how much is hibiscus moon crystal healing course

by Mustafa Corkery I 7 min read

What is a certified Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy?

1. 1. 1. Develop Your Skills with Crystals and Become. A Certified Crystal Practitioner ®. 2022 is our last year certifying CCPs! Build your Crystal-Confidence. and Credibility. Be of Service to Yourself and Others. Join the WaitList.

What is the Hibiscus Moon company culture?

Founded in 2010, the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy is globally accredited as a certified and Approved Training Provider through these associations: (IICT) as an Internationally Accredited course, fully certified by the IICT. The IICT is one of the world’s leading professional bodies representing Practitioners as well as Teachers within the ...

Why choose my crystal healing course?

Feb 15, 2021 · Namaste and much love to you all, Hibiscus Moon. P.S. Keep an eye on your inbox for upcoming opportunities to join me live for an Open House all about the CCP course! If you have any questions about our 2021 registration, please don’t hesitate to email us here.

How much does the crystal balance course cost?

Jul 05, 2013 · It was the only video about the course that I was able to locate, but this still lets you see Hibiscus Moon and learn a little information about the course. THE BASICS: $1697 for 8 classes. (Was $1497.) You have 1 year to complete the course. Enrollment opens only twice a year. I am certified through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy.

Certified Crystal Practitioner Course Scholarship Winners!

Based on our rules and criteria, here are our fabulous winning scholarship recipients in no particular order:

Moving Forward

For all who’ve entered but were not selected, please consider doing these 3 things (my goal is to strive to help others in many ways and be someone who enables others to help themselves)

Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy

THE BASICS: $997 for 11 classes. (PRICE DROP! Was $1497.) Enrollment opens twice a year. Take as long as you’d like to complete the course. You have access to all material, updates, live classes, everything for life! This applies to all Love & Light courses.

Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy

Most of the people featured in this video were from videos submitted as an entry to win a free scholarship to the course. It was the only video about the course that I was able to locate, but this still lets you see Hibiscus Moon and learn a little information about the course.
