what evidence convinces pat shipman that dogs arose over 30,000 years ago? course hero

by Keely Gulgowski IV 5 min read

Is this the earliest known evidence of a pet dog?

Janssen, Giemsch and their colleagues say this puppy represents the earliest known evidence of dogs being regarded and treated as pets (a domesticated animal kept for pleasure rather than utility). The care it received while it was ill and of no use to people appears to have been driven by compassion or empathy; in other words, an emotional bond.

How did Paleolithic humans view their dogs?

“We suggest that at least some Paleolithic humans regarded some of their dogs not merely materialistically, in terms of their utilitarian value, but already had a strong emotional bond with these animals,” says Giemsch.

Did prehistoric people care for sick dogs before they died?

According to a study published recently in the Journal of Archaeological Science, prehistoric people likely cared for a sick puppy for weeks before it died, suggesting an emotional attachment to the animal. In 1914, workers uncovered a grave at Oberkassel, today a suburb of Bonn, Germany.

What are dogs used for in the past?

Most theories revolve around the many uses humans have for dogs, like hunting, guarding, and herding. But the remains of the Bonn-Oberkassel dog hint at more. What cuddly lapdog was once used as a stealth weapon?