how many times do you need to fill this out in the course of business fictitious business name

by Kameron Adams 5 min read

Step 1 Contact your local county clerk's office to find out the length of time that the Fictitious Business Name statement needs to be published. Usually it has to be published once each week for four consecutive weeks, but the laws are different in each state.

Full Answer

How often do you have to publish a fictitious business name?

Usually it has to be published once each week for four consecutive weeks, but the laws are different in each state. Choose a local newspaper. The Fictitious Business Name statement has to be published in a general circulation newspaper in the county where you’ll be conducting business.

Do you have to file a fictitious business name statement?

If you use a name other than your own to do business, you may have to file a fictitious business name statement (sometimes called “Doing Business As” or “DBA” statement).

How long do fictitious business names last in California?

California fictitious business names expire five years from the date of filing. Other circumstances may shorten the fictitious business name’s duration.

What is a fictitious business name?

A simple definition of a fictitious name: A fictitious business name is one that does not use the business owner’s name. If you are doing business under an assumed name, one different from your name, you need to file a “fictitious name statement.” This filing is required by law to connect the name of a business to the business owner.

How often do you have to file a fictitious business name in California?

every 5 yearsYou must re-file every 5 years, paying the current fees, even if there are no changes. You are not required to republish a renewal if the information remains the same. You do not need a third party to file a new or a renewed FBN statement for you.

How long are DBA's good for in CA?

five yearsThe filing is valid for five years or until the facts in the statement change, whichever occurs first. A fictitious business name statement usually must be filed within 40 days of starting the business. Along with the original, the county or city may require several copies of the statement for filing.

How do I renew my fictitious name in California?

How to Renew. Renewing is quick and easy, complete the application online and mail it in or make an appointment. There is a $26 renewal filing fee along with a $5 fee for each additional business name/registrant. You are not required to publish your renewal in a newspaper of general circulation.

Can you have multiple fictitious names?

Yes, it is possible for an LLC to operate under more than one DBA at a time. DBAs allow an LLC to use more than one business name without having to form multiple, separate legal entities.

How long does it take to file DBA in CA?

within 30 daysCalifornia also requires that a DBA statement be published in a local newspaper within 30 days of filing the relevant DBA form with the local county clerk's and/or recorder's office. Publication must appear in the newspaper once a week for four consecutive weeks.

How much does it cost to get a DBA in California?

$26Setting Up a DBA in California The fee here is $26. You can opt to complete the process online or download the forms and mail them in later on.

How do I file for a fictitious business name in California?

Fictitious business names can be filed online on the LA County County Clerk's fictitious name portal. Or, copies of the forms can be mailed to you by calling (800) 201-8999 or obtained in person at the County Clerk's office. When applying in person, applicants do not need to have the statements notarized.

Does a business name expire?

Introduction. If you hold a registered business name, you'll be sent a renewal notice by email or post, 30 days before your renewal is due. Business names can be renewed online for one or 3 years.

Is a fictitious business name the same as a DBA?

In the U.S., a DBA lets the public know who the real owner of a business is. The DBA is also called a fictitious business name or assumed business name. It got its origins as a form of consumer protection, so dishonest business owners couldn't try to avoid legal trouble by operating under a different name.

How many business names can you register?

It is possible to have two or more businesses registered under the same ABN. However, you must make sure they are the same business structure. If the business is a different structure then you will need to apply for a new ABN.

Can I use one EIN for multiple businesses?

Each one will require a separate, unique EIN. You cannot use the same EIN for multiple businesses, even if they are owned by the same person. EINs are not limited, so you may apply for as many as you need.

Can a DBA have its own bank account?

Can you open a bank account for a DBA/sole proprietorship? Yes, you can open a business bank account as a sole proprietor using a DBA. A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person where there is no legal separation between the owner and the business.

What is a fictitious business name?

For individuals who own a business, the fictitious business name (FBN) is any name that doesn't include that person's last name or a name that makes it seem like there are additional owners of the company. Partnerships use an FBN if the chosen name doesn't include either partner's name. If the owner is an LLC or a corporation, an FBN is used if the chosen name is not listed in the articles of incorporation or organization that the company has filed with the state.

Why is it important to search for a business name?

This is because some jurisdictions worry that the public may think the business is affiliated with the local government. As with any business name registration, it's a good idea to search to make sure the name you choose is not already in use within your state.

What is a FBN statement?

The FBN statement is a legal requirement to connect the business owner to the fictitious name. Consumers can get information about the company's owner if they have questions, problems, or need to take legal action against the company. To obtain a fictitious business name, you will need to file the statement with the clerk-recorder in ...

How long is a FBN good for?

Publishing must occur within 30 days of the statement's filing with the county. Fictitious business name statements are good for five years. If you intend to keep using the FBN, it requires refiling before it expires. You won't need to republish the FBN statement in the newspaper unless some information has changed.

How long does it take to file a FBN in a county?

You must file the FBN statement with the clerk-recorder, in the county where your business operates, within 40 days of opening your business.

When to use FBN?

