Authenticate using your Penn State access account or your Friends of Penn State account. After logging in, you will see your Canvas Dashboard. Several of your courses may be visible on the dashboard, and you can access each one by clicking on the course title.
Our online courses are presented through Canvas, a centralized learning management system. After logging in with your Penn State user credentials, you can access syllabi, assignments, course content, grades, discussion forums, and announcements.
The Penn State WebAccess service is based on the University of Michigan's Cosign technology. This software, part of the NSF Middleware Initiative, and information is available via University of Michigan's Cosign Web site.
After logging in with your Penn State user credentials, you can access syllabi, assignments, course content, grades, discussion forums, and announcements. Canvas Email, Groups, and Discussion Forums provide a means to interact directly with faculty and peers within the platform. You also have access to live chat support and a support hotline.
By clicking on the link provided for the Class and Section, Class Details appear with WEB listed as the Instruction Mode. To search for web courses offered at a particular campus (or at all campuses), click on Additional Search Criteria in Search for Classes and select Web as the Mode of Instruction.
How to Register for an Online CourseLog in to Banweb.Select the 'Student Services' tab.Click 'Visit Registration Hub'Click 'Register for Classes'Select the term for which you are registering from the drop down menu.Search for courses in the Find Classes tab or enter the CRN.Click 'Submit'More items...
In the LionPATH Student Center, click the "Enroll" link under Academics, and then choose the "Add" subtab to add a course. In person using a Registration Drop/Add Form. Submit the form to the department offering the course or the Registrar's office.
An Internet/web-based course is any course in which students may complete more than 50% of the requirements through Internet access to the course web site.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) MOOCs are a valuable addition to online learning at Penn State. MOOCs are online courses that are made available to anyone on the internet, typically without charge. Course lengths vary but usually last only 4 or 5 weeks.
How do I search for courses in LionPATH? You can search for classes by clicking on the “Search for Classes” button in the top right-hand corner of the Student Center. On the next screen, use the dropdowns to enter your search criteria (e.g., campus, subject, level, etc.) to narrow down your results.
LionPATH - Course Scheduling Guide1: Log in to LionPATH at: the Home page, complete any Holds and To Do List items.Search for classes.View the class details.Adding a course to your shopping cart.Enroll in a class.Check your course(s)
Web courses are offered through both the resident instruction and the World Campus delivery systems. Web courses do not meet in traditional classrooms, with the possible exception of scheduled examinations. A Web course may be offered by both resident instruction and the World Campus with identical course content.
Penn State World Campus courses are asynchronous — meaning you don't have to attend online classes at a specific time. Our students use a combination of self-study and peer-to-peer interaction through an online learning network to facilitate instruction.
Web On-Line Course instruction is delivered primarily online; students will typically follow a schedule and be required to meet published deadlines.
Well, they are the same! This is the real Penn State. You are taking the same classes with the same curriculum developed by the same professors who teach courses at our brick-and-mortar campuses. You can expect the same caliber of academic quality that you associate with Penn State.
Penn State is not an Ivy League school — UPenn is. The Ivy League is made up of Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, and UPenn.
3.58With a GPA of 3.58, Penn State requires you to be around average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, and very few C's. If you have a lower GPA, you can compensate with harder courses like AP or IB classes. This will help boost your weighted GPA and show your ability to take college classes.
Students enrolled in Penn State World Campus undergraduate courses have reported spending approximately 8 to 12 hours per week on readings and assignments for a 3-credit course. Plan to spend extra time when you have papers, projects, or exams. Graduate-level courses will likely require more time per week.
All Penn State undergraduate and master's degree candidates receive their diplomas in the mail after commencement; doctoral candidates receive their diplomas in person. This is often the first time that our students set foot on campus as well as meet their classmates, faculty, and academic advisers in person.
You can complete many of our degree programs at your own pace. Penn State World Campus courses are asynchronous — meaning you don't have to attend online classes at a specific time. Our students use a combination of self-study and peer-to-peer interaction through an online learning network to facilitate instruction.
As an online student, you will interact with people from different backgrounds and situations, providing opportunities to experience many perspectives and concepts throughout your studies.
Penn State gave me the confidence to start my own business, and really work for me, and do the things as passionately as I do everything in my life.
The system used by WebAccess is based on session cookies. These session cookies (which are not saved when you exit the web browser) are used to identify you to WebAccess and each protected service. They do not contain any information about you.
In addition, the system has a maximum time limit of 15 hours.
The system provides pre-set timeouts, which aid in minimizing the exposure of forgotten web browser sessions. If you have not visited any protected service or the WebAccess log in page within the last 6 hours, an idle timer will end your session thus requiring you to re-authenticate. In addition, the system has a maximum time limit of 15 hours.
If you visit farms, this online course will teach you best biosecurity practices and etiquette for keeping farms, animals, and people safe and productive.
This online course teaches the basics of handling, preparing, and selling produce. Learn hands-on strategies to apply at markets and roadside stands.
Learn about trees, wildlife, water, and ecology. Learn to teach children and teens with activities and through curriculum recommendations. Earn Act 48 hours.
This online course will help you understand how Pennsylvania local governments work, explore ways you can become involved, and explain how to run for office.
This online course about raising beef cattle covers breeds, establishing facilities, nutrition and reproduction, and marketing and finances.
This online course about the science and practice of beekeeping is for beginning beekeepers. It covers bee biology and behavior, hive management, equipment, bee products, and more.
Partial budgeting is a tool that helps farm managers assess the possible financial impact of a change in resources, such as purchasing new equipment.
Under Class Attributes enter a Course Attribute of "CHAR" with a Course Attribute Value of "SHAR."
If you are the receiving section, click the plus button to add another "CHAR" Course Attribute with a Course Attribute Value of "RCVD". Click Save. If you are the broadcasting campus, skip to Step 4.
If you are the broadcasting campus, click the plus button to add another "CHAR" Course Attribute with a Course Attribute Value of "BCST". Click Save.
Your Penn State Account is like a passport. A passport identifies you as a citizen of your nation and qualifies you to request entry to other countries. Your Penn State account identifies you as a member of the Penn State community, and makes you eligible to be granted access to various Penn State resources.
Students To be considered an active student, you must be enrolled in at least ONE credit-earning course for the current or upcoming semester. If you’re unsure of your current student status, please contact the Registrar’s Office for further information.
Some resources will require you to register, download, and/or install something; others will not. In most cases, when you’re granted access to a resource and/or asked to log in to a website or application, you’ll receive an email notification with a link and instructions for doing so.
Access to some resources is granted only upon the request of your college or department. Access to many resources is automatically granted to all active students, faculty, and staff. If you have some other affiliation with the University, the specific resources to which you’ll be granted access depends on the nature of your affiliation and role.
If you enroll in a course, you may be granted access to Canvas via the “Limited Access Option”. Unless and until you either become an active student, faculty or staff member, or your account is sponsored by a department in the University, your account will remain in Limited status. You will not be granted access to additional resources.
Once you have a passport, each country you wish to visit typically must issue you a visa granting you permission to enter that country. Once you have a Penn State account, each of the resources you need must grant you permission to log in. What you can access with your account changes as your relationship to the University changes.
Class scheduling is a cyclical process with class details being entered into LionPATH and classroom assignments being created using the 25Live Optimizer. College schedulers, faculty, the Office of the University Registrar, and the Office of the Faculty Senate all play a part in the successful completion of the Schedule of Courses each semester.
The Scheduling and Curriculum department have created instruction guides, complete with screenshots, to walk college schedulers through the class scheduling process. Below is a list of all guides that are currently available.
Course offerings must be scheduled for one of the approved standard scheduling periods during the fall, spring, or summer semester. The Office of the University Registrar maintains the standard scheduling periods chart.