how much course back ground checks

by Mr. Benton Wisoky 9 min read

Here are the average prices for different types of criminal background checks:

  • County criminal records: $5 – $20. This may include access fees depending on the court used to obtain the records.
  • State criminal records: $9 – $20. This type of background check will usually include access fees.
  • Federal criminal records: $8 – $15. ...
  • Sex offender status: Free to $10. ...
  • Records of terrorist activity: Free to $5. ...

The cost of a credit background check is usually between $5 – $12 and has no access fees.Jun 20, 2018

How much does it cost to run a background check?

Employment verification checks: $7 – $15. There may be access fees for this type of background check. Professional license checks: $7 – $15. There may be access fees for this type of background check. How Much Does It Cost to Run a Credit Background Check?

Are all background checks created equal?

All background checks are not created equal. Background checks have many different components or searches that determine the parameters of the final report. As a result of all these different variables, it can be hard to ensure you are paying a fair price for a background check.

How much does a county check cost in my state?

While not all counties are vigilant about reporting to such a repository, a state search can yield information from several counties in the state for about the cost of a county check. At, our state-level checks start at $10, though additional court access fees may apply.

Are background checks with only criminal searches cheaper?

Background checks with only criminal searches tend to be less expensive than reports with employment and education verifications and drug testing. To compare vendors you must compare the components or searches in a report versus the total report cost.

Are background checks expensive?

Costs vary based on the types of background checks you run and other factors, but basic criminal background checks could run anywhere from $20 to $100 per hire. If you conduct the test in multiple states or opt for more thorough testing, your costs will escalate from there.

How much does a BCI cost?

Invasive BCIs entail substantial costs for initial implantation, plus the cost of ongoing technical support. Although the initial costs of noninvasive BCI systems are relatively modest (eg, $5,000-$10,000), they too require some measure of ongoing technical support.

Why do background checks cost money?

Background check companies do have costs to set-up a new client. These fees are typically associated with credentialing, which is a process to confirm that your company has permissible purpose to run a background check. These fees are typically waived for companies that spend more than $5,000 per year.

How much are Ohio background checks?

The cost of the BCI background check is approximately $22 and the FBI is approximately $24. The cost may vary depending on the agency that you choose. Please note: BCI&I only accepts certified checks or money orders, payable to Treasurer-State of Ohio.

How much does a background check cost in South Africa?

The prescribed fee is R160,00 per application. The required non-refundable tariff is payable in cash at the nearest police station or electronically into the South Africa Police Service's account in favour of the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service.

What is the cheapest background check?

Instant Checkmate - Cheapest background check service What makes Instant Checkmate stand out is its $1 five-day trial period and easy user experience. The site provides all kinds of reports based on the available public information while also offering simple explanations of how you can use the data.

How much does a background check cost UK?

Your employer can ask you to request your own basic check. It costs £18. You can then show it to the person you'll be working for.

What is the best background check?

Best Background Check Services:Truthfinder: Most thorough criminal record report.Intelius: Best for reverse phone look-ups.Instant Checkmate: Great for finding social media, dating profiles, and photos.GoodHire: For businesses looking to hire employees.

How long do employment background checks take?

An average background checking procedure takes just two to five days, but there are a lot of potential issues that can extend this timeframe, sometimes by up to 30 days or more.

What is the difference between BCI and FBI background check?

What is the difference between the BCI and the FBI fingerprint scans? A BCI fingerprint searches only the state of Ohio. The FBI is a national database search. You can get either a BCI, FBI or both depending on the reason for the fingerprinting.

How long do Ohio background checks take?

To check the status of your background check, you can contact the BCI at 877-224-0043, and press option 0 for identification. How long does it take for an Ohio background check to be processed? Answer: The average response time from Ohio BCI is 5-7 business days, but can take up to *45 days to process.

How do I get a background check in Ohio?

To obtain a background check, visit or contact one of the Web Check locations identified on the listing. With the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation's WebCheck Verifier, employers can check the validity of prospective or current employees' Ohio background check showing no criminal history.

The Cost of Running an Employment Background Check

Usually, when someone asks about this cost, they are referring to the cost of the most common type of pre-employment investigation: the criminal report. Because there are so many different criminal background checks, it can be challenging to find a quick answer.

The Cost of Running a Background Check on Yourself

Want to see what employers are seeing when they order a crime history report on you? Run a history search on yourself with our Personal background screening service.

What Affects the Price of a Background Check?

The biggest factor that affects the cost is the possible additional fees, which vary from one court or repository to the next. Some courts have no fees for conducting searches; others, such as New York, involve steeper fees.

Background checks price comparison

Another factor that can affect the cost of a screening is bundling. At, we offer three primary packages:

Frequently Asked Questions

Because the cost of these reports can add up over the course of a pre-employment screening process, some employers cut costs by passing this expense on to their candidates.

How much does a criminal background check cost?

