how much does a course at towson university cost

by Prof. Vivien Carter 5 min read

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Full-time Tuition and Fees (12-15 units/term) $10,730: $26,732: Standard Multiple Occupancy Room: $7,822: $7,822: 14-Meal Plan: $5,820: $5,820: Total Estimated TU Costs: $24,372: $40,374

How much is a course at Towson University?

Tuition and FeesDescriptionChargeUndergraduate, per unit - In-state$304Undergraduate, per unit - Out-of-state$932Undergraduate, per unit - Regional$461Graduate, per unit - In-state$46014 more rows

How much does a semester at Towson cost?

2022-2023 Full-time Undergraduates (12-15 units)Budget TypeMD Resident On/Off CampusTuition & Fees1$10,730Room/Board Allowance$13,6422Books & Supplies$960Personal Expenses$1,3002 more rows

Is Towson University Expensive?

Towson University's tuition is $9,354 for in-state and $22,532 for out-of-state students. Compared with the national average cost of in-state tuition of $11,331, Towson University is cheaper. For students coming from out of state, the tuition is cheaper than the national average cost of out-of-state tuition of $27,028.

Is Towson University a black college?

Institutional research data from spring term 2021 indicates that of the 20,222 undergraduate and graduate students attending TU, 4985 of them identified as African American/Black. This means that about 25% of the TU student population identified as African American/Black.

Is Towson University a good school?

Leading nationwide in inclusive excellence. U.S. News & World Report has again ranked Towson University among the best public institutions in the country. The publication's 2022 Best Colleges rankings, released earlier this month, placed Towson University No. 99 among national public universities.Sep 21, 2021

What GPA do you need to get into Towson?

What GPA do you need to get into Towson University? Applicants require very good grades in high school to get into TU. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Towson University was 3.61 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B+ students are accepted and ultimately attend.

What division is Towson?

NCAA Division I Football Championship SubdivisionTowson Tigers football / Division

How much is George Mason tuition?

In-state tuition 13,014 USD, Out-of-state tuition 37,410 USD (2019 – 20)George Mason University / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How much is CCBC tuition?

In-state tuition 5,812 USD, Out-of-state tuition 8,542 USD (2011 – 12)Community College of Baltimore County / Undergraduate tuition and fees

What percent of Towson University is white?

52.6% WhiteEnrollment by Race & Ethnicity The enrolled student population at Towson University is 52.6% White, 22.8% Black or African American, 7.96% Hispanic or Latino, 6.42% Asian, 5.12% Two or More Races, 0.0881% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.0705% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders.

What is the graduation rate for Towson University?

77.5% (For non-first-time, full-time in 2018–19)Towson University / Graduation rate

How many students are at Towson University?

22,284 (2015)Towson University / Total enrollment

2021 Tuition, Fees, and Living Costs Analysis

For the academic year 2020-2021, the undergraduate tuition & fees at Towson University is $10,198 for Maryland residents and $24,334 for out-of-state students.

2021 Tuition, Fees, and Living Cost Tables and Charts

Next tables and charts illustrate the 2021 tuition, fees, books & supplies, and living costs in detail. We provide the previous 5 years' costs so that you can check the increased amounts of each cost item and estimate future year costs.

Summer 2021 Rate Structures

Towson University has campuses and special programs across the state of Maryland and abroad, which affect the rate structure. Tuition and fees are assessed based on the class level (undergraduate or graduate) and which campus the class is held; not by the student career. The student career may be used for other special fees.

Campus and Special Program Rate Structures

The rates in this section pertain to courses coded as main academic campus, online campus, or off campus within 25 miles of the main campus.

Special Program Rate Structures

Applied Information Technology (AIT) courses have a different rate structure than university rates. Students taking masters-level AIT courses are charged a flat tuition rate per course, as well as a per-unit technology fee. Students taking doctoral program AIT courses are charged per unit for tuition and the technology fee.

Additional Towson University Fees

Departmental courses may assess a lab/class fee that will be used to purchase essential supplies and equipment for the course ( view detailed description ). These fees will be allocated specifically to the department from which they are charged.

What does it cost to attend Towson University?

The Net Price is the estimated cost after the average aid amount is applied to the total amount.

What's the final cost (net price)?

You and your family will have to pay the EFC plus any portion of the Financial Need that the college isn't able to offer you.

Financial Aid for Towson University

Financial Aid can come in four ways: Grants, Scholarships, Student Loans, and Work-Study.


Grants can be given out by the federal government, your state, or the college and are based on your financial need. Grants do not need to be repaid.

Merit Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded based on your your financial need or academic achievements. They do not need to be repaid but you may have to reapply for them each year.

Student Loans

Student loans are sums of money given to students to help them pay for college now. The federal government or private banks can loan the money. You must pay it back later.


Work-study is when you work during the school year, typically an on-campus job. The money you make pays a part of the tuition. It’s a great opportunity, but it’s not free.

Minimester 2021 Rate Structures

Towson University has campuses and special programs across the state of Maryland and abroad, which affect the rate structure. Tuition and fees are assessed based on the class level (undergraduate or graduate) and which campus the class is held; not by the student career. The student career may be used for other special fees.

Campus and Special Program Rate Structures

The rates in this section pertain to courses coded as main academic campus, online campus, or off campus within 25 miles of the main campus.

Special Program Rate Structures

Towson University students in the Towson University and University of Baltimore joint master's degree program in Accounting and Business Advisory Services are assessed tuition and fees based on the University of Baltimore’s graduate business rates.

Additional Towson University Fees

Departmental courses may assess a lab/class fee that will be used to purchase essential supplies and equipment for the course ( view detailed description ). These fees will be allocated specifically to the department from which they are charged.

Summer 2022 Rate Structures

  • Towson University has campuses and special programs across the state of Maryland and abroad, which affect the rate structure. Tuition and fees are assessed based on the class level (undergraduate or graduate) and which campus the class is held; not by the student career.The student career may be used for other special fees. Different rates may apply to special program…
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Campus and Special Program Rate Structures

  • TU Main Academic Campus / Online Campus / Off Campus within 25 Miles
    The rates in this section pertain to courses coded as main academic campus, online campus, or off campus within 25 miles of the main campus.
  • Towson University In Northeastern Maryland Campus
    Towson University charges reduced Athletics, Student Government Association and Auxiliary Services Fees for students taking units at the Towson University in Northeastern Maryland campus (TUNE). Regular tuition rates apply. Students who carry less than a 12-unit load at TUN…
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Special Program Rate Structures

  • Applied Information Technology
    Applied Information Technology (AIT) courses have a different rate structure than university rates. Students taking masters-level AIT courses are charged a flat tuition rate per course, as well as a per-unit technology fee. Students taking doctoral program AIT courses are charged per unit for t…
  • Instructional Leadership and Professional Development Online Courses
    Special rate structure applies to graduate level ILPD online courses (900 - 999 sections only). Students in these courses are assessed tuition and technology fee only.
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Information on Additional Special Program Rate Structures