how much does defensive driving course cost

by Ellen Larson 3 min read

Defensive driving courses range in price from $15 to $100. Most online courses cost between $20 and $40. Completing an approved defensive driving course typically results in a car insurance discount that lasts for three years.Mar 6, 2021

Can a defensive driving course lower my car insurance rate?

Aug 13, 2018 · It could also depend on the kind of violation you committed and/or you’re deciding to take it voluntarily for insurance purposes, for example. With all of this in mind, the costs of a defensive driving course can cost $20 to $50 if you take an online course. This is for the school only and will not include any additional fees as mentioned below.

When should one take a defensive driving course?

6-hour defensive driving course. 24-hour support. Three attempts at the Final Exam. Certificate of Completion processed within 1 business day. Select This Course! Driver Record: $25.00. Obtain a copy of your Driver Record. Most courts require a copy of your Driver Record for the dismissal of a …

Why should I take a defensive driving course?

Mar 06, 2021 · Defensive driving courses range in price from $15 to $100. Most online courses cost between $20 and $40. Completing an approved defensive driving course typically results in a car insurance discount that lasts for three years. Discounts for defensive driving courses vary from 5% to 20%.

How often can you take defensive driving courses?

Feb 10, 2021 · Unlike other states, Texas state law sets the minimum price for a defensive driving course. That price is $25.00 whether the course is completed in person or online. There are, however, situations where it may be worth it to spend a little more.

How many months does a defensive driving course take off?

6 monthsThis 9 hour defensive driving course is for Restricted or Learner Licence holders. Once completed it takes 6 months off their Restricted Licence time.

How much is NYS defensive driving Online?

The best cheap defensive driving course is offered by New York Safety Program for $23.95. The cost of the listed providers below range from $23.95 to $49.95. There are eight providers that offer defensive driving courses for under $30....Best cheap defensive driving courses in New York.ProviderCostI Drive Safely$48.9511 more rows•Nov 16, 2021

How long is defensive driving course online NJ?

six-hourSafeMotorist's New Jersey Online Defensive Driving course makes it simple to avoid point penalties after a traffic ticket and save money on your auto insurance rate. The six-hour course is 100% online and approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for point and insurance reduction.

How much is defensive driving Texas?

The state of Texas requires defensive driving courses to cost a minimum of $25.

How long is NY defensive driving course?

320 minutesThe classroom course is 320 minutes long. It is presented in one or more sessions. The course must include essential information about traffic safety. It must cover these and other topics: driver attitude and behavior, defensive driving techniques, and the Vehicle & Traffic Law.

How long is the defensive driving course online NY?

320 minutesNew York Defensive Driving Courses take 320 minutes to complete, as mandated by the state of New York. Since this course is 100% online you do not need to complete it all at once - you may log out and in as often as you need during the 30 day period you have to complete the course.

How much do driving lessons cost in NJ?

Expect classroom driver training between $30 and $180. Actual road training runs between $50 and $150 per session. Most driving schools offer an all-inclusive package between $200 and $800. The testing vehicle should have air bags and an adjustable steering column, while being no more than four years old.

How much is defensive driving NJ?

DriveSafeToday's defensive driving course costs only $19.95. Our NJ MJV-approved course is available in text, audio, and video streaming formats and completion allows you to remove 2 points from your NJ driving record once every 5 years. You can also receive up to a 10% car insurance discount for 3 years.

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Can a 16 year old take defensive driving in Texas?

Teen drivers under the age of 18 who are convicted of a traffic offense may be required by their court to take a defensive driving course. The good news is by taking a course, you will dismiss the ticket and the points, preventing a costly insurance rate hike.

How much is defensive?

Defensive driving courses range in price from $15 to $100. Most online courses cost between $20 and $40. Completing an approved defensive driving course typically results in a car insurance discount that lasts for three years.Mar 6, 2021

Which online defensive driving course is best in Texas?

The 7 Best Online Defensive Driving Courses In Texas For 2022Aceable. Aceable is without a doubt the best online defensive driving course in Texas for 2022. ... iDriveSafely. ... Approved Course. ... Go To Traffic School. ... Improv Traffic School. ... Get Defensive. ... A Sense Of Humor Defensive Driving Course.

Can I take the course online or in person?

You can do either, but it depends on your needs. Both course formats are readily available in most areas. Many insurers accept online defensive dri...

How long is the defensive driving insurance discount good for?

It varies between insurance companies. However, most insurance providers will give you a rate discount for three years after completing a defensive...

How do I know if I qualify for a defensive driving discount?

It is a good idea to check with your insurance company to see if a defensive driving course will result in a discount.

What does a defensive driving course cover?

Defensive driving courses focus on several areas, for example:Risk aversionDangers of driving under the influence of any substancesRecognizing pote...

How much does a defensive driving course cost?

And remember, most defensive driving courses cost less than $100. Even without a discount, defensive driving courses remain a great investment.

