how much does the physics 2 course at uf cost

by Angel Berge 10 min read

How many credits do I need to take Physics at UF?

Transfer students must take a minimum of 15 credits of required physics courses at UF. Several courses meet the criteria for the general education physical sciences (P) requirement. Some mathematical training (indicated in parentheses) is desirable or required for many of these courses.

Why study physics at the University of Florida?

An undergraduate degree in physics at the University of Florida is a gateway to a wide range of career paths. Many of the graduates from our program go on to pursue graduate studies in physics, and attend graduate school at premiere programs in the country.

How much does it cost to attend UF?

Your costs may vary. * Tuition/fee figures are projected estimates for 2021-22 for incoming freshmen entering UF for the first time. Tuition/fees for continuing students may be lower. Out-of-state undergraduates should add $22,278 to projected tuition/fees.

What undergraduate degrees does the Department of Physics offer?

The Department of Physics offers two undergraduate degree programs: The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) is intended for students who wish to pursue graduate study in physics as well as for other students with a deep interest in the subject.

How much does tuition cost at UF?

In-state tuition 6,381 USD, Out-of-state tuition 28,659 USD (2019 – 20)University of Florida / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How much does UF cost per credit hour?

* Estimated Total -- these figures are only estimates for tuition and fees for UF Online students and should not be construed as a representation of actual costs....Tuition & Fees Estimates.In StateCost per Credit HourTuition$111.92Required Fees$17.26Optional Fees$46.212 more rows•Mar 22, 2022

Is University of Florida good for physics?

UF Physics Rankings The bachelor's program at UF was ranked #76 on College Factual's Best Schools for physics list. It is also ranked #1 in Florida.

How much does it cost to go to UF for 4 years?

The tuition charge is $25,694 while room and board is $10,590, books and supplies are $890 and other fees come in at $1,904....Out of State Resident Sticker Price.FeeCostRoom and Board$10,590Other Expenses Budget$3,5703 more rows

Is UF Online expensive?

SFA has prepared a UF Online Cost of Attendance, showing the lower cost of tuition and fees for UF Online students versus traditional on-campus students....2021-22 UF Online Cost of Attendance.In-state UF ONLINE UNDERGRADIn-state UF ONLINE UNDERGRAD LIVING AT HOMEPersonal430430Total Budget$17,936$8,3567 more rows•Feb 22, 2022

Is University of Florida affordable?

Ranked as the top two schools, the University of Florida (UF) and Florida State University (FSU) both have large student populations, with just over 45,000 at UF and just under 39,000 as FSU. Both are also affordable, with tuition at $6,000 and $7,000, respectively.

How many credits is physics in college?

123 credit hoursA total of 123 credit hours are required for the Bachelor of Science in Physics.

Is UF a good science school?

28), and mechanical (No. 33). U.S. News published the first-ever national ranking of undergraduate computer science programs this year, with UF ranking in the top 10% at No. 48 out of 481 public and private programs.

Is UF Comp Sci good?

Getting an undergraduate degree in computer science UF Online is nationally ranked #3 for best online bachelor's program by U.S. News and World Report 2021. In addition, OnlineU has ranked the UF Online Computer Science degree as the highest return on investment based on real-world alumni outcomes.

What is the minimum GPA for University of Florida?

minimum 2.0 GPAMust have a minimum 2.0 overall GPA and a minimum 2.0 GPA at the last institution attended as calculated by UF. Must complete or will complete specific prerequisites for intended major before attending UF. Must be in good standing and eligible to return to any institution previously attended.

What GPA do you need to get into University of Florida?

The state minimum requirements for Freshmen applicants can be found here; however, UF's standards for admissions are significantly higher than the state minimums. Applicants who are admitted typically have at least (and usually higher than) a 3.7 High School GPA.

Does UF give good financial aid?

The average need-based scholarship or grant awarded to first-year students at University of Florida was $10,685. Additionally, 40% of first-year students received need-based financial aid in fall 2019.

