the teaching staff.
Collaboration on Piazza stimulates discussion and active learning long after lecture ends.
Piazza was built on the founding principle of creating inclusion in the classroom. Their founder Pooja Sankar was one of 3 women studying computer science, and too shy to ask for help from her male classmates, she started Piazza so every student could have a voice.
You can contact the Piazza Team at [email protected] if you would like help getting set up for your classes.
Instructors can allow students to participate anonymously, to encourage participation from the shyest students
Faculty report that Piazza saves them time. When students post their questions on Piazza, instructors or TAs respond to each unique question just once - instead of answering the same question multiple times over email.