Why are defensive driving courses important?

They help drivers identify dangerous situations before they unfold. Defensive drivers can determine and mitigate risky behavior from other drivers. To put it plainly, defensive driving courses can save lives. Defensive driving courses can help you save money, too.

What is TeenSmart insurance?

TeenSMART is an online driver safety program tailored to teach defensive driving to new drivers. They advertise that their program helps teens lower their collision rates by 30% to 70%. TeenSMART has discount partnerships with the following insurance companies:

How long does it take to get a discount on Allstate?

Allstate requires the driving course length to be six hours or more . Drivers must have no at-fault claims or violations to qualify for the full discount.

What age can you get defensive driving discounts?

Many defensive driving discounts are available only to drivers over the age of 55 or under the age of 25. Insurance companies consider these two age groups to be more at-risk drivers than others.

What age do you have to be to get a Farmers discount?

Farmers ’ defensive driving discount is an option for senior citizens. Drivers must be 65 or older — 55 in some states — to earn the discount. Farmers requires courses to be DMV approved.

What is a steer clear driver?

Steer Clear requires drivers to complete an educational course and sign a safe driving pledge. It can lead to a 15% reduction of insurance rates. This program is available to drivers with clean records in 45 states. State Farm also offers a defensive driving course discount.

How much does a defensive driving class cost in Texas?

Texas state law mandates that the minimum price for a driver safety (a.k.a. defensive driving) class is $25.00. If you find one for less, you’ll only wind up with a worthless certificate and the opportunity to take the course again, this time through a legitimate provider.

How long is a defensive driving course?

By law, a TDLR approved defensive driving course is required to be a minimum total of six hours in length. Waiting until Day 89 means you’ll sit for six straight hours staring at your computer, nervously tapping your fingers while timers expire.

How long does it take to get a driver's license back in Texas?

Most Texas courts give you 90 days to return your certificate. the best approach here is to get it done as close to the first of those 90 days as you can. Come on, you know how you are. The further you get away from that initial court date, the less you’ll think about having to take defensive driving at all.

Can you double dip in Texas?

Good news, Texans. The way defensive driving is handled in the Lone Star State allows you to double dip. After your course, you will receive two completion certificates, one for the court and one for your insurance company. Most drivers save 2-10% on their premiums after completing a driver safety course.

Is it bad to wait until Day 89?

Waiting until Day 89 is stressful and potentially far more expensive as you’ll likely be facing expensive overnight shipping. Waiting until Day 91 is worse. Missing your deadline will result in your citation fine coming due immediately and the addition of that ticket to your driving record.

Do defensive driving courses have timers?

State law requires defensive driving courses to be equipped with timers to make sure students stay in the course for the required amount of time. Sorry. A part of the process where you don’t want to spend any extra money is on expedited shipping.

How much is the insurance discount for defensive driving?

Most insurance companies offer discounts up to 10% for completing a Defensive Driving Course. Ask your insurance agent if you qualify.

How long is defensive driving class?

Our Defensive Driving course is only 5 hours of actual class time, with a required 1 hour break. For our online course, You may log in and out as many times as you like, and have up to 120 days to complete the online course (just be sure to complete it and turn it in before your court due date).

How much discount do you get for defensive driving?

In English, that means they have to give you at least ten percent off for taking a defensive driving course. Some insurers may offer even better discounts in order to stay competitive, but you’re looking at a discount of ten percent from the base.

How long does a driver get a 10% discount in New York?

At least in New York state, where New York Insurance Law § 2336 demands a ten percent discount for three years for drivers who provide proof of having completed a PIRP (Point and Insurance Reduction Program) course through a DMV-approved provider.

What happens if you drive a sports car and have been found at fault in a few accidents?

If you drive a sports car and have been found at fault in a few accidents, you’re automatically going to be paying more than someone who drives a compact and has a spotless record.

Is being a safe driver good?

Added Benefits. It’s not just discounts. Being a certifiably safe driver looks good to the courts if you ever are involved in an accident, and it helps to reduce the chance of getting into an accident in the first place. This keeps your record clean and your insurance premiums low.

How much is defensive driving discount?

The discount depends on the state - it normally ranges between 5 to 10 percent - but any percentage is helpful, especially if you are currently struggling with high premiums.

How does defensive driving help you save money?

An online defensive driving course helps you save money on transportation in two ways. By taking the course online, you don’t have to drive to a stuffy classroom to attend the course and waste money on gas.

How much does a car accident cost?

Car accidents cost $230.6 billion every year in the U.S. That’s an average of $820 per person . This amount doesn’t count medical bills, time away from work if you’re injured, or even possible costs for your damaged vehicle.

Is defensive driving online?

An online defensive driving course doesn’t just make you a better driver. It also gives you the opportunity to save and improve your finances. And by taking the course online, you can complete on your own schedule without having to drive to a physical location. It’s a win-win for you and your wallet!
