how much time is allowed for course walking uki agility

by Prof. Rey Tillman II 4 min read

What are the rules for agility in the UK?

UK Agility Rules and Regulations 2019 Page 32 Jumps The dog must jump over the bar(s) of the jump in the direction designated by the judge. If any bar is displaced a fault will be incurred. Jumping over the jumps wings/standards or running under the bar will constitute a refusal.

What is Uki approved agility equipment?

UKI encourages agility equipment makers and suppliers to develop and become innovative in the advancement of safe equipment for both dog and handler as well as seeking the improvement in materials and technical features. The following obstacles meet with the approval of UKI.

What is Uka’s policy on dog agility?

However, UKA reserves the right to refuse membership, licensing, entries or registration. Exhibitors and all attendees at UK Agility events are expected to behave in a civilised and sportsmanlike manner towards other people and towards their dogs. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary procedures. (See appendix A-3.)

What are the rules for Uki events?

All UKI events are open to any person, without discrimination, whom is registered with UKI and acknowledges and agrees to abide by all regulations set forth by UKI. However, UKI does reserve the right to refuse membership, licensing, entries or registration and impose handler and or dog bans for breaking UKI rules.

How old does a dog have to be to compete in Uki agility?

15 months of ageAny dog, whether pedigree or mixed that is healthy, trained and over 15 months of age and registered with UKI is eligible to participate in UKI competitions. Dogs that are 15 months of age and over are eligible to participate in the Nursery Class and Speedstakes Classes.

What is UKI dog agility?

UKI is a competitor friendly organization responding to competitor feedback. Opportunity to compete internationally in the World Agility Open via win on spots at the Canadian and US Open events.

What is UKI Speedstakes?

Speedstakes. The object of this class is to negotiate a course made up with only regular jumps (excluding the tire, wall, spreads and long jump) and tunnels, with a minimum of 16 obstacles for Beginners and Novice and a minimum of 17 obstacles for Senior and Champion and a maximum of 20 obstacles for all levels.

What is Masters Series in Uki?

Masters Series (runs at both Cups and Classics) Consists of an Agility round and a Jumping round with results combined. Running order for the 2nd class will be in reverse order of placement of the first round. Cumulative scoring; dog with the lowest score wins.

What is Uki agility trial?

UK Agility International… for all dogs UK Agility International was created specifically to provide agility competitors with a unique setting in which safety and fun for every dog is a key priority.

Who qualifies for US Open Uki?

The event is Open to all dogs and all handlers and there is no qualification necessary to enter. Focusing solely on dog agility, The UKI US Open is the pinnacle of UKI shows each year. Dogs will be showcasing their agility abilities in Agility, Jumping, Speedstakes and Games classes.

What is a UKI game?

Games are designed to test the handler and dog in dealing with the different elements of course strategy, distance control, and versatility. UKI competitions may contain one or more of the following:

How many poles are needed for a dog walk?

The class must include the dogwalk, A-frame, teeter, and one set of weave poles for a maximum of 12 poles and may also include a table, unless unsatisfactory conditions cause the use of any obstacle to be unsafe.

How many jumps are there in snooker?

However, the judge may place the obstacles in the ring in any way. The judge will design a course consisting of 3 or 4 red jumps and one of each of the other snooker colors: yellow (2 points), green (3 points), brown (4 points), blue (5 points), pink (6 points), black (7 points). Snooker consists of two sections.

How many obstacles are there in a beginner jump?

The object of this class is to negotiate a course, without contact equipment, with a minimum of 16 obstacles for Beginners and Novice and a minimum of 17 obstacles for Senior and Champion and a maximum of 20 obstacles for all levels, with the exception of Masters Series Jumping, which will allow a maximum of 22 obstacles.

How many weave poles are there in agility?

Agility and Jumping may only have 6 weave poles and no spread, long jump, wall or tire allowed. Agility will have a lowered A-frame of 5’3”. No level points for progression are given for these classes but placements and clear rounds will be awarded.

How many jumps do you need to get a qualifying score in Snakes and Ladders?

To gain a qualifying score all Snakes and Ladders (three contacts, weave and tunnels) and at least 6 jumps must be completed successfully in the allotted course time. Qualifying rounds from these classes meet the necessary requirements to achieve Level points in the Games Performance Program.

What is a speedstakes course?

The Speedstakes course should be a fast and flowing set up. All obstacles must be performed in order and direction defined by number. The numbers should be placed on the side of the obstacle to designate the direction the obstacle should be taken.

What is the UKI US Open?

Focusing solely on dog agility, The UKI US Open is the pinnacle of UKI shows each year. Dogs will be showcasing their agility abilities in Agility, Jumping, Speedstakes and Games classes.

