how much does it cost to take 1 course at nassau community college

by Cassandre Treutel 9 min read

Academic Year 2021-2022
TUITION (PER SEMESTER) New York State Resident:FULL-TIME* (12 or more credits)
Out of Nassau County Resident Without Certificate5800.00
Out of New York State Resident5800.00
Half (½) Credit/Lecture Hour Courses - one half of the above rates.
2 Off-Site High School Courses: not to exceed
31 more rows

How much is the tuition at Nassau Community College?

In-state tuition 6,330 USD, Out-of-state tuition 12,130 USD (2019 – 20)Nassau Community College / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How can I get into Nassau Community College for free?

Nassau Community College encourages all students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, which is used to determine eligibility for federal and New York State (NYS) financial aid programs, including the NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).

How many credits is full-time at Nassau Community College?

twelve creditsTo be a full-time student, you need to be enrolled for a minimum of twelve credits (or the equivalent number of hours) a semester. For most students, that means taking at least four courses.

How much do community colleges cost?

Students attending community colleges spend an average of $1,865 on tuition each semester. The average annual cost for attending a public community college in the US is $4,864 for in-state students, and $8,622 for out-of-state students.

Is Nassau Community College a 2 year school?

We are the largest single-campus community college in the state of New York. Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and is authorized by the Board of Regents to award two-year associate degrees in arts (AA), science (AS), and applied science (AAS).

What GPA do you need to get into Nassau Community College?

2.5All Applicants: Upper 50% of high school class or college GPA of at least 2.5, with “C” (70) or greater in math, biology and chemistry prerequisites.

Does Nassau Community College have dorms?

Housing. At this point in time, NCC does not have student housing. You are responsible to for your living arrangements. If you have any questions or concerns about housing, please contact us.

How do I apply for graduation at Nassau Community College?

How do I apply for graduation? All students must apply for graduation during the term they are completing their degree requirements. Applications can be submitted through MyNCC Portal. The deadlines to apply for graduation are the last Mondays of February for May; June for August; and October for December.

Do you have to live in Nassau County to go to Nassau Community College?

Nassau County Resident To be eligible for resident tuition, the student or his/her parent must show proof of one year of legal residence in New York State & six months in the County of Nassau.

What is the cheapest community college in US?

Top 25 Cheapest Community Colleges in the U.S.RankSchoolTuition1Luna Community College$8862Eastern New Mexico University-Ruidoso Campus$1,0363Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute$1,0954American River College$1,10421 more rows•Oct 13, 2017The 25 Cheapest Community Colleges in the US › cheap-community-colleges › cheap-community-collegesSearch for: What is the cheapest community college in US?

How much is a two year college?

The average cost of tuition and fees at any 2-year institution is $3,621. At public 2-year institutions, or community colleges, in-district tuition and fees average $3,377 annually; out-of-state students pay an average of $8,126.Mar 29, 2022Average Cost of College [2022]: Yearly Tuition + Expenses › average-cost-of-college › average-cost-of-collegeSearch for: How much is a two year college?

How long is a semester?

15 - 17 weekA semester is a calendar that divides the academic year into 15 - 17 week terms. There are generally two semesters per academic year: Fall (beginning in August or September) and Spring (beginning in January).5. What is the difference between a semester and a quarter? › ivc › files › WHAT_IS_THE_... › ivc › files › WHAT_IS_THE_...Search for: How long is a semester?

What are the requirements for Nassau Community College?

High School Transcript: submitted by your High School Guidance Office via email to [email protected] or through the Naviance system. Foreign Educational Documents: send a scanned or digital photo of your education documents/transcripts to [email protected].

How do I get into Nassau Community College?

The following is required: Upper 50% of high school class, or, if applying with previous college work, a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 with a minimum grade of “C” in each prerequisite course in math, biology and chemistry. Prerequisite courses: Two years of pre-college math.

Is NY college free?

In 2017, the state of New York's Excelsior Scholarship made headlines when it became the first in the nation to cover four years of tuition without being tethered to academic performance.

Do you have to live in Nassau County to go to Nassau Community College?

Nassau County Resident To be eligible for resident tuition, the student or his/her parent must show proof of one year of legal residence in New York State & six months in the County of Nassau.