What is the first semester of introductory physics?

First semester of introductory physics de-emphasizing calculus. Structure and properties of matter; kinematics, dynamics and statics; momentum and energy; rotation, elasticity; vibration; fluids; temperature and expansion, heat transfer, thermal behavior of gases; wave motion and sound.

What is the emphasis of basic physics?

Emphasizes the practical applications of basic physics to a range of professions, including architecture, agricultural sciences, building construction and forest resources. Mechanics of motion, forces, energy, momentum, wave motion and heat. (P)

What is the first part of the PHY 3513/4523 sequence?

First part of the PHY 3513/4523 sequence that includes treatment of classical thermodynamics, including fundamental postulates, entropy and equations of states; thermodynamic equilibrium and potentials; Maxwell relations and phase transitions. (P)

What is a 2nd course in biology?

Second course in a two-semester inquiry-based laboratory focusing on major themes and concepts in biology, chemistry and physics with an emphasis on their integrated applications in modern, quantitative research. Satisfies course requirements for BSC 2011L, CHM 2046L and PHY 2054L.

What is a two semester lab?

First course in a two-semester inquiry-based laboratory focusing on major themes and concepts in biology, chemistry and physics with an emphasis on their integrated applications in modern, quantitative research. Satisfies course requirements for BSC 2010L, CHM 2045L and PHY 2053L.

What are the physics of biological systems?

The physics of biological systems, including physics of proteins and nucleic acids, biomolecular motors and diffusional signaling and sensing. Important experimental tools such as magnetic resonance and synchrotron x-ray crystallography are also discussed. (WR)

What is the second course of the enriched sequence?

Second course of the enriched sequence studying electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, Gauss's Law, potentials, vector analysis, Laplace's equation, conductors and insulators, circuits, magnetism, Maxwell's equations and E and M fields in matter. (P)

Undergraduate, Graduate, DCP, JD, SJD, Law LL.M., Tax LL.M., and Physician Assistant Course Fees

The following is a breakdown of the per credit hour amount of a student’s tuition for a Florida and Non-Florida resident during the 2020-2021 academic year:

Dental, Medical, PharmD, Vet. Med., Phys. Therapy, Public Health, Law JD, and LL.M. Term Fees

Dental, Medical, PharmD, Vet. Med., and Phys. Therapy, Public Health, Law JD and LL.M. students admitted in Fall 2019 and later are assessed tuition and fees for the academic year which are payable in two installments (per-term) in the Fall and in the Spring. All Law programs are assessed the appropriate hourly rate in the Summer semester.


If a student registers after the regular registration deadline, the student will be assessed a late registration fee of $100.00. Likewise, if a student does not pay tuition by the fee payment deadline there is a $100.00 late payment fee assessed.

What is a physics degree at the University of Florida?

An undergraduate degree in physics at the University of Florida is a gateway to a wide range of career paths. Many of the graduates from our program go on to pursue graduate studies in physics, and attend graduate school at premiere programs in the country. However, the majority of our graduates pursue studies and employment in fields outside of physics, which is a testament to the versatility of a physics degree. Our undergraduate majors are equipped to tackle complex and technical problems.

How many credit hours do you need to get a physics minor at UF?

Additional information is available in the Undergraduate Catalog. The physics minor requires 17 credit hours and all courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher. Students must take all 3000- and 4000-level courses at UF.

What are some examples of enriched courses?

Several of the core courses in the undergraduate curriculum include an enriched version. For example, PHY2048: Physics with Calculus 1 and PHY2060: Enriched Physics with Calculus 1 cover the same material except PHY2060 includes selected advanced topics. Both courses prepare students for upper-level physics courses. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with an advisor to determine which course is appropriate for them.

What is a B.S. in physics?

Students in the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree Program plan to pursue employment opportunities or graduate school in physics or a closely related discipline. The curriculum provides a rigorous training in all areas of undergraduate physics. The students completing their B.S. degrees are well prepared for employment or graduate studies in physics at any institution.

