how the recovery is handled course hero

by Constance Schmidt 5 min read

How do you do the work of recovery?

Doing the work of recovery can only be accomplished through your efforts and by your actions. Recovery is yours alone. No one can make you do it; and no one can do it for you. What you choose and what you decide is what will determine your level of success. 3. Actively challenge and change your thinking Successful recovery is possible.

What do you need for successful recovery?

Those who are successful deliberately use the resources, wisdom, and support to plan their work and work their plan. Long-term recovery is not attained haphazardly; successful change requires intentional action. Here are the necessary key pieces for successful recovery.

What makes a lasting recovery?

A lasting recovery is made possible by changing key qualities and characteristics of yourself, not by merely changing a few behaviors. Character transformation is rarely instantaneous.

How can I build a strong recovery network?

A strong recovery requires good emotional, spiritual, and relational support. A strong, sober support network is more often built than it is found. Be willing to be held accountable. It is important for you to seek encouragement, develop friendships, accept correction, navigate conflicts, and listen to advice.

How to achieve a strong recovery?

A strong recovery is achieved by changing the way you use or drink, as you change the way you believe and think. 4. Develop positive life-changing character traits . A lasting recovery is made possible by changing key qualities and characteristics of yourself, not by merely changing a few behaviors.

What is the key to a successful recovery?

Here are the necessary key pieces for successful recovery. 1. Honestly acknowledge the severity of your emotional or substance use disorder. The absolutely necessary starting point of any successful recovery is to accept the existence and the extent of the problems you face.

What is relapse in recovery?

Most people in recovery still have strong desires to use again. Relapse is the return to using drugs or alcohol after a period of being substance free. Because relapse is both damaging and wearisome to clients and their families, temptations must be planned for and managed strategically.

How to overcome relapse?

Life-long recovery is not always a linear process. Be quick to indentify vulnerabilities, potential problems, temptations, and triggers for relapse. Being aware of these helps you to reach out and get the support you need.

How to prevent relapse?

Plan and work your relapse prevention strategy. Cultivate a spirit of resilience. 1. Honestly acknowledge the severity of your emotional or substance use disorder. The absolutely necessary starting point of any successful recovery is to accept the existence and the extent of the problems you face.

How to manage co-occurring disorders?

Medication and counseling help manage symptoms of co-occurring disorders better than either one alone and often become key pieces of long-term recovery. 9. Plan and work your relapse prevention strategy. Most people in recovery still have strong desires to use again.

What is the best way to recover from addiction?

A strong recovery requires good emotional, spiritual, and relational support. A strong, sober support network is more often built than it is found. Be willing to be held accountable.
