how to add course name in istudiez

by Virginie Shanahan 6 min read

To add a class, tap on the building icon in the top right and create a semester if it is not created already. If it is, tap on the correct semester. Add a course by typing in the title and tapping add class to edit more details about the class.

How do you use iStudiez?

Just add a course and name it "My life". After that, add you personal appointments using the Classes feature, or create a To-Do list using the Assignments. See, even after you graduate, you may still use iStudiez Pro as you everyday planner.Jan 3, 2019

How do I delete a course on iStudiez Pro?

Right click any class in Day View to see contextual menu. In Day View use three fingers swipe gesture to the right or left to get to the next or previous day respectively. When in Planner press Delete (Backspace) key on your keyboard to delete selected Classes, Courses or Semesters.Mar 12, 2011

How do I mark an assignment as completed on iStudiez?

- on iOS and Android: Tap a square checkbox left to the assignment's name to mark it as completed. - on Mac and Windows: Click on a square checkbox left to assignment's name to mark it as completed.Feb 8, 2019

How do I add class time to iStudiez pro?

Tap on the + button at the top right of the assignment screen. Edit the assignment title and description by tapping on Untitled Assignment and typing in your assignment. Edit the date it is due by tapping on Due Date. Edit the date by tapping on which day on the calendar that your assignment is due.

How do you add grades to Istudiez?

To add a Final Grade go to the Planner > Semester > Course > Grades > Final Grade > enter the grade.Jun 9, 2017

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iStudiez Pro is a task manager that caters to the needs of busy students. With the intent of replacing the traditional student planner, iStudiez Pro offers an array of features that work to streamline managing classes, exams and assignments.


iStudiez pro covers all the basic functions of the student planner, yet integrates with the iPhone user interface seamlessly. When you first start the app it gives you the option of using sample data if you are unfamiliar with how the app works. But I just dove right in and found the app to be quite intuitive and easy to use.

The Breakdown

The Good: iStudiez Pro is easy to use and really helps you organize your school life. After adding all of your courses, classes, instructors, exams and assignments you want to ensure that your data isn't lost. This app gives you an easy and free way to do so. The app allows you to email yourself a file with all of your data in it.

The Verdict

If you're a student of any sort this app can help you mange your courses with ease and will give you the assurance that you can save your data from being lost. Especially at only $2.99 there is no reason you shouldn't invest in this app. The cost of the app is nothing compared to your academic success.
