how much is tony robbins 4 day course

by Prudence Steuber 3 min read

Robbins’ seminars have different ranges for topics and costs. All of the topics are different in each one, but the costs range from $2500 to $5000, while some may have a general admission price of as low as $650. Below are listed his various shows and what they entail.

$1,695. 4 Day Virtual Interactive UPW Event with Tony Robbins! Tony's Personal Coaching Collection – A Set Of 6 Power-Packed Audio Training Programs To Unlock Your Next Level In Every Area Of Life.

Full Answer

How much do Tony Robbins seminars cost?

Tony Robbins seminars range from $650 for a general admission ticket to $2,995 for the higher end, VIP tickets. There are certain tiers for each ticket that you buy and ways you can enhance your experience with a higher payment.

What does Tony Robbins teach in the 10 day course?

Over the 10 day course, you will learn what Tony Robbins does. He covers the science of persuasion and a three step process to “Quality Contact” that shows you how to captivate your audience. The hard copy includes 12 CDs, a workbook and a PowerTools action book.

What does it take to become a Tony Robbins coach?

All coaches, as per Tony Robbins, are hand selected by Tony Robbins and are ready for any challenge that may come their way. Every coach has to complete more than 250 hours of training every year to maintain their mastery of the methods and strategies Robbins uses himself.

What is a Tony Robbins online weight loss coaching?

This online tony Robbins coaching would coach you on sustainable weight loss strategies to help transform your health. Robbins said that “willpower by itself is not enough; if we want to achieve lasting change, we must have an effective strategy”.

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How much is a Tony Robbins program?

Tony Robbins seminars range from $650 for a general admission ticket to $2,995 for the higher end, VIP tickets. There are certain tiers for each ticket that you buy and ways you can enhance your experience with a higher payment. In the virtual age with COVID-19, these seminars are more inexpensive but more limited.

How much does Tony Robbins charge to speak?

Tickets start with $1095 for a standard seat. Executive goes for $1,395 and VIP is $1,695.

How much does business mastery virtual cost?

As you might have guessed, Business Mastery Virtual is not cheap. It comes with a $10,000 price tag. If that's not a deal breaker and you're “committed, hungry, and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve success in business and in life,” Tony Robbins says you belong at Business Mastery Virtual.

Which Tony Robbins program is best?

Best Tony Robbins Courses & Programs 2022The Time of Your Life.Ultimate Edge.Personal Power.Mastering Influence.Creating Lasting Change.New Marketing Mastery.The Body You Deserve.Ultimate Relationship Program.

Is Tony Robbins a billionaire?

Tony Robbins is an American success coach, professional public speaker, actor, and self-help author who has a net worth of $600 million dollars.

How do I hire Tony Robbins?

Fill out an entertainment request form or call our office at (212) 645-0555 and one of our Anthony Robbins booking agents will assist you in hiring Anthony Robbins for a private event anywhere in the world.

How much is Tony Robbins virtual event?

$1,695. 4 Day Virtual Interactive UPW Event with Tony Robbins! Tony's Personal Coaching Collection – A Set Of 6 Power-Packed Audio Training Programs To Unlock Your Next Level In Every Area Of Life.

How long is Tony Robbins business Mastery?

ATTEND BUSINESS MASTERY VIRTUAL AUGUST 17-21, 2022 And Learn The Winter-Proof Tactics To Thrive In Any Economy! Learn the Opt and Max strategy that Tony uses across his 70 companies to create massive profit through manageable, incremental shifts!

How much does Tony Robbins make a year?

He also has a program entitled Unleash the Power Within, which nets him a remarkable $9 million annually. That's right, one program is producing $9 million each year. He also has another life-mastery program in which 2,000 lucky people pay $10,000 each to participate.

How much does Tony Robbins business Mastery cost?

If you want to attend Tony Robbin's Business Mastery event, the cost to you would be $10,000 (unless you first attended a UPW and bought it there for a discount).

How much does date with destiny cost?

Date With Destiny offers three tiers of ticket. General admission ticket prices start at $4495 and go up to $7995. General admission includes: 6 days with Tony Robbins.

