how much does safesport refresher course cost

by Chelsey Gaylord 5 min read


What is the cost of SafeSport training?

The SafeSport Training requirement does not apply to USEF fan members or USEF competing members under the age of 18 (based on actual birthdate). It’s free. There is no cost for USEF members to take either the initial SafeSport Training or the refresher course.

Did you get a reminder to take your SafeSport training refresher?

Did you get a reminder to take your SafeSport Training refresher course? The refresher is quick and easy, and completing the course ensures that an adult competing member can continue to participate in USEF-licensed competitions as an owner, athlete, or trainer.

What is happening to the SafeSport® trained core?

Currently and through the start of 2022, the Center is moving all SafeSport online courses (including the SafeSport® Trained Core) to a new learning management system. Because each sport or training client is transitioning on its own schedule–Check with your organization to confirm the learning system now active for your trainings.

How long does the refresher course take to complete?

The refresher course is short. The refresher course takes about 15-20 minutes. SafeSport Training is quick and easy to complete online. Log in to the and go to your My USEF Member Dashboard. Under Member Tools, you will see a "Safe Sport Training" tile. Log in to your SafeSport account, and your available training courses will appear.

How much does SafeSport cost?

6) There is no cost for the SafeSport certification Trained Course (must use an access code) and Refresher Course. Compliance 1) All NEW Program Administrators must successfully complete the SafeSport Trained Course.

How do I retake SafeSport training?

Anyone who HAS completed the SafeSport Trained Core requirement, should complete Refresher 1: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct. Participants can simply go to and sign in — the Refresher course will be available to them on their “Learning Dashboard”.

Is SafeSport certification free?

As part of USA Taekwondo's commitment to providing a safe sporting environment, it is now a requirement that all Coach and Instructor members complete the FREE USOC SafeSport training course online.

Does SafeSport certification expire?

The training will be valid for 2 years once completing these 3 core courses. To appear in the Online Coach Directory, along with complying with rules set by the Board of Directors, you must complete SafeSport training.

Can you fail SafeSport training?

If you do not complete the required SafeSport Training after the 30-day grace period, you will be ineligible to compete and will not continue to accrue points until the required SafeSport Training is completed.

How often do you have to take SafeSport?

once every 5 seasonsThe Core Center for SafeSport Training is required once every 5 seasons and takes approximately 90 minutes. The Center's Refresher courses are required every season following the completion of the Core Center for SafeSport Training and take approximately 20-30 minutes.

How long does it take to complete SafeSport?

approximately 90 minutesThe required SafeSport Training is located within the USEF website and is free for USEF members. Anyone under 18 years of age must have parental consent to take the training. Instructions on how to register for the training can be found here. The training will take approximately 90 minutes to complete.

How long is USA Hockey SafeSport good for?

The Safe Sport Training and Refresher Training are each valid for twelve (12) months beginning on 4/1/22. As of January 1, 2018, all relevant individuals who need to be SafeSport trained or are seeking retraining will need to complete the new SafeSport training, which features updated content.

How long is USA Hockey SafeSport training?

A person must first take the course known as “Core Center for SafeSport Training,” which is taken online and takes approximately 90 – 120 minutes to complete. After that a “Refresher Course” is available each subsequent year for a person that has completed the Core Center for SafeSport Training.

How do I recertify my SafeSport?

Log in to your SafeSport account, and your available training courses will appear. You will be required to complete the Refresher Module in order to become Safe Sport Trained. You will receive a completion certificate upon completing the refresher course. Your records will be automatically updated upon completion.

What is a SafeSport violation?

SafeSport requires coaches to report emotional and physical misconduct, such as hazing, bullying, stalking, and harassment, to the athlete's NGB.

What is SafeSport certification hockey?

USA Hockey Safe Sport is the organization's program related to off-ice safety. USA Hockey has long had systems in place to protect its participants from physical abuse, sexual abuse and other types of abuse and misconduct that can be harmful to youth hockey players and other participants.

How much does the USASF coach course cost?

The course will be initiated through the member’s online profile. Coaches can complete the course in the USASF Coach App. The cost of the course is $20 and will be good for 2 seasons.

What is the Center for SafeSport?

The U.S. Center for SafeSport™ offers a FREE Parent’s Guide to Misconduct in Sport. This course explains the issues of misconduct in sport and helps parents ensure their children have a positive and safe sport experience. If you are a parent looking for resources on keeping your athlete safe, you can access this training at no cost.

Who is required to take the SafeSport refresher course?

Who is required to take the SafeSport Training and annual refresher course? Any USEF competing member aged 18 or older (based on actual birthdate) is required to take the SafeSport Training, including amateurs, professionals, juniors who are 18 and older, and owners who have an annual, three-year, or lifetime membership.

What is safesport training?

The SafeSport Training program is mandated by Congress for all 50 Olympic sports. Over the past year, USEF has worked to implement federally-mandated SafeSport policies aimed at protecting youth in sport.

Do you need to complete the refresher module to become safe?

You will be required to complete the Refresher Module in order to become Safe Sport Trained. You will receive a completion certificate upon completing the refresher course. Your records will be automatically updated upon completion.

Is USEF a safe sport?

Creating a healthy, supportive, and safe community for our athletes—especially our youngest athletes—is our top priority. USEF has had a Safe Sport Policy and program since 2013 and continues to provide resources, support, and reporting mechanisms for all members.

When is USAV training?

The training must be completed by March 23, 2019, for all current members or after for new members. Available to USAV members for free. 30-Minute Refresher: This is conducted annually following “Core” Center for SafeSport Training. This training is 30 minutes and is a review of the information shared in the Core Center for SafeSport Training.

What is core training?

Center for SafeSport “Core” Training: This is required training for adults who have regular contact with amateur athletes who are minors, and/or have regular contact with or authority over an amateur athlete who is a minor. The training must be completed before regular contact with an amateur athlete who is a minor begins; or within the first 45 days of initial membership, or upon beginning a new role subjecting the adult to the MAAPP. The training must be completed by March 23, 2019, for all current members or after for new members. Available to USAV members for free.

What age do you have to be to take core center USAV?

Available to USAV members for free. Athletes turning 18 during the season, whose teammates are minors, will be required to take “Core” Center for SafeSport training upon turning 18. To prevent any disruption in play, the center will allow athletes who are 17, turning 18 during the season to take “Core” given parental consent.

When is MAAPP training required?

The training must be completed by March 23, 2019, for all current members or after for new members.

Does SafeSport have to be completed?

SafeSport training must be completed prior to interacting with athletes. The content of this SafeSport training was developed and is maintained by the U.S. Center for SafeSport, which retains individual course completion records.

Safesport Certification

As we are fast approaching the 2020/2021 season we wanted to provide some reminders regarding SafeSport training. The SafeSport training requirement became an annual training requirement beginning in 2018/2019 season. SafeSport Core being the first then refreshers to follow each additional year.

SafeSport 24-hour Services Helpline

The U.S. Center for SafeSport is excited to announce it today launched a 24-hour victim services helpline.
