how much per el camino summer course

by Dr. Kasandra Collins Sr. 9 min read

Classes at El Camino College cost just $46 per unit for California residents, meaning you can complete a two-year degree for about $3,000 in tuition and fees. Grants, loans, scholarships, and other types of financial aid can make your El Camino education even more affordable.

When do classes start at El Camino College?

You can complete a two-year El Camino degree for about $3,000 in tuition and fees. See this fee breakdown below for details: Additional Information Health Services Fee Students pay $22 per semester ($18 per summer term) to cover the operation, supervision, programs and services of the Student Health Center.

What are the admission requirements for El Camino College?

Applicants must show official proof of funding prior to being admitted to El Camino College. ... , is required upon application. An additional $5,000 per dependent is required if applicable. Estimated Expenses for 2020-21 Academic Year ; Tuition & Fees Per Unit ... Summer session and winter session fees are not included above as summer and ...

How much does it cost to travel the Camino?

First Six-Week Summer Session: 100% Sunday, June 26, 2022 50% Sunday, July 3, 2022 Eight-Week Summer Session: 100% Monday, June 27, 2022 50% Monday, July 4, 2022 Second Six-Week Summer Session: 100% Monday, July 11, 2022 50% Monday, July 18, 2022 Fees You are liable for all fees unless you drop the class by the refund deadline date.

Is El Camino College South Bay promise free?

First Six-Week Summer Session: Sunday, June 27, 2021 Eight-Week Summer Session: Monday, June 28, 2021 Second Six-Week Summer Session: Sunday, July 11, 2021 To receive a refund for a parking permit, return the permit to the cashier’s window by the refund deadlines stated below. Refund checks will be mailed by the mid-point of the semester.

How do you pay for classes at El Camino?

For your convenience, we offer three ways to pay your fees:Pay online 24 hours a day at We accept Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.Bring Visa, MasterCard, Discover, cash or check to the Cashier's Office; or.Mail a check or money order payable to: El Camino College.

How much is it per unit at Santiago Canyon college?

Enrollment FeeEnrollment Fee:$46.00 per unit (all students)Non-resident Tuition Fee:Starting Fall 2021, $317.00 per unit.

How many units can you take in summer El Camino College?

10 unitsUnit Limitations The maximum program of study for the summer session is 10 units if at least one unit is physical education. The maximum program of study for the winter session is 7 units.

How do I pay for classes at Santiago Canyon College?

Pay in person by cash, credit card, check, or money order. The Cashiers Office is located in the E-building in room E-102.

How much is SCC per credit hour?

Effective July 1, 2020Tuition Rates Per Credit HourMaricopa County Resident$85.00Out-of-County Resident$441.00Out-of-State Resident$326.00Distance Learning$241.0013 more rows

How many units do you need to graduate from El Camino College?

60 unitsAll degrees require a total of 60 units with no fewer than 18 units in the major and appropriate general education courses as indicated on the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree patterns that follow.

What is the maximum number of units for which a student can register in fall or spring group of answer choices?

Undergraduate students may not register for more than 20 credits per fall and spring semester, or 15 credits during summer, without college approval. If you are interested in taking more than the maximum credit load in one semester, please contact your college to petition to exceed the maximum credit load.

What is the maximum number of units for which a student can register in fall or spring El Camino?

Maximum: 18 units without a physical education class and 19 units with a physical education class. Minimum: 12 units per semester for full-time status.

When will the 2020 parking permit be mailed?

Refund checks will be mailed by the mid- point of the semester .

What are some examples of academic dishonesty?

Examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to: • Representing the words, ideas, or work of another as one’s own in any academic exercise, including the use of commercial term paper companies or online sources for essays, term papers, or research pa- pers, whether free or paid.

Where is the most expensive place to walk the Camino del Norte?

The part of the route through Asturias and Galicia was more or less the same as other Camino routes. Northern Spain (the Basque Country and Cantabria) is overall more expensive than the rest of the country. Accommodation is significantly more expensive in the popular touristy cities such as San Sebastian and some small coastal towns in the Basque Country. There are public albergues in the Basque Country but many of them are open only during the peak season (July and August), the rest of the year pilgrims stay in hostels or hotels. Eating out is more expensive in Northern Spain if you want to walk the Camino del Norte on a tight budget you’ll have to make your own food.

How much does an albergues cost?

Private albergues belong to a person or a company anybody can stay there but most of the guests are usually pilgrims. They cost 10-12 Euro per bed. Private albergues usually have better facilities and are quite a bit smaller than public albergues. Some private albergues have private rooms as well.

What do Spanish people eat for breakfast?

Breakfast. The Spanish are not very big on breakfast, most of them just drink a cup of coffee with a small pastry. Many cafes on the Camino offer breakfasts that usually include a cup of coffee, a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice and a sandwich or a pastry. A breakfast like that costs between 2 and 3 Euro.

What is a menu del dia?

Menu del Día or a Pilgrim’s Menu. Menú del Día or a set meal that includes a starter, a main, a drink (wine, beer, water, soda), bread, and dessert or coffee is a very popular lunch option everywhere in Spain not only on the Camino. A typical menu costs between 10 and 12 Euro. The quality of the menu varies.

Do albergues accept credit cards?

First of all, always make sure to have some cash with you. Public albergues and some private albergues don’t accept credit cards. No need to carry a lot of cash just enough to pay accommodation, food, etc. for a couple of days. On most routes, you’ll get an ATM every day. We usually draw 300 Euro at once and when we have less than 40 Euro we draw again. Most hotels, supermarkets, grocery stores, and restaurants accept cards.

Have questions? We can help!

Mon - Thu: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. / Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.#N#Financial Aid Help Desk Fridays: 9 a.m - 1 p.m.

Current Student

Registration appointment information will be available beginning May 10 via MyECC. Check the "registration" link under the Self Service Menu for your registration appointment date and time.