Who trained Tony Robbins?

coach Jim RohnWhile working as a part-time janitor at 17 years old, Tony Robbins was broke, barely making $40 a week. Looking to change his life, he splurged on a $35 three-hour seminar with personal development coach Jim Rohn.

How much does it cost for a guest speaker?

Here's a rule of thumb for appropriate pricing: Newbie speakers might earn $500–$2,500 for a talk. Beginning speakers, or those just establishing a brand with their first book, might earn $5,000–$10,000. Those with several books and other forms of “social proof” might draw $10,000–$20,000.

How much sleep does Tony Robbins get?

3-5 hoursTony Robbins is 57 years old, and regularly works 16-hour days. He typically gets 3-5 hours of sleep, and starts the morning with a 10-minute 'priming' exercise. He's virtually always working with an inner circle of around seven to 10 people who fly around the world with him in his private jet.

Is Tony Robbins Date with Destiny worth it?

It's important, however, to distinguish Date With Destiny from Tony Robbin's “UPW” program. The material and the audience are completely different. Date With Destiny (DWD for short) is far superior and the attendees seem to be more committed. This makes for a much better experience at DWD compared to UPW.

How much do keynote speakers make?

First, you should know that professional keynote speakers often earn $10,000 and up for a single keynote speech. Influencers and celebrities can command $25,000 and up. Past presidents and top celebrities like Brené Brown generate well into the six figures.

How much does Tony Robbins seminar cost?

In short, even general admission tickets are costly. Tony Robbins seminars range from $650 for a general admission ticket to $2,995 for the higher end, VIP tickets. There are certain tiers for each ticket ...

Who worked with Tony Robbins?

Their testimonials are ranged in reaction, but many people, including celebrities, have lauded Robbins and his methods. People like Usher and Connor McGregor have worked with Tony and love the way he has changed their lives.

What is Robbins coaching?

Robbins and his team also provide a certain amount of private coaching. All of the private coaches are trained personally by Robbins, and they have a three-step program that they use to help you change your life.

Is Tony Robbins virtual?

Tony Robbins is now offering a series of virtual sessions in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. These Virtual Tony Robbins Events are scheduled throughout the next 12+ months and bring the same great motivation, encouragement and insights as his in-person events. If you are looking for a way to be introduced to Tony Robbins to see if you’re interested ...

Is Robbins ticket costing insignificant?

If you’re looking for a boost in your professional life, the ticket cost may be insignificant as Robbins has pushed people towards promotions or new career paths that have brought them more happiness. He also has products and virtual events that are cheaper if you’re not ready to spend the big bucks on a seminar.

Is Tony Robbins seminar a risk?

When you’re considering the overall cost of a Tony Robbins Seminar, it’s easy to see the immediate hit your bank account will take when you sign up, and it’s certainly a risk if, for any reason, the methods don’t work for you. Many people, however, believe that the amount of money that they put in upfront has saved them tens ...

How much does Tony Robbins coaching cost?

Often sold in packages, ranging from as little as six months to more than a year, we have found people paying anywhere from as little as $1,500 to more than $6,000 for a coaching package, all based on the payment terms, the contract length, the salespeople you dealt with and other multiple factors. Those who are interested in joining must pay this payment in full as per the contract.

How many hours does Tony Robbins coach?

Every coach has to complete more than 250 hours of training every year to maintain their mastery of the methods and strategies Robbins uses himself.

What is Tony Robbins coaching session?

The Tony Robbins “free coaching strategy session,” according to, will require you to meet with a commissioned salesperson, also referred to as a “coaching consultant,” according to the website and people who have signed up for a session, a lot of people report as being a high-pressure sales tactic, often applying a lot of pressure to get you to sign the contract.

Does Tony Robbins have a coach?

