how old do you have to be without a boaters education course

by Prof. Winnifred Bergnaum Jr. 8 min read

Anyone born on or after January 1, 1989 and under 21 years of age regardless of date of birth. Safe Boating Certification is mandatory for children from 12 through 17 years old. Under the age of 16.

How old do you have to be to take Boater education?

Sep 01, 1993 · No person may operate a personal watercraft (PWC) or motorboat powered by a motor of more than 15 horsepower on public waters unless the person is at least 13 years of age and has successfully completed a Boater Education Course or …

Can a 14 year old take a boating safety course?

Who must take a Boater Education Certification Course? Anyone born on or after September 1, 1993 who wishes to operate certain vessels on the public waterways of Texas. See Water Safety Act for details. Boating courses are taught by US Coast Guard Auxiliary, US Power Squadron and trained volunteer instructors, as well as teachers, and game wardens.

Do I need a boater safety course to drive a boat?

All PWC operators age 14 and older and all operators (regardless of age) of motorboats with a 10 hp or greater engine need to take a boating safety course. Once you complete the course, the course completion certificate or card that is provided by the course provider is what is required to operate a vessel.

Is boating safety education certificate the same as a boating license?

Jan 01, 1998 · The Illinois Boating Education Course consists of a minimum eight hours of instruction. The course covers the basics of boating safety, equipment and requirements, navigation, motorboat, registration and titling, emergency measures and the Illinois boating laws. The program is primarily designed to train young people over the age of 12 years old.

Do you have to have boaters education in Texas?

Texas has a mandatory education law for certain boaters. All boaters born on or after September 1, 1993 must complete a TPWD approved course and be certified with the TPWD to operate: Any vessel over 15 horse power. Any windblown vessel over 14 feet.

Do you have to have boaters education in NC?

Do you need a Boating License in North Carolina? North Carolina law requires any person born on or after January 1, 1988, who will be operating a vessel over 10 hp to pass a boater safety course and to carry a boater education card.

Who needs a boater education in Texas?

Who must take boater education? Anyone born on or after September 1, 1993 who operates any vessel over 15 horsepower, wind-blown vessel over 14 feet and all personal watercraft. Boater Education is also required for certain violations of the Texas Water Safety Act.

Do you have to have boaters education in Georgia?

Georgia requires that anyone born on or after January 1, 1998, that operates any motorized vessel on the waters of the state must complete a boater education course. Visit the DNR website for more information on: Boating requirements. DNR Boater education course.

Who needs a boaters license in NC?

A North Carolina Boating License is required for anyone born on or after January 1, 1988 who operates a powered watercraft of 10 HP or more on state waters. For more information on boat license requirements, consult the North Carolina boating laws and regulations.

How old do you have to be to drive boat in NC?

16 years old or olderAnyone 16 years old or older and born on or after January 1, 1988, may operate a PWC with a motor of 10 hp or greater only if he or she is in compliance with the requirements for operating a vessel.

How old do you have to be to not have a Boating License in Texas?

13 years of ageYou must be at least 13 years of age to complete your Boater Education Course and obtain your Texas Boater Education Card.Jun 26, 2020

How old do you have to be to drive a boat without a license in Texas?

13 years of ageTo operate a vessel alone in Texas, a boater must be 13 years of age to operate a vessel of more than 15 horsepower; or windblown vessel over 14 feet in length; and meet the requirements as stated above.

Can a 14 year old drive a jet ski in Texas?

If you're interested in riding a jet ski in Texas, you'll need to be familiar with the legal requirements associated with your age: A child under the age of 13 may operate a PWC only if he or she is accompanied on board by a person at least 18 years of age who is legally authorized to operate a PWC.Sep 21, 2020

Can a 13 year old drive a boat in Georgia?

There are three categories of people who can operate a boat in Georgia: those less than 12 years of age, those 12 through 15 years of age, and those 16 years or older.

What is required on a boat in Georgia?

A wearable personal flotation device (PFD) is required for each person aboard a vessel. PFDs must be readily accessible to all occupants, in good and serviceable condition, legibly marked with the US Coast Guard approved number, and of appropriate size for the occupants.

Do I need a license to drive a boat?

Wondering if you need a driver's license to operate a boat? The short answer: No. But that doesn't mean there aren't other requirements and rules you need to follow!Aug 21, 2020

Boating Education

Education for all ages is highly recommended. Know before you go.#N#**Utah requires a mandatory youth certification course for Personal Watercraft (PWC).**

Did You Know?