What is a physics minor?

The physics minor is appropriate for students in other majors who enjoy taking physics courses. Many of our physics minors are majoring in fields such as engineering, mathematics, and chemistry. A physics minor will cover the fundamental 20th century developments and the ability to solve intermediate-level problems.

Does the University of Florida offer financial aid for physics?

Although, students will earn an M.S. degree from the University of Florida, the Physics Department typically does not provide financial support ( i. e ., a graduate stipend in the form of a research or teaching assistantship) to these students.

Can you substitute physics courses for minors?

Note: Course substitutions from disciplines outside of physics are not permitted for the minor. However, enriched versions of these courses may be substituted as appropriate. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences restricts certain major/minor combinations due to significant overlap between the curricula.

How many parts are in the UF Physics field test?

Pass the UF physics field test, which consists of five parts. One part is given in each of these required courses:

What is the Department of Physics?

The Department of Physics is making strides toward becoming one of the premier physics departments in the United States. With active groups in astrophysics, biological physics, condensed matter/materials physics, and elementary particle physics, undergraduate and graduate students participate in cutting-edge research that prepares them for successful careers in a wide variety of fields.

What is medical physics?

Medical Physics. Medical physics applies the principles and experimental techniques of physics to medical problems. A common example is the use of different forms of radiation in medical diagnosis and treatment. This specialization will help prepare students for a graduate program in medical physics.

How many credits are required for a B.S. in physics?

degree program is intended for students planning to do graduate work in physics or related science and engineering disciplines. The B.S. requires a minimum of 41 credits in Physics plus 28 credits of related coursework. Minimum grades of C are required for coursework counted toward the major.

What is a physics major?

Academic Learning Compact. A physics major provides a wide range of career options. Many students pursue further studies in physics, other scientific disciplines, and various branches of engineering and medicine.

What is a B.S. in physics?

The Department of Physics offers two undergraduate degree programs: The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) is intended for students who wish to pursue graduate study in physics as well as for other students with a deep interest in the subject. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) is intended for students who seek the benefits of a physics degree but desire greater flexibility to follow interests in other fields.

Where do physicists work?

Professional physicists work in universities and government laboratories seeking answers to fundamental questions about nature, in industry leading the development of new technologies, and in the medical sector performing clinical service and research.

Graduate Cost

Master Degree students tuition cost is based on a Graduate Cost of Attendance. Information regarding the 2019-2020 Academic Year Graduate Cost of Attendance.

Health Insurance Cost

All newly admitted or re-admitted domestic students who are enrolled at least half-time in a degree-seeking program along with all international students are required to purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan unless proof of comparable coverage is provided. Proof of comparable coverage is provided annually.

Previous Tuition Information

The University Bursar provides Academic tuition rates, fees, and calculator information.

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  • An undergraduate degree in physics at the University of Florida is a gateway to a wide range of career paths. Many of the graduates from our program go on to pursue graduate studies in physics, and attend graduate school at premiere programs in the country. However, the majority of our graduates pursue studies and employment in fields outside of ph...
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Bachelor of Science Degree

  • Students in the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Degree Program plan to pursue employment opportunities or graduate school in physics or a closely related discipline. The curriculum provides a rigorous training in all areas of undergraduate physics. The students completing their B.S. degrees are well prepared for employment or graduate studies in physics at any institution. …
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Bachelor of Arts Degree

  • Students in the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Degree Program want to major in physics but are not presently contemplating physics graduate studies. The curriculum provides a strong foundation in the fundamentals while offering increased flexibility through fewer required courses and more electives. Many of our B.A. students pursue parallel degrees in another discipline or take pre-pro…
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  • The physics minor is appropriate for students in other majors who enjoy taking physics courses. Many of our physics minors are majoring in fields such as engineering, mathematics, and chemistry. A physics minor will cover the fundamental 20th century developments and the ability to solve intermediate-level problems. Students who intend to pursue a minor in physics should c…
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