Partnerships use an FBN if the chosen name doesn't include either partner's name. If the owner is an LLC or a corporation, an FBN is used if the chosen name is not listed in the articles of incorporation or organization that the company has filed with the state. There are rules that must be followed when adopting a fictitious business name:

Why do businesses use FBN?

FBN statements guarantee that the business owner retains the right to use that name within their county , as long as they do business using that name.

How to apply for a fictitious business name?

To apply for a fictitious business name, you’ll need to fill out some paperwork (typically a one-page form) and pay the required filing cost. The fictitious name cost varies as well. DBAs must be applied for through a state agency; in some states, this is the Secretary of State’s office. In other places, you must file fictitious names with the county where your company is located.

What is a fictitious name certificate?

A fictitious name certificate is a legal document that shows a firm’s operating name, rather than its legal name. Unless a corporation is registered with the Secretary of State, no FBN can contain the terms “Inc.,” “corporation,” “incorporation,” or “Corp.”

What is a DBA?

Basically. Doing business as ( DBA) is just another way to refer to a fictitious business name or trade name.

What is a DBA in business?

If you’re a sole owner or are in a partnership, “doing business as” (DBA) allows you to sell your business under a more creative and branded name you’re allowed to use legally. It allows a sole business owner or partnership to use a preferred business name without the hassle and expense of organizing a formal business structure.

What does it mean when you establish a company?

When you establish your company, you are forming a legal unit separate from yourself. This means you’ll be free of any personal liabilities arising from your company.

Is a sole proprietorship a fictitious business name?

If you’re forming a sole proprietorship or partnership and wish to operate under a name other than your own, you automatically will be filing a fictitious business name. Fictitious business names also may be referred to as “ doing business as ” (or DBA) or by a trading name. As the term suggests, it is the name your business assumes, or under which you conduct trade.

Can you use fictitious names instead of a corporation?

You can utilize fictitious names instead of founding different corporations or spin-offs if you already have a corporation or LLC. For each firm you intend to start, you register a fictitious name. As subsidiary firms develop and grow, the parent company functions as an anchor.

Where do you file a statement of business?

Statement must be filed in county of principal place of business and may also be filed in other counties as long as the requirements for filing in the county of principal place of business have been met

Do non profit organizations have to file a fictitious business name statement?

Non-profit corporations, organizations or associations are not required to file a Fictitious Business Name Statement

What is a fictitious business name?

Peri Pakroo, author of "The Small Business Start-Up Kit: A Step-by-Step Legal Guide," says that “any trade name that doesn’t contain the legal name of the owners” is a Fictitious Business Name. If you want to use a fictitious name, you’ll need to file a Fictitious Business Name statement. Forms are available from the county clerk’s office, but you can also download them online.

How long does it take to get a copy of a newspaper statement?

Take proof to the county clerk’s office. Get an Affidavit of Publication (or Proof of Publication) within 30 days of the end of publication and file it with the county clerk’s office. Some newspapers will automatically send the statement, but check with the county clerk to be sure it was received. If it does not get to the clerk within 30 days, you will have to start the entire process again.

How long does a bank statement last?

The statement expires after a certain period, usually five years. Keep track of the expiration date so you can renew your statement beforehand.

How to check if a newspaper is correct?

Check the newspaper. Look for the published statement to make sure it’s being printed correctly and for the required amount of time. If there are any errors, immediately bring them to the attention of the newspaper.

Do you need to use the most expensive publication?

You don’t need to use the most expensive publication. Sometimes the lesser-known newspapers will publish your statement at a cheaper cost.

Can you use a receipt for a fraudulent business name statement?

Sometimes the lesser-known newspapers will publish your statement at a cheaper cost. If you want to open a bank account before the end of the publication period, you can use your receipt as proof that you filed a Fictitious Business Name statement.

What is a fictitious business name?

On the other hand, Fictitious Business Names used by corporations, limited liability companies or limited partnerships are any names other than the exact name that is on record with the Secretary of State’s Office. And since there is no state-wide or national registry in California, the law in this state requires that FBN’s are filed at the County level.

Why do you need a fictitious business name in California?

You need a fictitious business name in California to protect your privacy. For some, exposing their name in public is not a big deal. However, business owners who do not want their legal names exposed find operating under a fictitious business name valuable.

What is a FBN statement?

A DBA (doing business as) or fictitious business name (FBN) statement allows sole proprietorships, partnerships, and LLCs to run under a name different from their registered name. You can be creative in choosing a business name, with which your company or brand will be known. Often, fictitious business names do not include the individual owner’s surname. For example:

How to check if a DBA is available?

The best way to check that your selected DBA name is available is to run a California business name search. The California Secretary of State maintains an online database of all the registered business names throughout California. From here, you’ll be able to find out if the fictitious name you want to use is even available before you continue along the process.

How to do FBN?

An FBN Statement can be accomplished by mail, in person, or online. Keep in mind that an FBN is not necessary for any business. This decision is up to you. If you want to build your company’s reputation with a unique brand, follow the succeeding process:

Why do you need a FBN?