In the heat of the summer, you can lose up to 1 liter of water an hour through sweating and evaporation. Don’t forget to hydrate when out on the water!

Tennessee State Residents

Any Tennessee resident born after January 1, 1989, must show the TWRA-issued wallet Boating Safety Education Certificate as proof of successful completion of the TWRA Boating Safety exam.

Out of State Boaters

If you were born after January 1, 1989, TWRA will accept any NASBLA approved boating safety certificate.

How old do you have to be to drive a motorized boat?

Persons at least 10 years old but less than 12 years old may operate a motorized vessel with more than 10 hp, including a PWC, only if they are accompanied by and under the direct control of a parent, a guardian, or a person at least 18 years old designated by the parent or guardian.

How many hours of boating instruction is required in Illinois?

The Illinois Boating Education Course consists of a minimum eight hours of instruction. The course covers the basics of boating safety, equipment and requirements, navigation, motorboat, registration and titling, emergency measures and the Illinois boating laws.

How long is an instructor led class?

Instructor-led Classes- The traditional class method is through an 8 hour instructor-led class structure. Classes may be taught in one day or over a couple of different days, usually on the weekend. The class will end with an exam to pass the class. Interested individuals may call 1-800-832-2599 or check:

How old do you have to be to be a boat operator?

An operator who is accompanied onboard by a person who is least 18 years old and possesses the required Boating Safety Education Identification Card, provided that person is attendant to and responsible for the safe operation of the vessel. An operator who is accompanied onboard by a person who is exempt from the educational requirements, ...

How long is a temporary boating license valid in Florida?

It is not a substitute for a Boating Safety Education Identification Card and is only valid for 90 days from the date it is issued.

How many horsepower is required to operate a motorboat in Florida?

In order to operate a motorboat of ten (10) horsepower or greater, Florida law requires anyone who was born on or after Jan. 1, 1988 to successfully complete an approved boating safety course and obtain a Boating Safety Education Identification Card issued by the FWC. Florida does not have a "boating license.".

Does Florida have a boating license?

Florida does not have a "boating license.". The Boating Safety Education Identification Card is proof of successful completion of the educational requirements and is valid for life. I've heard there were some changes in the law regarding the requirements to operate a boat in Florida. What were the changes?

How to get a boater license?

Get boater certified in 3 steps. 1 Study and pass the $29.50 course, pay a $10.00 state fee, and pay a $5.00 PFBC admin fee. 2 Print your online course completion document. 3 Get ready to go boating!

What is boat ed?

Boat Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Boating laws and regulations.

What is required to operate a PWC in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania law requires all PWC operators to have boater education and to carry a boater education card. In addition, those operating a boat over 25 hp are also required by law to pass a boater safety course and to carry a boater education card.

Is boating safety certification the same as boating license?

Is it the Boating safety license? Boating safety education certification is not the same thing as a Boating license. What you really need is the Boating Safety Education Certificate. You can get the Boating Safety Education Certificate by taking this boat safety course at Find out if you need the card.


Who Needs A Tennessee Boating Education Certification?

  • If you are a Tennessee resident born after January 1, 1989, and operating a boat with more than 8.5 horsepower, then you need the certification. If you are a non-Tennessee resident born after January 1, 1989, and visiting Tennessee and operating a boat with more than 8.5 horsepower, you will need a boating education certification approved by the National Association of State Boatin…
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How Do I Replace My Lost Or Stolen Boating Safety Card?

  • If your boating safety card is lost or stolen, you need to log on to In the licensing section, update with current personal information. Once all is updated you need to purchase a Type 605 Boat Certification Card (located in the Specialty section) and a new card will be mailed to you. You can also purchase the Type 605 from anyplace that sells hunting/fishing li…
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How Do I Study?

  • There are many avenues to study: Study online at Or request home study materials by emailing [email protected] by calling 615-781-6566 and leaving your name and address.
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How Do I Take The Exam?

  • First, you must be at least 12 years old to take the exam. After studying the boating safety material, you must first purchase, for $10.00, a Type 600 boating safety exam permit from any business (license agent) that sells hunting and fishing licenses (WalMart sporting goods, bait stores, marinas, etc.). You will need your social security number and driver's license if applicable…
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