how much is the save your brain video course

by Emery Barton 4 min read

The class cost is $200. Scholarships are available.

What is it like to take a brain health course?

Tuesdays 2:00-4:00 p.m. held virtually via ZOOM. The class cost is $200. Scholarships are available. Each class is two hours long, with four individual coaching sessions done at your convenience outside of class. Register online or call the Wellmark YMCA at 515-282-9622. View the Saving Your Brain (and your body!) Flyer.

How can I repair my brain?

Save Your Brain and Reclaim Your Vitality. When the brain starts to degenerate, you often feel very, very tired. Brain-based fatigue is often overlooked, yet when combined with brain fog, depression, and memory loss, it is a serious red flag. Sadly, both conventional and alternative healthcare professionals are not taught specifically how to ...

Does the brain want to get well?

Don't delay until your health suffers needlessly. Grab your hard-hitting FREE report, Save Your Brain: Protect Yourself from the Ravages of Alzheimer's and Other Diseases, as well as your FREE Blaylock archive bonus with your no-risk subscription. All you need to do right now is to take one simple, positive step.

Who is datis Kharrazian?

Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN, is a Functional Medicine practitioner and a clinical researcher. Dr. Kharrazian has been teaching Functional Medicine for nearly 20 years to thousands of healthcare professionals throughout the United States and Europe.

How can you protect your brain from dementia?

1. Get regular exercise. Exercising, even just walking, reduces the risk of developing dementia. Several studies, including from Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, show that exercising for at least 15 minutes at least 3 times a week lowers the risk of developing dementia by 30% to 40%.May 6, 2021

Does learning keep your brain healthy?

Learning creates new neural pathways and promotes brain resiliency—something that may help stave off the outward symptoms of dementia (like memory loss) even if you develop the telltale brain plaques associated with Alzheimer's.May 11, 2021

Who is more prone to dementia?

Overall, there are more women than men living with dementia. This is mostly because women tend to live longer than men (see 'Ageing' on page 5). The risk of getting dementia is about the same for men and women. However, women who are currently over 80 have a slightly higher risk of getting dementia than men their age.

What is the best exercise for your brain?

"Brisk walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming—they can all benefit your brain health, and choosing an exercise you like to do will help you continue long-term, which is the most important way to make sure you see the benefit," he says.Sep 24, 2021

Why is my brain so slow?

Brain fog can be a symptom of a nutrient deficiency, sleep disorder, bacterial overgrowth from overconsumption of sugar, depression, or even a thyroid condition. Other common brain fog causes include eating too much and too often, inactivity, not getting enough sleep, chronic stress, and a poor diet.

How can I increase my brain to 100?

7 Ways to Boost Brain Power While StudyingFit in some exercise a few times a week. ... Get creative. ... Stock up on your vitamins and micronutrients. ... Socialize. ... Allow yourself to power nap. ... Break out of your daily routine. ... Try something new.

How can I sharpen my brain?

Read on for 10 easy ways to stimulate your mind.Stick to an exercise routine. Your mind and body are interconnected. ... Make reading a habit. ... Write frequently. ... Eat a healthy diet. ... Strive for good posture. ... Get plenty of sleep. ... Play games or draw. ... Listen to music or play an instrument.More items...•Dec 9, 2021

How to improve brain function?

Learn nutritional and lifestyle factors that can impact why you have declines in brain function. Learn exercises and other strategies to activate your brain. Learn dietary and nutritional steps to make a difference in how your brain functions.

Is the brain adaptable?

The good news is the brain is extremely adaptable and wants to get well. You simply have to know how to feed and care for your brain. Learn how to spot brain degeneration and stop it before it’s too late. Dr. Kharrazian in a brilliant pioneer in innovative treatments for thyroid, brain and autoimmune health.

What is the Blaylock Wellness Report?

You can see for yourself by sending for your FREE copy of a popular special issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report called Save Your Brain: Protect Yourself from the Ravages of Alzheimer's and Other Diseases.

What diseases can you prevent with vitamin D?

Just suppose you learned one thing this year that helps you prevent or control a serious disease like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis — or any of the ailments associated with vitamin D deficiency . . .

Your brain is like a symphony. It needs to be in tune to function properly with our Brain Training Center

Your brain is like a symphony. It needs to be in tune to function properly with our Brain Training Center.

Brain Training Center Specializes in Restoring Brain Balance

I believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Our Services

Browse our wide array of brain-based healthcare services or click on the button in our menu to book an appointment at one of our three clinics.

Understanding Brain Waves

Understanding your brain’s various waves is the first step to restoring optimal function in a more balanced and healthful way.

From the Publisher

Paul David Nussbaum is a clinical neuropsychologist who specializes in aging across the lifespan and brain health. He lectures nationally and internationally on the human brain, brain-behavior relations, diseases of the brain, and brain health promotion.

About the Author

Paul David Nussbaum is a clinical neuropsychologist who specializes in aging across the lifespan and brain health. He lectures nationally and internationally on the human brain, brain-behavior relations, diseases of the brain, and brain health promotion.

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A heartbreaking disease

Roughly every minute of every day, another adult is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. And the pace of diagnosis is accelerating at an alarming rate. By 2050, experts believe the number of people living with Alzheimer’s will quadruple — affecting 16 million American adults. [1]

Relieving stress and reprogramming the brain

You’ll also hear from Dr. Joseph Maroon. His research has uncovered profound and meaningful ways to protect the brain and restore memory through self-care, mindfulness and relieving stress.

You don't wanna miss this

Mark your calendar to watch Regain Your Brain — a FREE, 12-day, online video event featuring 14 of the world’s foremost authorities in the prevention and reversal of Alzheimer’s. You’ll learn about decades of research and the groundbreaking therapies that are working, right now, to wipe Alzheimer’s off the face of the earth once and for all.

Register today!

When you register below to attend this free online video event, you’ll be granted access to 14 one-on-one interviews with each of these brilliant doctors. Each video is available for viewing over 12 consecutive days starting September 21st – World Alzheimer’s Day.

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