how much cost the real estate course at tcc?

by Prof. Elbert Stanton III 5 min read

2022–2023 Academic Year
Degree or CertificateProgram TitleTotal Tuition & Fees
AASReal Estate$3,840
CRT1Real Estate$1,024
Sep 7, 2021

Are there additional fees for courses at TCC?

Some courses will have additional fees. Fees are subject to change due to Legislation actions and/or directives from the TCC District Board of Trustees. Payment due dates vary for each semester.

How much do books and supplies cost at TCC?

Books and supplies are available at the Barnes & Noble at TCC Bookstore (on each TCC campus) or ordered online through their website. You are expected to buy any books, supplies, and materials needed for your courses. The estimated cost of these items averages $300 – 500 per semester for a full-time student.

Is the Texas real estate commission (TREC) pre-license education program approved?

The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) has approved our Real Estate Program to satisfy educational requirements. For detailed information about pre-license education requirements, see TREC's Become a Real Estate Sales Agent .

How do I contact TCC about a course?

Click on any course title to see a full course description. If you have questions, you may call us at 757-822-1234 or email us at [email protected]. Please provide the course title and number you have questions about when calling or emailing. No Featured Classes today.

How much is Tarrant County College Tuition?

In-state tuition 3,402 USD, Out-of-state tuition 8,235 USD (2019 – 20)Tarrant County College District Office / Undergraduate tuition and fees

How long is Texas Realtor course?

180 hoursTexas students are required to take 180 hours of Pre-Licensing coursework to become a licensed real estate agent. These 180 hours are broken down into six 30-hour courses that cover a wide range of topics that will educate the candidate and prepare them for their career.

How long is CA real estate school?

On average, it takes between five (5) and six (6) months to get a California real estate license depending on the pace in which you complete the 135 hours of pre-licensing courses and pass your licensing examination, the time it takes you to complete the application process and find a sponsoring broker, and application ...

How much is Tarrant County College per semester?

Undergraduate Tuition RatesResidency Status for Tuition PurposesPer Semester HourLegal resident of Tarrant County$64Legal resident of any other Texas County$126Legal resident of another state$305Non-resident alien$3051 more row•Apr 7, 2022

How much is the Texas real estate exam?

$54When you submit your sales agent application to the TREC, you'll need to pay a $205 application fee. Additionally, you'll need to take — and pass — the Texas real estate exam, which comes with a testing fee of $54.

Is the Texas real estate exam hard?

The exam can be challenging, but it isn't something students should be intimated by! We created a Texas real estate exam prep course to help students pass their first time! The average pass rate for all real estate education providers is 86.14% for the National portion and 62.8% for the Texas portion.

How much does it cost to get a California real estate license?

California state fees to become a real estate salesperson include a $60 exam fee and $245 licensing fee. Other costs include Pre-Licensing course tuition, which can range anywhere from $125 up to $700 depending on the package and the provider.

How much do CA real estate agents make?

The average salary of a California real estate agent is $99,575. However, there is a wide gap in the salary range, with the lowest earners making $24,970 and the highest earners topping out at $123,700 per year.

What is the pass rate for the California real estate exam?

The California real estate salesperson exam isn't easy to pass. According to education providers in the state, the pass rate averages around 50 percent or less. That means at least half of those taking the test on a given day will, in all probability, get a failing score.

Do you pay for college by semester or year?

Most colleges present their tuition and fees together as an annual cost. Tuition usually applies to one academic year of college classes (from September to May, for example), unless otherwise specified. There are schools with quarter or semester systems which could break their pricing up that way.

Is TCC a good college?

Recognition & Rankings TCC Connect, Tarrant County College's online campus, was ranked among the 2019 Best Online Community Colleges in Texas by SR Education Group (March 2019) and Best Online Community Colleges by Intelligent (2020).

Is Tarrant County College Public or private?

public institutionTarrant County College District is a public institution in Fort Worth, Texas. Its campus is located in a city with a total enrollment of 51,100.

What is a broker license?

Brokers are licensed to manage their own real estate businesses. Sales agents must work with a real estate broker.

Is tuition based on state or county?

Tuition is based on in-state, in-county rates.

What is the Florida Real Estate Commission online course?

This online course meets the requirements of the Florida Real Estate Commission and is designed to fully prepare you to pass the state exam and achieve your real estate license.

How many hours of continuing education is required for real estate?

Real Estate Continuing Education. Complete the required 14 hours of continuing education through convenient online learning. You will receive immediate access to your course upon enrollment, and your hours be submitted to the state upon completion.

How long is the sales associate post license course?

The online 45-hour Sales Associate Post-License course is designed to make your first license renewal easy with a course that has been specifically designed for those with busy schedules. Through interactive modules, video instruction, and progress checks along the way, you will be amazed at how easy this course is to complete. In addition, the material is focused on providing you with real-world knowledge that is directly applicable to what you need to know out in the field.

How long does it take to become a real estate broker in Florida?

Learn more about how to get started! In the state of Florida, all real estate Brokers must complete 60-hours of approved post-license education within 18-24 months of the receiving their license.

What does TCC Real Estate Foundation do?

The TCC Real Estate Foundation accepts gifts of property to the college and manages properties it owns to provide the highest possible return for the college. All funds are used to support TCC programs and students through the renovation of existing facilities and construction of new facilities.

What can the TCC do with the property?

Depending on the size, location and condition of the property, the TCC Real Estate Foundation can do several things to maximize its returns. Property can become the site of a new facility. It could be sold, or a structure on the property could be renovated and flipped. All funds generated by the sale of property are used to renovate existing college facilities or build new facilities.

What is TCC in Hampton Roads?

TCC improves lives through quality, affordable education accessible to everyone in South Hampton Roads. We are helping the region meet the needs of a 21st-century workforce.

How to increase college enrollment in Virginia Beach?

Strategy 2: Raise funds through the Foundation to expand the Regional Automotive Center so the programs can be expanded to help increase College enrollment.

Is Tidewater Community College a non-stock corporation?

The Tidewater Community College Real Estate Foundation, Inc. is a Virginia nonprofit, non-stock corporation that furthers TCC’s mission through the sale, development and leasing of property. It is legally separate from the college and from the TCC Educational Foundation, TCC’s philanthropic arm. The Foundation was incorporated in December 2005.

Does TCC have tuition?

Although TCC’s tuition and fees are among the lowest in the region, some of our students still face financial barriers. The TCC Educational Foundation raises funds for scholarships and other forms of student support, such as for textbooks and transportation. Contact Gifts Officer Alexandra Rice at [email protected] or 757-822-1647 to learn more, or visit

Is Tidewater Community College a 501c3?

The Tidewater Community College Real Estate Foundation, Inc. is a Virginia 501 (c) (3) corporation that is organized and operated exclusively to support the needs of Tidewater Community College.


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