how many years has florida had the biology end of course exam

by Theodore McClure III 3 min read

The Florida Department of Education has transitioned to End of Course (EOC) assessments for certain high school courses. The first Biology 1 EOC Assessment test administration occurred in spring 2012. The Florida Biology End of Course Assessment (Biology EOC) will be administered in early May of 2015.

What do I need to know about the Biology 1 end-of-course assessment?

What do I need to know? Public school students enrolled in Biology 1 must participate in the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Biology 1 End-of-Course (EOC) Assessment. Students taking the Biology 1 EOC will have the opportunity to test during one of the following administrations throughout the year:

When will the Biology EOC scores be released?

Estimated reporting date: Biology EOC test scores will be released approximately four weeks after the end of the test administration window. Sample Benchmark questions, taken from the “End of Course Item Specifications” from the state:

How long is Florida biology EOC?

160-minuteThe Civics, Biology 1, and U.S. History EOC assessments are administered in one 160-minute session with a 10-minute break after the first 80 minutes. Any student not finished by the end of the 160-minute session may continue working for up to the length of a typical school day.

What is the Florida biology EOC?

The Biology 1 EOC Assessment measures achievement of Florida students enrolled in Biology 1, or an equivalent course, by assessing student progress on benchmarks from the NGSSS that are assigned to the Biology 1 course description.

How long are Florida EOC exams?

All FSA EOC assessments are administered in two 90-minute sessions either two sessions in one day or one session a day. Any student who has not completed the session by the end of the allotted time may continue working; however, each session may last no longer than half the length of a typical school day.

What is the EOC test in Florida?

EOC assessments are computer-based, criterion-referenced assessments that measure the Florida Standards (FS) or the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) for specific courses, as outlined in their course descriptions.

Do you have to pass the Biology EOC in Florida?

What is tested on the Biology EOC? There are five achievement levels for the End-Of-Course Assessments. Students must attain a level 3 or higher in order pass the exam and receive course credit. Course grade: The Biology EOC will count as 30% of any student's final grade for the year.

What happens if you fail the Biology EOC in Florida?

What if you pass the course but fail the test? If a student passes the course, but does not earn the required minimum score on the EOC assessment, the student will retake the test. The student is not required to retake a course as a condition of retaking the test.

Is Florida getting rid of FSA testing?

Ron DeSantis on Tuesday signed SB 1048 — formally called the "Student Assessments" bill — into law, which eliminates the FSA after this school year and replaces them with a progress monitoring system starting in the 2022/23 academic year.

What happens if you fail the FSA 2022 3rd grade?

When a third grade student in Florida fails the FSA, or opts out of the FSA, they will need a Good Cause Exemption to be promoted to the fourth grade. Parents will need to work with their child's school to make that happen.

Can you retake the Biology EOC?

Students must pass either Biology EOC or U.S. History EOC as part of their graduation requirements. Students who do not pass an EOC may retake at the next administration. Biology is given twice a year (February and June). Students can take the test as many times as necessary.

How many questions are on the Biology EOC?

80 multipleQuestion Format: The Biology EOC test contains 80 multiple choice questions.

Is the EOC hard?

Historically, the EOC's have been incredibly difficult for students. Grades on these exams are generally around 25% across the district.

Are FSA and EOC the same?

The Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) measure student's education gains and progress. These assessments are in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, and end-of-course (EOC) subjects (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry).