how to access faes course sites

by Miss Allie Schmitt 7 min read

Course Website (Canvas): Access the course Canvas site using your log-in. This site will provide guidance for assignments, online class discussion group assignments, and guest lecture / presentation log-ins.

Full Answer

Where is the FAES book library located?

FAES Courses and Workshops are currently online. Courses are taught asynchronously with the exception of language courses and certain genetics courses. Most workshops are synchronous. The list below reflects current FAES offerings. Registration for May 2022 Intersession and Summer 2022 Term is open. Workshop registration is ongoing, view the ...

What is the FAES bookstore @ NIH?

download pdf catalog here. faes academic programs nih main campus 10 center drive building 10, suite 1n241 bethesda, md 20892. telephone (301) 496-7976

How do I renew my health insurance with FAES?

Students must register online through the student portal after creating an account at . We also accept registration by email at or over the phone at (301)496-7976. Registration for FAES Workshops FAES’s workshops are open to the broader NIH community as well as to the general public.

What is the Dean's Seal of Excellence?

Students may be eligible for the 'Dean's Seal of Excellence', a digital badge issued by the FAES Academic Programs that signifies successful completion of a specific series of courses and/or outstanding performance during coursework.

How many hours is a standard classroom hour?

One credit corresponds to 15 standard classroom hours. A standard classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes of instruction time and 10 minutes break. Students registered for credit must complete all coursework as required by the instructor.

Do auditors get credit?

An auditor must pay the same tuition fee and meet the same prerequisites as a credit student. They receive full privileges of class participation, if they choose to exercise them. An auditor does not receive a grade or credit; they receive a grade of “AUD.”

Can you cancel a course with FAES?

FAES reserves the right to cancel a course due to insufficient enrollment. In such cases, students will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees. Further, FAES reserves the right to limit registration, and to cancel, combine, terminate, or postpone courses, and to require the withdrawal of any student at any time for any reason that FAES deems sufficient.

Is FAES a federal program?

FAES Academic Programs courses are held in federal government facilities. Consequently, FAES follows the snow and dismissal procedures of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). When government offices are opened late or closed early or all day due to hazardous weather conditions, or when hazardous weather conditions are probable for the daytime workshops or evening academic courses, classes will not be held.

Can you attend classes at FAEs?

Students may not attend classes until they have officially registered for the course through FAES’s online registration portal or by submitting a complete Enrollment Form to FAES.

What is the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences?

If you didn’t find the answers to your questions here, the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) provides up-to-date information and resources for all you insurance concerns. If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact an FAES insurance representative:

Is Quest Diagnostics out of network?

Services performed at a facility other than Quest Diagnostics and LabCorp will be considered “out-of-network” and will require higher out-of-pocket costs. If you are having lab work done at your physician’s office and your physician is in-network, then the lab work will be treated as in-network.