how much is a speed awareness course online

by Mose Walter 7 min read

How much does a speed awareness course cost UK?

around £100Having points on your licence will increase your car insurance costs and speeding convictions stay on your record for at least four years. But, the speed awareness course is not free. Courses are run by instructors approved by the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme and cost around £100.Nov 30, 2021

Do you have to pay for speed awareness course UK?

How much does the speed awareness course cost? Drivers will get away with not paying a fine if they take the option of the course - but they do have to pay for it. The course typically costs around £100, with the cheapest ones found to be in Merseyside.

How long is a speed awareness course on Zoom?

two and a half hoursA virtual speed awareness course session is usually two and a half hours long with a 10-minute break in-between. You'll be sent instructions on how to join using a secure link and attend the online sessions. In case you're unable to attend the course, you can usually reschedule your booking.Apr 1, 2021

What happens on an online speed awareness course UK?

You'll sign in to a virtual waiting room, confirm your identity and then enter an online classroom. An online speed awareness course includes the same content as a face-to-face session, just with a much smaller group. Again, you must stay for the entire session or your case will be referred back to the police.May 28, 2021

How much does 3 points affect insurance?

However, bearing all that in mind, research suggests three points could raise a driver's car insurance premium by an average of 5%, while six penalty points could push the cost of insurance up by an average of 25%.Jul 22, 2021

Do you still have to pay a fine if you do a speed awareness course?

If you choose to take the course, and attend and complete it, you will not need to pay the fine and penalty points will not be added to your licence.

Can you fail a speed awareness course?

A speed awareness course does not contain any tests, so technically you cannot fail a course.

Do you have to answer questions on a speed awareness course?

This depends entirely on whether or not the insurer asks the question. If they do not ask, it cannot be used as a factor when working out your premium. However, if you are indeed asked whether you have attended one, you will need to answer honestly, and your premium may be affected depending on underwriting criteria.

How long do speeding points last?

4 yearsSpeeding points stay on your licence for 4 years, or for 11 years if it's a particularly bad offence. They stay on your licence either from the date of your conviction, or the date of your offence.

Do you have to declare speed awareness course to insurance?

You don't legally have to tell your insurance provider that you've been on a speed awareness course, unless they specifically ask you. You won't be asked when starting a quote with us, as it's not classed as a driving conviction.Oct 30, 2019

How long does a speed awareness course take?

around four hoursThere is no strict time limit for how long a driver awareness course must last. On average, a speed awareness course takes around four hours to complete.Mar 21, 2017

What questions do they ask at a speed awareness course?

This takes a few minutes and they ask you questions as a group, such as “Why are you on this speed aware course?” and “Do you think you were speeding?” or “Do you think your speed was appropriate for the road/conditions?” to which the answers are “because I don't want points”, “no” and “not really”.Dec 30, 2018