how permit course transfer in cuny

by Dr. Liam Romaguera DVM 8 min read

CUNY e-Permit course transfer To transfer an e-permit course students must contact the e-permit coordination immediately after the Host College has posted final grades sending an e-mail to: [email protected] and [email protected]

Full Answer

How will the results of my CUNY transfer be available?

Permit course: Each permit request is for a single course equivalent. Thus, a student needs to complete a permit request for each equivalent course he/she would like to take at another CUNY college. Courses taken on permit must meet a specific degree requirement. Course grade: Courses will be transferred to the Home college and recorded with the grade assigned by the …

How do I register for cunyfirst courses on permit?

Choose this option to see how a course you select will transfer across CUNY and how it is received by every other college. You should choose this option, for example, if you are planning on transferring. course transfers FROM every other college. Choose this option to see what courses can be taken across CUNY to transfer back as the course you ...

How many credits do I need to transfer to CUNY senior college?

Select the desired course. On Course Detail page, click the button to “fetch equivalent CUNY courses” to search for equivalent courses across all CUNY colleges. Once your ePermit request has been submitted, your permit status will change to “Initiated.”.

How do I apply to study abroad through another CUNY College?

CUNY e-Permit course transfer To transfer an e-permit course students must contact the e-permit coordination immediately after the Host College has posted final grades sending an e-mail to: [email protected] and [email protected]

Can I take a course at another college CUNY?

A student must obtain approval in advance to take courses at another college if they are to be credited toward their degree requirements.

What is e-permit CUNY?

E-Permit facilitates the process of CUNY students obtaining permission to register for courses offered at other CUNY colleges. This process will arrange for your request to be reviewed by the appropriate department for approval and processing.

Can you transfer from one CUNY to another?

All CUNY credits will transfer to any other CUNY college, even if an equivalency doesn't exist. Seek help if you believe that your credits didn't transfer correctly. Check That Courses Apply! Use DegreeWorks and the Financial Aid Tracking System (FACTS) to avoid taking courses that don't apply to your degree.

What is a permit course Hunter College?

Taking a class at a different school while enrolled at Hunter College is referred to as taking a class "on permit." The permit facilitates the process of Hunter students obtaining permission to register for courses offered at other institutions.

What is e permit system?

Our Electronic Permit to Work (EPTW) software allows all permits to be issued online, safely storing all your documents. Whether a contractor requires a permit for hot work, working at heights or electrical, our EPTW can issue permits for all categories.

How do I apply for an electronic permit?

Applicant is required to submit e-permit application form CMC/FOR/02-2, technical specification, pro-forma invoice and RM60. 00 for permit processing fee and RM 10.00 for administrative fee. SIRIM will issue Application reference no. and applicant shall be able to check the permit status at e-permit website.

How do I apply for a CUNY transfer?

Transfer applicants

You may request your transcripts to be sent electronically or via mail to CUNY/UAPC. Below is a list of documents that applicants are asked to provide: An official High School Transcript or Equivalency Diploma. An official transcript from each college/university attended.

Can you transfer from a 4 year college to a 2 year?

For struggling four-year students who wish to complete a college degree, one option is to transfer from a four-year to two-year (4–2) institution. Nationally, 16 percent of students who initially enroll at a four-year institution transfer to a two-year college.Jul 21, 2016

Can you transfer from one university to another after first year?

If you get a good mark in your first year, you may be able to transfer into another similar course straight into the second year. After January, you can start to look at what's available to transfer to with the credits you'll have at the end of the year. You will have something to offer regardless of what you do next.

How do I cancel my CUNY e permit?

Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information - CUNY Empl ID #, Semester and Host College (The school where you're planning to attend on Permit), requesting to have your ePermit cancelled.

Can you go to two colleges at the same time and get financial aid?

If I am enrolled at two colleges, can I receive student financial aid at both colleges? Students may only receive aid at one college for the same enrollment period. You can receive the Board of Governors Fee Waiver at multiple schools.

How do you get ePermit on CUNY Hunter?

To gain access to the ePermit system, log into your CUNYfirst account. Navigate to Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Requests, then select the term (semester or session) and home college for which you wish to create an ePermit request. Select the option to “Add ePermit with Equivalent Courses.”

How many credits do you need to transfer to CUNY?

Students who complete a CUNY associate degree before transferring only need to take 6 additional general education credits at the CUNY senior college (instead of 9-12 credits for a student without an associate degree).

Is a second degree a transfer student?

Select the transfer application even if you are not seeking transfer credit or have decided to change majors. Second degree students are also transfer students.

Do you get credit evaluation after transfer?

For most schools that you apply to for transfer, you will not receive an official credit evaluation until after you have accepted the offer, so hold on to your course syllabi, transcripts and other paperwork to help you make a case if your credits have not transferred as expected and you choose to appeal.

What grade do you need to get into Marymount Manhattan College?

When you have completed your course (s), have an official transcript sent to the Office of the Registrar. Only a grade of C or higher is acceptable from a non-CUNY school course. You may attend Marymount Manhattan College on the Special Exchange Program during the fall and spring semesters only.

What to do if you didn't register for permit?

If you did not register for the permit credits or register for a different number of credits, you must contact the Office of the Registrar. Nothing is returned to you and no registration for the permit course is done at Hunter. All registration for the course is done at the school you are planning to attend.

What GPA do you need to get a Hunter permit?

In order to get approved for a permit you must: Be matriculated (admitted and enrolled at Hunter as a degree student) Be in good academic standing (not on probation) Have a minimum 2.0 GPA or higher.

What is an e-permit in CUNY?

E-permit facilitates the process of CUNY students obtaining permission to register for courses offered at other CUNY colleges. Prior to taking courses at another institution a student should inquire at the Host College for registration dates and procedures governing permit students.

Can you take a permit course for more than one semester?

The system is set to allow requests to take courses on permit for a specific semester. If more than one semester appears, e.g. summer and fall, select the semester or term for which you wish to enroll for the permit course and indicate the session in the comment section.

Does an e-permit automatically register a student?

Please note that an e-permit does not automatically register a student for a course nor does issuance of an e-permit guarantee enrollment at the Host College. Once you have enrolled at the Host College, cancellation of an e-permit does not delete your course registration at the Host college; see details below regarding student responsibilities.

Does cancelling an e-permit delete your course registration?

Once you have enrolled at the Host College, cancellation of an e-permit does not delete your course registration at the Host college; see details below regarding student responsibilities.

What is a permit term?

Permit term: The system is set to allow requests to take courses on permit for a specific semester. If more than one semester appears, e.g. summer and fall, select the semester or term for which you wish to enroll for the permit course and indicate the session in the comment section.

What is the minimum GPA for CUNY?

A matriculated student currently in attendance at a CUNY college (Home college); Undergraduate students with a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.00; Graduate students with a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.00; A student must meet all Home college registration requirements, such as completed immunization;

Can you take courses that you may need to repeat?

Cannot take courses that you may need to repeat. Taking a course to count as a residency requirement towards your degree; these courses must be taken at your home college. Courses and grades on permit cannot be used towards the "F" policy. Courses must be taken at the same institution that the "F" grade was given.
