how often can you take aarp smart driver safety course for point reduction

by Dr. Emmalee VonRueden Sr. 6 min read

Under state law, residents 55-plus who complete a recognized “mature driver improvement course” can qualify for reduced insurance premiums. Insurers determine the reduction, so check with your insurance agent. A four-hour refresher class every three years is needed to continue to receive the discount.Jun 1, 2021

How long is the AARP driver safety course good for in NYS?

In New York, insurance companies are required to give a 10 percent discount to drivers who complete a safety program, whether in person or online. The discount is good for three years but can be extended if they take a refresher course.Oct 1, 2012

How long is the AARP driver safety course good for in Florida?

Florida law mandates that those who take either the classroom or online Smart Driver course receive a three-year discount on their car insurance premiums.Dec 1, 2016

How much is NY defensive driving course?

The best cheap defensive driving course is offered by New York Safety Program for $23.95. The cost of the listed providers below range from $23.95 to $49.95. There are eight providers that offer defensive driving courses for under $30....Best cheap defensive driving courses in New York.ProviderCostEmpire Safety Council$44.95I Drive Safely$48.9510 more rows•Nov 16, 2021

How much is a defensive driving course in Texas?

How much does it cost to take defensive driving course in Texas? The state of Texas requires defensive driving courses to cost a minimum of $25.

Are refresher driving lessons worth it?

Having a refresher course with a qualified driving instructor can help increase confidence and develop lapsed skills. It is also important to re-educate yourself on the rules of the road which you may well have forgotten,” he says. After six hours with an instructor, I felt much more confident.Feb 16, 2017

How many members does AARP have?

38 millionAARPFormation1958HeadquartersWashington, D.C., U.S.LocationOffices in all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin IslandsMembers38 millionCEOJo Ann Jenkins14 more rows

How often can you take a defensive driving course in NY?

once every 3 yearsDrivers can take a defensive driving course once every 3 years (36 months) for point and insurance reduction. Each time someone completes the course, it qualifies them for a discount on their car insurance premium.

How can I reduce points on my license in NY?

You can remove points on license in NYS by taking a DMV-approved Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) course. Attending a NY defensive driving school will not only prevent you from having your license suspended, but will also help you save 10% on your auto insurance premiums in the future.

How long does it take for points to be removed from your license in NY?

18 monthsThe natural lifetime of points on your license is 18 months. After those 18 months, the DMV will remove those points from your driver license. If you're wondering how long points stay on your license in NY, the answer is 18 months.Nov 19, 2020

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Does defensive driving reduce ticket cost Texas?

Potentially Saves Money: Speeding tickets in Texas can cost a person around $150. If you take defensive driving for a speeding ticket, the court fees will cost you around $100 and defensive driving will cost around $25, saving you around $25.

When can you not take defensive driving Texas?

Violations Where You Can't Take Defensive Driving in Texas Passing a school bus or not stopping for one. Not having car insurance when you drive. Construction zone violations. Speeding that exceeds 25 mph above the limit.May 27, 2021

Does AARP offer discounts?

In the states where auto insurance premium discounts are not mandated, several insurance companies voluntarily provide premium discounts to participants completing the AARP Smart Driver course. *The State of New Mexico prohibits AARP from offering the course to participants under the age of 50.

Do car insurance companies offer discounts?

In many states the discounts are mandatory, so car insurance companies must offer insurance discounts to people completing a classroom-based, state-approved driver-improvement course. Discounts may vary based on the participant's age, driving record and other factors, and all participants are encouraged to check with their insurance agent ...

Because driving has changed since you first got your license, and doing so could save you money

Learn how to refresh your driving skills, save money, volunteer and find useful information and guidance about getting around at

About the course

The AARP Smart Driver™ course, offered by AARP Driver Safety, is the nation’s first and largest refresher course designed specifically for drivers age 50 and older. For more than 35 years, the course has taught over 16 million drivers proven safety strategies so they can continue driving safely for as long as possible.

Why take the AARP Smart Driver course

Over nine in 10 course participants report changing at least one key driving behavior for the better as a result of what they learned in the course and over eight in ten participants felt that information they learned in the course has prevented them from being in a crash.

How many points do you get for driving violations?

If you accumulate 11 or more points in 18 months, you will be called to a DMV hearing, after which your license may be suspended or revoked.

How long is a motorcycle safety course?

Regardless of the delivery method, each course is at least six hours long. (Note: The motorcycle safety/accident prevention courses take substantially longer and are only available in a classroom setting.) Essential information about traffic safety issues such as driver attitude and behavior, defensive driving techniques, ...

What is premium reduction?

The insurance premium reduction applies to all motor vehicles principally operated by the motorist who completes the course. The reduction can be applied to only one driver for each covered vehicle.

How long is the ADM course?

The course will be a minimum 320 minutes. Once you register with a sponsor, you have up to 30 days to complete the course. During the course, you will be asked to identify yourself with information given at registration. To ensure that you are taking the course, you will also be asked questions regarding the content. It is possible that you will be asked to register in person and/or take an exam at the end to once again ensure you are the one who completed the course. Each sponsor's method is different, so you should contact the sponsor to determine which course best fits your needs. You can contact approved ADM course sponsors presented in the DMV publication, " List of Course Sponsors " (C-31), available at any state or county motor vehicle office and by request from the DMV Call Center. The most up-to-date information regarding who is approved to provide the alternate delivery method is available on the department website:

How long does a drug conviction stay on your record?

Violations and convictions involving drugs or alcohol will remain on your driving record for ten or fifteen years, depending on the violation. "Point reduction" means the DMV will not count up to four points on your driving record toward license revocation or suspension.

Does insurance reduce your premium?

No. Insurance reduction does not prevent general premium increases, or premium increases due to violations or accidents. It provides a 10% reduction for three years, from the base rate of your current liability, no-fault and collision premiums.

Do you have to register for a course in person?

It is possible that you will be asked to register in person and/or take an exam at the end to once again ensure you are the one who completed the course. Each sponsor's method is different, so you should contact the sponsor to determine which course best fits your needs.