When is the UKI US Open 2021?

The 2021 UKI US Open will take place from the 11th to 14th November 2021 at Jacksonville Equestrian Center, Florida. The event is Open to all dogs and all handlers and there is no qualification necessary to enter. Focusing solely on dog agility, The UKI US Open is the pinnacle of UKI shows each year. Dogs will be showcasing their agility abilities ...

How old do dogs have to be to be in the UKI?

Any dog, whether pedigree or mixed that is healthy, trained and over 15 months of age and registered with UKI is eligible to participate in UKI competitions. Dogs that are over 15 months of age are eligible to participate in the Nursery Class and Speedstakes Classes.

How tall do dogs have to be to jump?

To receive a permanent jump height measurement, dogs must either be competing at 24or 22 inch jump height (20 inch Select Option) or must be two years of age for their permanent measurement.

What direction should an obstacle be taken?

All obstacles must be performed in order and direction defined by number. The numbers should be placed on the side of the obstacle to designate the direction the obstacle should be taken. If a number is placed in the middle of an obstacle such as a curved tunnel, the obstacle may be taken in either direction.

How long is the grace period for dogs?

A 7-day grace period (absolutely no exceptions after the 7 days) will be granted for date of birth for eligibility to enter a show. The 7th day ends on the day of the competition. For example if a trial is on Jan 1 and the dog turns 18 months on Jan 7th. The dog may enter the show.

Do I need to register my dog with UKI?

All dogs and owners must be registered with UKI in order to compete in any UKI event. A registration form may be obtained from the last page of show premiums. A lifetime registration fee will apply for each dog registered, and a 10 year membership fee will apply for all owners/handlers.

What are the UKI points?

UKI supports two Programs, The International Program and The Speedstakes Program, which enable dogs to progress up the levels of the Programs by gathering the required total of points set per level. Points are awarded on the basis of wins and class placements that are qualifying rounds. Points are also awarded for clear rounds that are not placed. No points will be received for placements with time or course faults.

What does "local" mean in dog training?

Local means the area covered within a 100 miles of your location. Please check with the UKI office to determine if you can enter your dog at a higher level due to the lack of trials in your area.

What is UKA agility?

UK Agility (UKA) was developed to promote the growth of agility with thought for the safety and fun for every dog.

How old do dogs have to be to be in the UKA?

Any dog, whether pedigree or of mixed breeding, that is healthy, trained and over 18 months of age and registered with UKA, is eligible to participate in UKA competitions. Dogs that are over 16 months of age are eligible to participate in Nursery and Steeplechase classes only.

How many points does a dog need to win the Champion of Steeplechase?

Champion of Steeplechase (CSC) – A dog will be awarded a CSC once it achieves 60 points in the SC Champion Level. Dogs may repeat their CSC by duplicating these requirements thus adding to their title the number of times it is repeated (i.e. CSC2).

How many obstacles are there in a masters course?

Masters courses may have a maximum of 22 obstacles.

What is the performance programme in Animal Crossing?

The Performance Programme consists of Agility, Jumping and Games classes. The Programme allows dogs to progress through the Levels by gathering the required number of points in the aforementioned classes.

When should timing gates be placed?

Timing gates should be placed before the first obstacle and after the last obstacle. With the exception of Power and Speed, the only obstacle that may be used at the start and at the finish of a course is a single jump.

Can a private training centre run a show?

By doing this the club, private training centre, or individual must agree to uphold the standard of agility set by UKA. They will be given appropriate information, support and assistance through the UKA office to prepare and hold the event.


In my article on Handling With Intensity I talked about how preparing to run involves “Really knowing the course and the handling I will use - no doubts, no what-ifs”.

Missing the Walk

When you miss your walk through you miss the “Walking” part of PAWS and it does impact what you “See” in your mental walk through. But the rehearsing/seeing step helps a lot.


So how did PAWS work for Flyer and me on a challenging Masters Challenge course without a walk through? I went through the steps until I could get through the course in my mind and body with my eyes closed. Then I ran and got Flyer from the car along with his tug.

More Tips

In practice work through PAWS prior to running a course without walking it. I do it periodically when I’m late for my classes. Rather than try to squeeze in a walk through and disrupt the class I work through PAWS while waiting for our turn and then give it a try.

When was the AKC ACT approved?

This insert is issued as a supplement to the Regulations for Agility Trials and Agility Course Test (ACT) Amended to January 1, 2020 and approved by the AKC Board of Directors November 10, 2020

How many square feet are required for a golf course?

Course areas must be a minimum of 3,500 useable square feet. The course area must be moderately level and clear, and be a minimum of 40 feet wide. Refer to Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 2 for additional information.