Here are the average prices for different types of criminal background checks: 1 County criminal records: $5 – $20. This may include access fees depending on the court used to obtain the records. 2 State criminal records: $9 – $20. This type of background check will usually include access fees. 3 Federal criminal records: $8 – $15. There are no access fees with this type of background check. 4 Sex offender status: Free to $10. There are no access fees with this type of background check. 5 Records of terrorist activity: Free to $5. There are no access fees with this type of background check.

What happens if you don't do a background check for education?

If you don’t run an education verification background check on an individual applying for this job and it turns out they don’t have the necessary degree, your organization could run into legal trouble. The cost of verification background checks depends on the type of verification you need.

Do courts charge for background checks?

This is usually called an access fee and typically only applies to certain kinds of background checks. It’s one of the determining factors in the cost of criminal background checks.

Is a background check cheaper than a background check?

For example, checking if an applicant is a registered sex offender is usually cheaper than a background check that uncovers whether an applicant has a state criminal record.

How much does a background check cost?

If you’re a landlord, you may come under scrutiny for failing to properly vet a tenant who harms another tenant or damages their property. At a cost of $15 to $30, a background check is a no-brainer.

How much does it cost to check on a babysitter?

Checking on a babysitter can cost you less than $20 if you go through the website Criminal Watchdog, or a simple check with your state’s child protective services office can tell you what you need to know and give you peace of mind for as little as $12.95.

How much does a bad hire cost?

According to the US Department of Labor, the price of a bad hire is about 30 percent of their first year’s earnings. Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh once said bad hires had cost the online retailer more than $100 million.

Is it bad to not do a background check?

The cost of not doing a background check on someone you need to trust is too risky, especially when you can find out what you need to know without spending a lot of money. It’s a safe way to gain the knowledge you need in order to steer you away from making a potentially costly mistake.

Why is background check important?

Background checks play an important role in the recruiting process as they are critical for supporting workplace safety , but also can be a stumbling block in onboarding talent; they can also be very expensive.

What is labor required for background check?

Labor required is the cost for the background check company to actually review the information, ensure it is compliant, and compile the report. The more components a report has and the higher the hit rate of a candidate population, the more labor is required to compile the report. In addition to the above cost calculations, ...

How to bid your program accurately?

To help you bid your program accurately and get the best possible pricing, you need to gather the information a background check vendor needs to bid your program. The “hit” rate of your candidate population (e.g. the percentage of reports that show something potentially adverse).

Why do you need a background check partner?

You need a background check partner who makes your life easier so you can fulfill your primary role. The last thing you need to do each month is comb through invoices to ensure your company is not being gouged. That is why you want to look for a background check partner that both provides fair pricing and does so transparently. The great news is that with a little preparation and understanding of background check pricing, you will be able to maximize the value for your company.

Do companies pay above market rates for background checks?

While all companies have different tolerance levels for the breadth and depth of their background check programs, no company wants to pay above market rates for their program. Unfortunately, many background check companies make it hard to understand the cost of a background check.

Is ScoutLogic a law firm?

ScoutLogic is not a law firm. You should always check with qualified counsel before you make any changes to your background check program. If you need a qualified attorney, we would be happy to make a referral for you.

Is a background check more expensive than a drug test?

The price depends on which components are in a background report. Background checks with only criminal searches tend to be less expensive than reports with employment and education verifications and drug testing. To compare vendors you must compare the components or searches in a report versus the total report cost.

How Far Back Should a Background Check Go?

Although background checks typically extend back 7 to 10 years, ultimately, the decision may not be up to your company. In many cases, a collection of federal, state, and local laws, control the timeframe. For example, the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) prohibits reporting on civil judgments over seven years old.

Is Your Background Check Process Thorough Enough?

Okay. You know how far back you can go. Now, how far back should you go? The correct answer often depends upon an employee’s role. For instance, if someone is working with children or the elderly, you’ll want as much information about their criminal records as possible.

Where Do You Begin?

If all this information seems overwhelming, don’t worry. A pre-employment screening company will help your organization set up comprehensive background checks that comply with all the rules. For the best results, look for providers accredited by Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA).

What are the Background Check Prices and How to Find a Reasonable One?

Doing a background check doesn’t come free. There is an amount of money you pay to get it done. However, the cost varies depending on the type of check you do. Nevertheless, you’ll get something worth a reasonable price if you are willing to find one.

What Affects the Prices for a Background Check?

If you don’t conduct a proper check, it would cost you more than you’d imagine; thus, you need to make sure you are going for quality before price. However, below is a list of factors that affect background check prices.

Pay Attention to the Additional Fees When Calculating the Cost for a Background Check

Still, on how much does it cost for a background check, you need to pay attention to the additional fees, i.e., access fee, because it determines many things. If after you’ve conducted several checks and you are planning to pay a Statewide Criminal Repository Access, you might be spending nothing less than $500 overall.

How to Find a Reliable Background Check Provider with a Reasonable Price?

Finding a reliable background check provider can be pretty difficult, especially if working within a limited budget.


Knowing about background check prices is consequential to help you understand what you are about to do before doing it. As mentioned earlier, the cost of doing a background info report is dependent on several factors (especially the type of the check and the access fee involved); hence, you need to be a lot more precise on what you want.
