how much does a new damp proof course cost

by Donnie Lang 7 min read

For damp proofing, expect to pay anywhere from: $150 a linear metre to $1000 a linear metre for damp proof course installation depending on how large and difficult your project is $900 to $3500 to install sub-floor ventilation

Full Answer

How much does it cost to damp proof an internal wall?

On average, damp course costs are around £800 for a medium-sized property. Damp course cost day rate Although some tradespeople will include their labour in their damp proof course cost, expect to pay an average day rate of £225 for installation. That includes the tanking slurry, re-plastering and re-rendering required.

How much does a damp course cost?

A few years ago a friend told me a story about how she was quoted over £6000 for damp proofing when the problem was actually urine. Yes, you read that correctly; piss. The flat upstairs had a leaky toilet and the wastewater leaked into the cavity and soaked the base of her walls and also slightly under the floor too.

How much does it cost to damp proof a cellar?

Cost of damp proofing internal walls. Much of the cost involved in this comes from replastering a decoration after the process is carried out. Costs vary widely between different areas and different suppliers, but a rough average is around £70 …

What happens after a damp proof course?

Feb 04, 2022 · A damp-proof course is designed to protect a property against the dangers posed by moisture, damp and excess water. When properly installed, a damp-proof course creates an effective waterproof barrier that prevents moisture from rising up through the brickwork and masonry, and then into the home. A damp-proof course is generally fitted just ...

What is the average cost of damp proofing?

How much does damp proofing cost?Damp proofing costsCost + VAT (Range low - high)Average costDamp proofing course£250 - £1,500£850Damp proofing external walls cost£750 - £2,500£1,500Damp proofing cellar / basement cost - tanking£30 - £60 per sqm£45 per sqmInjection damp proofing cost£1,000 - £5,000£3,5003 more rows

Can you replace a damp proof course?

The easiest way to solve the rising damp issue is to repair the existing damp proof course. An incorrectly fitted, bridged or damaged damp proof course presents water with an opportunity to rise above the damp proof course level and therefore cause damp problems in your property.Jul 11, 2019

Can you put a damp proof course in an old house?

A Damp Proof Course (DPC) is an impervious layer built into a wall. It is placed above ground level to prevent moisture rising up the wall via a capillary action. Older buildings used a range of materials for a DPC, including slate, bitumen, jute and hessian. Nowadays plastic DPCs or chemical injection DPCs are used.

How long does damp proof course last?

20-25 yearsTypically, a physical damp proof course lasts for 20-25 years and can fail due to it not being fitted properly or deterioration. If a damp proofing course has failed then this could potentially lead to rising damp. Rising damp is the movement of moisture through the walls and floors by capillary action.

Can a damp proof course fail?

A DPC may fail because it was not fitted properly or may fail due to deterioration, localised damage or bridging. If the DPC fails then your property may be suffering from rising damp. Rising damp is moisture which defies gravity and moves upwards through walls as a result of capillary action.Oct 23, 2019

How can you tell if a house has a damp proof course?

You can find your DPC by taking a look at the external wall. Look down at ground level and look up about 6 inches or so up the wall. Somewhere around here you will see a thin black line of either slate or plastic running horizontally across the brick work. This is your DPC.Nov 18, 2015

How much does it cost to damp proof an internal wall?

Cost of damp proofing internal walls Costs vary widely between different areas and different suppliers, but a rough average is around £70 per metre of wall being treated, or around £280 per wall. Across a whole house, the costs may then rise to several thousand pounds if you need to treat every wall.

Is a damp proof course necessary?

The reason why a damp proof course is important is because any excess moisture entering a building can lead to more serious property problems such as timber decay or structural damage. Properties that do not have an effective damp proof course are more prone to suffer from the following: Wet rot. Dry rot.

Does tanking stop rising damp?

Tanking walls will prevent damp problems by forming an impermeable waterproof barrier. The barrier is formed using tanking slurry that is applied directly to the wall. Tanking Slurry is simple to apply and is ideal for coating foundation walls below-ground level.

How much does it cost to fix damp walls?

