how much does aarp smart-driver course cost?

by Preston Prosacco 10 min read

AARP Smart Driver Course is available in classroom and online settings. The classroom course is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members, and the cost for the online course for AARP members $17.95 and non-members $21.95.*.

The course normally costs $15.95 for AARP members and $19.95 for nonmembers. By taking the course you'll gain a greater understanding of the challenges drivers face on today's roads, and will learn strategies to help avoid crashes and minimize injuries in the event of an accident.May 9, 2013

Full Answer

How much is the AARP online driving course?

The AARP Driver Safety course is $19.95 for AARP members and $24.95 for non-member, for instance, and is designed to help you receive a multi-year discount on your auto insurance and reduce your chances of receiving a traffic violation and/or getting into an accident in the future. This course is not state approved by the courts and is only designed for those who are looking to either reduce their insurance premiums and/or learn how to become a safer driver.

How much does AARP drivers course cost?

AARP’s four-hour driver safety class is taught by trained AARP volunteers. There are no tests. The cost is $15 for members and $20 for non-members. The course is open to people of all ages. How long is the AARP defensive driving course good for?

How much does the AARP defensive driving course cost?

The online course is $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members. Course topics range from using medication and driving, preventing distracted driving and proper safety techniques. Similar to AARP, AAA offers defensive driving courses specifically for senior drivers.

How much does driving school classes cost?

The typical cost of a driving school varies greatly between states and cities, and is affected by the cost of gasoline. Expect classroom driver training between $30 and $180. Actual road training runs between $50 and $150 per session. Most driving schools offer an all-inclusive package between $200 and $800.

How long is the AARP driver safety course good for in California?

two to three yearsA course completion certificate is valid for two to three years, depending on your state's regulations (check with your auto insurance agent for details regarding your discount).

How long is AARP smart driver course good for in Georgia?

If it has been longer than three years, you must retake the course.

What is the easiest defensive driving course online?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

What is mature driver discount?

Mature Driver Discount, Safe Driver Discount, and Defensive Driver Discount are common names used by different insurance companies to describe the senior auto insurance discount a person 50 years of age or older receives after they complete a Mature Driver Improvement Course.

How much does a defensive driving course cost in Georgia?

$95In the state of Georgia, a Defensive Driving Course will cost you $95. This price is set by Georgia's Department of Driver Services and applied to all driving schools in the state that are certified to teach the Defensive Driving Course (DDC), like Alfa Driving School.

How long do points stay on your license in GA?

two yearsIn Georgia, points remain on a driver's record for two years. However, they drop off at the two-year mark from the exact date each point was added. That means if you receive more than one ticket at different times, some points may come off sooner than others.

What is the best defensive driving course to take online?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•

What is the difference between home study and Internet traffic school?

Traffic School is typically offered in three different ways: An online course you can take from home (the best option) A classroom-based course you need to physically attend (typically takes 8 hours) A home-study course with a physical booklet (requires the purchase of extra materials)

Which drivers ed is best online?

So, without further delay, here are my top 8 choices for the best online drivers ed courses in 2022.#1: ... #2: Aceable Online Drivers Ed. ... #3: Improv Driving School. ... #4: iDriveSafely. ... #5: First Time Driver. ... #6: ... #7: Teen Driving Course. ... #8: items...

What does mature driver mean?

Mature driver improvement courses are designed for drivers 55 and older and provide instruction on: Defensive driving. California motor vehicle laws. Updates on rules of the road. The effects that medication, fatigue, alcohol, visual, or auditory limitations have on a person's driving ability.

What is Mature driver AAA?

AAA now provides members with an online mature driver course. It is a great option for anyone 55 years of age or older who would like the convenience of taking an online course that is designed to make it easy to learn at your own pace. AAA members save 20%!

What GPA is needed for State Farm Good student discount?

Good Student Discount Had a grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) or higher. Made the Dean's List or Honor Roll.

Where are the AARP Smart Driver courses?

The 35 locations are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, ...

Does AARP offer discounts?

In the states where auto insurance premium discounts are not mandated, several insurance companies voluntarily provide premium discounts to participants completing the AARP Smart Driver course. *The State of New Mexico prohibits AARP from offering the course to participants under the age of 50.

How long does it take to get an AARP driver safety certificate?

To get the AARP driver safety course insurance discount (up to 15%), pay $21.95 to enroll in the AARP SmartDriver course online, complete the course within 60 days and pass the final test. The online course takes four to eight hours to complete, depending on the state. AARP then provides an electronic certificate that can be sent ...

How much does defensive driving cost?

Class prices can vary widely, but most online defensive driving courses cost between $20 and $40. Defensive driving classes focus on avoiding collisions and handling challenging situations on the road.

What is the best alternative to AAA?

The best alternative to AAA roadside assistance is a motor club membership with Better World Club, Good Sam Club, or Allstate Motor Club. Another good alternative to AAA is purchasing a roadside assistance add-on from a traditional car insurance company, especially an insurer that offers multiple plans.

Does AARP offer discounts for driving online?

The District of Columbia and 23 states require insurance companies to provide a discount to drivers of a certain age who complete an approved driving course online. Another 13 states require the discount for classroom courses, too, but AARP has cancelled all of its classroom courses through 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Is roadside assistance cheaper than AAA?

Roadside assistance from an insurance company is usually less expensive than AAA, but it often provides less coverage. For instance, AAA includes benefits besides roadside assistance, like discounts with affiliated companies, identity theft monitoring, and trip interruption coverage.

Does AARP give you a discount?

Some insurance companies will provide a discount even if it’s not required by law in your state, since drivers who have completed a driver safety course are considered lower risk. But even if you don’t receive an insurance discount, taking an AARP driver safety course can help decrease your insurance costs in the long run if it makes you ...