Apparently, the Tony Robbins coaching team will assign one coach but one common complaint was that coaches often leave the company during the duration of your contract, making it hard to connect with one dedicated coach for a full year. With this contract, keep in mind that you’re not purchasing the services of an individual coach, but rather, multiple coaches. Again, with limited information available online, the coaches Tony Robbins hires are said to meet the standards and qualifications set by his team. Former coaches online, while it is not 100 percent confirmed noted they were rated as to how well they could keep clients and how they could sell products and/or services, even after a contract was signed. All clients, as mentioned, must pay the contract in full to start sessions, while monthly payments, afterward, will be charged until canceled in writing.

What Is the Price of Tony Robbins Results Coaching?

In the Tony Robbins Results coaching program, you aren’t being coached by Tony Robbins directly—instead, you’ll be placed under the mentorship of one of 120-140 different life coaches that have been trained through the Tony Robbins Results program.

What is Tony Robbins results?

One unique aspect of the Tony Robbins Results coaching program is that it often rolls physical health into your goal setting. Physical health and fitness can have positive impacts on many other areas of life, including sleep hygiene, mental acuity, and motivation.

How does life coaching help you remember?

Life coaching can help you remember. the things that you may have wanted in the past but have pushed aside for the wants or needs of others. It can make you reevaluate your past choices. If you’re unhappy or stagnant in your life, there are definite, tangible elements that are holding you in that rut.

How can Tony Robbins help people?

These are some of the other ways that a Tony Robbins life coach can help a client with their self-improvement goals: Acting as a person to be accountable to. In many cases, it is difficult for people to achieve their personal goals because there is nobody watching them strive but themselves.

What is the benefit of Tony Robbins coaching?

The biggest benefit of Tony Robbins Result Coaching is that by signing up officially with a life coach, you are investing in yourself mentally, emotionally, and financially. The reason this is such a major benefit is that if you actually risk something of value in order to improve yourself, chances are higher that you’ll follow through with ...

Why is Tony Robbins life coaching important?

Life coaching from Tony Robbins can be beneficial for people looking to self-improve because it gives their efforts focus and the clarity of an objective, third-party opinion with regards to their goals and progress. Tony Robbins Results Coaching may not be for everyone, but for many people, this form of life coaching can have fantastic results ...

Who is Tony Robbins?

Refresh. Last updated on April 6th, 2021. Tony Robbins is one of the most famous life coaches in the world, and for good reason—people from all over the world have felt the positive impacts of following his program on their lives and their self-development. While the Tony Robbins Results program may not dramatically change your life, ...

1. Tony Robbins: PERSONAL POWER

This is an online tony Robbins training where tony talk about how you would discover the power within you to develop unstoppable confidence and live life on your terms. Personal power is the foundation of everything that tony Robbins still practice today in his career, health, and finances.

2. Tony Robbins: THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE

This tony Robbins training helps you become the master of your time and execute fulfilling accomplishments. In his own words, “you can’t have a plan for your day until you have a plan for your life”. In this course, you will learn to eliminate your to-do list and make more time for what matters most.


This tony Robbins course would coach you how to inspire others to make a positive life transformation. Tony Robbins in his own words,” management is focusing on getting someone to get a result. Leadership is producing a standard in someone that when you are gone, they will live by to produce higher-level results consistently”.


This tony Robbins coaching would help boost your influential power and exceed your sales goals. Robbins said, “Everything you strive to achieve comes from your ability to master the power of extraordinary influence”. This tony coaching will teach you the art of sales.


This online tony Robbins coaching would coach you on sustainable weight loss strategies to help transform your health. Robbins said that “willpower by itself is not enough; if we want to achieve lasting change, we must have an effective strategy”. This coaching attacks unhealthy eating habits where they start in your mind.

6. Tony Robbins: ULTIMATE EDGE

This is a tony Robbins course that would help you discover the tools necessary to make your life extraordinary. Robbins, in his words, said, “Decide what’s most important to you, use your power to follow through and change the quality of your life.


This online tony Robbins course would coach you on how to create a long-lasting, passionate relationship. Robbins said, “The only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you to to give and not a place that you go to take.

My First Call

I was assigned a coach I’ll refer to as ‘D’. I’ll use an initial because he has a uniquely spelt name that’s easily searchable, and he might not want to be identified.

