how soldier course

by Carli Wisoky 7 min read

A Soldier Course is created by laying the bricks on end, side by side. The standard practice of this style of brickwork is to be applied to openings in the facade aswell as being used to create a horizontal detail band course around a building.

Soldier: A soldier course is one in which brick are laid standing on end with the narrow edge facing out. This type of course is sometimes used for decorative effects over door and window openings and in fireplace facings (vertical, long, narrow).

Full Answer

What is a soldier course?

A soldier course is a set of vertical bricks lined up in a row with the narrow edge facing outward. These can be modeled in Chief Architect using a Symbol Molding.

What is a soldier course in brick?

The soldier course will fall into coursing by matching with three courses of a running bond or commonly laid brick. In many instances the soldier course is doubled or tripled to create a wider band of dissimilar laid brick in the facade.

What is a soldier course in chief architect?

A soldier course is a set of vertical bricks lined up in a row with the narrow edge facing outward. These can be modeled in Chief Architect using a Symbol Molding. Select File> New Plan from the menu to open a brand new, blank plan file.

How do I add an arched soldier course to the library?

If you will frequently be needing an arched soldier course this size, you may also want to use the Add to Library edit tool with the Architectural Block selected to add it to the Library Browser in the User Catalog for future use. Take a Camera view to see the results.

Why is it called a soldier course?

The idea behind the name is that when one looks at the long narrow side of a brick, it is supposed to resemble a soldier standing at attention. A soldier course can be laid horizontally or perpendicularly in relation to another course of bricks, with soldier courses commonly being used for edging.

What does soldier course mean?

Definition of soldier course : a course of soldiers in masonry.

What is a course in a wall?

A course is a layer of the same unit running horizontally in a wall. It can also be defined as a continuous row of any masonry unit such as bricks, concrete masonry units (CMU), stone, shingles, tiles, etc. Coursed masonry construction arranges units in regular courses.

What is a Rowlock course?

The rowlock or rolok is similar to the header course except that the brick are laid on narrow or face edge. This type of course is often used as the top course or cap of garden walls and as window and door sills (horizontal, short, narrow side laid on narrow edge).

What are soldiers called?

commando, fighter, guard, guerrilla, marine, mercenary, officer, paratrooper, pilot, trooper, veteran, volunteer, cadet, conscript, draftee, gunner, infantry, musketeer, private, rank.

How much is the thickness of course?

The thickness of clay/earth mortar is 12 mm and the maximum height of building constructed with clay is restricted to 2.5 m. stones and cement blocks are also used in brick work.

What is drip course?

Drip-feeding is all about scheduling the delivery of your online course. With it, your learners get the course material in stages. This means that they don't get the content all in one go, but gain access to it at a set-specific time.

How tall is a course of block?

Standard concrete blocks are 15 5/8 inches by 7 5/8 inches and there is usually 3/8 inches of mortar between them so in the wall it is safe to say that a block and mortar on two sides is approximately 16 inches by 8 inches. Your wall is 1,300 feet long which is 1,300 × 12 = 15,600 inches long.

What is a header course?

Definition of header course : a masonry course in which all the bricks are laid as headers.

What is a stringer course?

stringcourse, in architecture, decorative horizontal band on the exterior wall of a building. Such a band, either plain or molded, is usually formed of brick or stone. The stringcourse occurs in virtually every style of Western architecture, from Classical Roman through Anglo-Saxon and Renaissance to modern.

How tall is a brick course?

A single standard brick course is 86mm (76mm of brick and 10mm of mortar).

What is Shiner brick?

A row of bricks with long and broad faces form the shiner course.

What is a soldier course?

A soldier course is a set of vertical bricks lined up in a row with the narrow edge facing outward. These can be modeled in Chief Architect using a Symbol Molding.

How to group select two solids in a floor plan?

In floor plan, use the Select Objects tool to drag a marquee around the two solids to group-select them, click on the Multiple Copy edit button , then select the Multiple Copy Interval edit tool.

Can you use an arched soldier course over a round top window?

A similar method can be used to create an arched soldier course over a round top window.

Can you make a sloped sill?

Using the components created earlier, it is possible to create a sloped sill . The next section walks through creating the angled sill as an Architectural Block, which can be added to the Library for use in future plans and exploded to make modifications to the individual solid objects so that there is not mortar left on the outside of one of the brick edges.

Why do you cut a soldier course?

When a soldier course is laid to a curve, the block may need to be cut to avoid overly wide joints. The joint width is determined by the size of the radius, with faster radii resulting in more open joints. Generally, any radius of less than around 2 metres will need the blocks to be trimmed to avoid glaringly wide joints.

How are edge courses formed?

Edge courses can be formed using, for example, dished channels or even linear drains, but, in most cases, standard blocks will be used, and so, by laying these on a concrete bed and haunch, their role in directing surface water and generating the correct falls within the body of the pavement can be assured.

What holds the edge units in a fixed position in terms of lateral movement?

The concrete bed holds the edge units in a fixed position in terms of surface level and adds mass to the retaining structure. The haunching holds the edge units in a fixed position in terms of lateral movement, and also adds mass to the retaining structure.

What is edge course?

Edge courses are the blocks, bricks or other paver units used at the edge of a pavement. Sometimes referred to as Soldier Courses, their main function is to provide a robust restraint for the paving, to prevent it spreading and losing its load-bearing capability.

What is the function of an edge course?

Eliminate cuts at pavement edge. This function of an edge course is fairly self-explanatory. By using full blocks (or other units) to form the edge course, there is no risk of having small or cut pieces of paving at a free edge, where they are more likely to work loose.

How many methods are there for creating contrasting edge courses?

There are three main methods for creating a contrasting edge course:-

Is an edge course a retaining structure?

As a retaining structure: This is the primary function of the edge courses, yet, on many pavements, the edge courses are not actually a retaining structure at all, but are included for one or more of the other reasons given above. A good example of this is when the edge course lies against a wall or a kerb.