But, if it's rising damp you can expect to pay from £400 up to £15,000, depending on the severity....How much does rising damp treatment cost?Property typeSingle wallWhole houseTerrace house£250£300Semi-detached£250 to £300£600Detached£500 minimum£1500

Is it expensive to fix rising damp?

Treating rising damp in a terraced home will cost less than a detached home. This is because there are fewer external walls to be dealt with. The more walls you have, the more it will cost to fix. The damage caused by rising damp can be extensive.Jun 11, 2021

Can you sell a house with rising damp?

The simple answer is 'yes', but it depends on the price you want to sell for. Obviously, in most cases, a survey will be carried out and damp issues will be revealed. If that is the case, a mortgage lender will more often than not require further investigation from a specialist surveyor.Jul 27, 2020

How do I find a damp course?

Find your DPC by looking at your external walls. The damp course should sit 6 inches up from ground level. It will look like a think black line tha...

Who should install a damp course?

Although people with the right skills can do it themselves, we always recommend hiring a professional builder to damp proof your home.

How long does a damp course last?

When done properly, a damp proof course can and should last for 20 years or longer.

What is damp proof course?

A working damp proof course (DPC) is very improtant in any property. If there is no DPC, there will be no protection against moisture rising through the walls. This happens when water is soaked up from the ground through capillary action. Rising damp can also occur if the outside ground level is higher than an existing damp proof course.

Can you do damp course injection yourself?

A damp course injection can be completed as a DIY project. If you want to keep costs down, then doing it yourself is the cheapest option. It is worth bearing a mind that there are several common mistakes which happen. These can be costly and lead to a property having worse damp problems.

Can damp cause damage?

Rising damp can cause a lot of damage if it is not treated. It can damage to the structure of your property. There can be serious cosmetic damage and can also affect building timbers, causing dry rot. This can lead to severe structural problems if not identified and dealt with soon enough.

What is damp proofing in a house?

It’s most likely the case that the property already has damp proofing older houses use, for example, a layer of slate between the brickwork, while well-built modern houses include damp proofing in the form of a synthetic damp-proof course (DPC), about 15 cm above ground level, to act as a barrier through which water – in theory – cannot pass.

How to treat rising damp?

And how is rising damp treated? That depends on its severity and each case is unique. Examples of the treatments Danford Brewer & Ives offer are: 1 Removing the surrounding soil or bridging material to be a minimum of 150mm below the existing damp-proof course 2 Injecting a chemical damp-proof course 3 Replacing any damp or rotten flooring 4 Removing and replacing any plasterwork, skirting boards, radiators etc. if necessary

What happens when water evaporates?

When the water evaporates, the salts crystallise and can cause plaster to deteriorate. And with water continually wending its way up, the situation will perpetuate. (A side-effect of rising damp, incidentally, is that a damp wall will lose more heat.) So how to tackle the problem?

Can air bricks cause damp?

If air bricks are now blocked, or ground-level stands above the original damp-proof course, then moisture can find a way up. It stands to reason that the more damp-proof course there is, the less chance there is of rising damp developing. But just a few millimetres of ‘bridging’ is sufficient to cause it.

What do you need to know before you decide on damp proofing?

Before deciding whether your property needs damp-proofing, you need to determine what type of damp it is, the cause of the issue, and what you might be able to do to counteract it.

Why does my roof get damp?

Other causes of penetrating damp might be leaks in the roof from missing slate or tiles. Internally, you could have an issue with a leaking pipe, cracks in the tiles or grout, or leaks from the shower or bath.

How to get a quote for a project?

Tips for Obtaining a Quotation 1 Get at least 3 different quotations for the work required 2 Ask for a breakdown of the costs involved, especially if there will be additional/remedial work such as re-plastering or paving installation 3 Ask for testimonials and reviews – quality experts receive positive reviews, helping you avoid unnecessary work and expense.

Why is there water coming in somewhere it's not supposed to be?

This could be caused by a range of problems, some of which can be rectified and prevented from happening in the first place.

What are the signs of damp?

Other indications of a problem with damp include peeling paint or wallpaper, crumbling skirting boards, tidemarks and salty deposits on the walls or floor. Left untreated, a serious issue with damp can affect the structure and stability of your property.

How to reduce moisture in the air?