NLP and the Triad

D got me to think of a time I felt relaxed and in control. How I stood or sat, how I held my head, where I looked, my entire physiology in that moment. Then, how I spoke and sounded, the words I used in that scenario; my language. Then finally what I was thinking and concentrating on at the time; my focus.

What Do You Want From Life?

I was impressed with how well the triad worked. It really did. D told me to re-enforcing the triad anchor every time I experienced little victories to compound its power to flip me into a confident state.

Goal Setting and the RPM

D and I set about writing an RPM using the visioning exercise (yes, the one I didn’t do) and the chats we had together. Let’s talk about that RPM.

Things I Got From Coaching

Before we continue with the mechanics and models of coaching, and now you’ve got an idea of what Tony Robbins coaching entails, it’s a good time to segue into a list of my achievements that came directly from coaching.

Having a Coaching Crisis

I think it was call 18, exactly half way through the process that my crisis came to a head.

Some Words of Wisdom

Before I end this piece, and talking of mindset, I’d like to write down some of the things D said to me as words of wisdom and encouragement. Here’s a simple list of them, which may help you decide on getting your own Tony Robbins’ coach.


Tony Robbins Courses & Training – Overview

At 60 years of age, Tony Robbins has spent the last 40 years of his life helping people find their way to success as a life and business coach. He hosts live events that feature fire walking and cost thousands of dollars. Mercifully, Anthony Robbins also makes his coaching available through courses and training programs. The b…
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Tony Robbins Courses – Productivity, Mind & Meaning

  • 1. The Time of Your Life Time Management Course
    Are there enough hours in your day? If it feels like there aren’t, then this course promises to help you. Can you imagine how busy Tony Robbins is? He owns 30+ businesses and hosts seminars, creates content and ads regularly. That’s enough to make you wonder if he sleeps. Ever. This co…
  • 2. Ultimate Edge
    If you begin to achieve on a higher level and gain a greater sense of fulfillment from your endeavors after taking this course, then Tony Robbins did his job. He offers you insights from his conversations with some of the “world’s happiest and most successful people”. Some skills incl…
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Tony Robbins Programs – Health & Relationships

  • 7. The Body You Deserve
    When Tony was depressed at one point along his journey, he turned to food for comfort and gained around 40 lbs. He realized what he was doing to himself, committed to reversing this and dropped 30 lbs of that weight in 38 days. In his 10-day weight loss program, he shares his strate…
  • 8. Ultimate Relationship Program
    Need to rekindle the romance in your love life? In this training program, Tony partners with his wife, Sage Robbins, to bring you 10 days of relationship advice. They will teach you to create lasting, passionate love. Skills you can gain include effective communication techniques based …
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Tony Robbins – Resources & Tools

  • RPM Box Set
    Anthony Robbins teaches this Rapid Planning Method in The Time of Your Life course, but that program does not come with these organizing tools. You get two separate planners – one for your vision and one for your life in general – and a journal, all containing prompts that will help you e…
  • Unshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbook
    The follow-up to Money Master the Game is Tony’s iconic book that takes readers on a step-by-step journey to “money mastery”. In it, he helps readers develop effective financial strategies. It is one of those books most likely to be found on a high achiever’s must-read list. Tony Robbins’ lif…
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Tony Robbins Courses – Pros & Cons

  • Pros
    Great Strategies– Tony Robbins delivers high value in the form of actionable strategies that have worked for many of his customers. He includes tools to encourage and help you to take action on what you are learning. Credibility– Apart from the relationship course, students can trust his cre…
  • Cons
    Some overlap– Some courses appear to be expanded extracts of content from bigger courses, but you are asked to pay the same price as the other courses. It can be difficult to tell why these Tony Robbins training programs are worth the same amount of money. Buyer Beware– The cycl…
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Best Tony Robbins Courses – Review Verdict

  • Since you are probably not going to ever work with him to learn that way, your older brother Tony is giving you an opportunity to glean through his courses and tools. There is much that can be learned from someone who has achieved all that he has. Once you are clear about what area of your life could use some new insights for growth, browse his course and book selection to see i…
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