Without proper ventilation, moisture builds within your home or property, resulting in mould spores and mildew. Simple things like opening windows more often, drying clothes outside rather than in, and using extractor fans in bathrooms and kitchens will help to reduce the level of moisture in the air.

Can you paper over damp cracks?

If there is an underlying issue of damp in your property, just papering over the cracks (so to speak) won’t solve the problem.

What is a Damp Proof Course?

Damp proof course: This is an essential layer that protects your home from rising damp. As this is a physical membrane, it may become damaged and may need to be replaced with another barrier. It can be replaced with chemical injections, paints, gels, water-proof plaster or water-proof cement coatings.

How much does it cost to damp proof a basement?

On average, damp proofing a cellar or basement costs £45 per metre.

How does damp affect a house?

Damp can affect your home in three different forms. Each form has the potential to cause damage to walls and can even affect the structural integrity of the house. Below is a description of each of these types of damp: 1 Condensation: This common form of damp usually occurs in bathrooms or kitchens. Condensation happens when water vapour falls on cold surfaces, making them wet. The moisture can then sink into walls, ceilings and even floors causing damp, and if left for too long, mould. 2 Penetrating damp: Unlike condensation, penetrating damp occurs when moisture from the outside comes into your home through holes. This can then lead to damp, mould and damage to the home. 3 Rising damp: Rather than coming from outside, rising damp becomes an issue when water from the earth under your home seeps into the foundations, floors and walls. This can be difficult, expensive and time consuming to remedy.

What causes dampness in a bathroom?

Condensation : This common form of damp usually occurs in bathrooms or kitchens. Condensation happens when water vapour falls on cold surfaces, making them wet. The moisture can then sink into walls, ceilings and even floors causing damp, and if left for too long, mould.

What are the three types of damp?

Damp can have devastating consequences which will only get worse the longer it is ignored. There are three types of damp – condensation, penetrating and rising. Damp-proofing your home can be done in several ways including adding ventilation, filling cracks and injecting a damp proof solution.

Can a chimney stack be damp proof?

Out of sight and out of mind, damp in chimneys can be a real problem. If not taken care of it can lead to marks and damp patches on the walls, as well as flaking paint. Whilst you might be wondering what damp proofing a chimney stack costs, the stack is only one part of the chimney, you’ll likely need to treat the entire chimney from breast to stack, to completely remove the issue.

Step 1 – Check For Penetrating Damp

Penetrating damp isn’t the same as rising damp although they are often confused.

Step 2 – Condensation Checklist

Condensation isn’t always visible as it can appear under floorboards, behind wallpaper and in lofts but it can cause damp patches on walls and ceilings, rot timbers and degrade bricks and mortar.

3 – Rising Damp and Damp Proofing

We’ve put damp proofing and rising damp at the end of this guide for good reason; in 99% of cases, the damp will not be rising and damp proofing won’t be needed.

Damp Proofing Cost

This is how much damp proofing costs, the price shown is an average of the figures given to us by the 12 firms.

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We hope you found our guide to damp proofing costs and our hints and tips to be insightful.

Damp proofing cost calculator

There are three main kinds of damp, and each one will have different causes and different treatments - with a wide range of costs depending on the diagnoses.

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How much does rising damp treatment cost

As physically replacing a DPC is a difficult process that would involve a huge amount of structural work, the most common treatment for rising damp is to install a chemical DPC, removing plaster from internal walls, drilling holes into the walls and inserting a chemical which will form a barrier to more moisture coming up.

Cost of damp proofing internal walls

Much of the cost involved in this comes from replastering a decoration after the process is carried out. Costs vary widely between different areas and different suppliers, but a rough average is around £70 per metre of wall being treated, or around £280 per wall.

Cost of damp proofing external walls

If the exterior ground level is above the level of the DPC in the wall, the DPC becomes ineffective and water can leach from the soil directly into the walls, causing damp to occur.

Other damp proofing costs to consider

As mentioned earlier, it is vital when dealing with damp to accurately diagnose the problem. It is always worth speaking to multiple tradespeople and getting quotes when it comes to a serious damp issue, and seeking several opinions before beginning an expensive treatment for rising damp.