An FBN offers value and flexibility. Brand awareness is the primary reason for DBA. With a catchy business name, strategic marketing is easier. It also allows you to expand in states where your legal name may no longer be available or cause confusion.

How to file a tax return in person?

If you choose to file in person, go to the Clerk-Recorder’s Office where a self-service station can be used to start your request. You can also send your application to the Clerk-Recorder’s Office by mail in a self-addressed stamped envelope.

How to determine if a business is fictitious?

The simplest way of explaining how to determine if one needs to file a fictitious business statement is to ask whether they plan on running the business under an assumed name. If so, then they will need to follow state fictitious business statement laws. So, if the name is John Smith and he wants to start a business called "Super Duper Widgets," he is going to need to file a fictitious business statement or DBA ("doing business as") with the county clerk's office. However, if he wants to start a business called John Smith's Widgets, he would not need to file a fictitious business statement, because the business has his name in it already.

Why do businesses have fictitious names?

The reason behind having fictitious business names registered is so that it is easy to track down who actually owns a company in the case of a problem. It also allows the business owner to enforce contracts signed under the name of the business.

What is a fictitious business statement in California?

In California, fictitious business statements are governed by Business and Professions Code Section 17900-17930 which says that in the case of an individual, a name that does not include the surname of the individual or a name that suggests the existence of additional owners requires filing a fictitious business statement.

Is fictitious business legal?

While some might mistake it for a shady business that is "made up," it actually is a legal term for a form of registration required of businesses in certain situations. So how does one know whether they need to file a fictitious business statement?

Do Smith widgets have a fictitious business statement?

For example, Smith Widgets would not require a fictitious business statement because it contains John Smith's last name. In most states however the last name alone is not enough. As far as JS Widgets goes, a fictitious business statement would be required as the initials of John Smith are not sufficient to convey who he his.

How long does a fictitious business name last in California?

California fictitious business names expire five years from the date of filing. Other circumstances may shorten the fictitious business name’s duration. For example, if any of the facts in the filing statement change, your FBN expires 40 days later. Some counties may send out a renewal notice.

How to renew FBN?

You must fill out a new Fictitious Business Name statement, file it and pay the necessary fees to the county clerk’s office. Some counties may require multiple copies. In Solano County, for example, you must provide three copies of the statement.

Is a sole proprietorship a legal name?

If you operate a sole proprietorship, for example, the legal name of your business is your own name. Since your own name is not likely to bring in customers or inform customers as to the nature of your business, it is advisable to apply for an FBN.

Do you have to register a business name in California?

Some forms of business require you to register a business name when you create the company, such as a corporation. A fictitious business name may be required in some cases. In California, fictitious business names must be renewed periodically unless the company intends to stop using the name.

What happens if you discover a business is operating with the FBN you want to use?

If you discover a business is operating with the FBN you want to use, then you will need to choose a different business name. Otherwise, there could be legal implications you could face if the other business owner were to object to you using the same business name.

What is a creative business name?

Most business owners want a creative business name that differentiates them from others or makes it easy to determine what products and/or services they sell. Selecting a business name often results in using a fictitious business name.

How long is a FBN valid?

Your FBN will be valid for five years from the date of issue. However, if there are changes to the business during that time, like additional owners are added or removed or you change the business structure from a sole proprietorship to a limited liability company, then you must file these changes to your FBN when they occur. ...

Who needs to file for FBN in California?

Anyone that names a business that does not include their name or the names of the business owners needs to file for an FBN in California. Sole proprietors, partnerships, limited partnerships, LLCs, or corporations can all require an FBN to be filed with the clerk of the county where they want to do business.

Can someone else get approved for FBN?

In the meantime, someone else could get approved for the FBN you want to use, requiring you to start the entire process all over. Not to mention, getting help provides you with support from a business that is familiar with filing FBNs in California.

Can You Run A Business With Just A Fictitious Name?

By registering for a DBA, you can conduct business under a fictitious name instead of your real one. Open a business bank account with your bank and you will need a DBA number. In many cases, sole proprietorships and partners in general partnerships are required to have a DBA before opening a business bank account with a bank.

What Type Of Business Is A Fictitious Name?

A fictitious business name is any name that does not include the last name (surname) of the owner, or implies additional owners (such as “Company”, “and Company”, “and Sons”, etc.).

Does Having A DBA Mean You Own A Business?

DBA stands for Data Base Analysis. The DBA stands for “doing business as” in the business world. ” It’s also known as the assumed, trade, or fictitious business name of your business. DBAs allow you to do business under a name other than your own; DBAs differ from your registered business name and your legal name as the owner of the business.

What Is The Purpose Of Filing A Fictitious Business Name?

Fictitious business names are required in many states because they help the public know who owns the company and how it is run. Fictitious name filings allow businesses to be listed on the public record with their names and the identities of their owners.

Is A Fictitious Business Name The Same As A DBA?

The DBA stands for “doing business as” and is an abbreviation for “doing business as a DBA”. The use of DBAs or fictitious names is required in some states for the protection of customers. It is the same as a DBA to use a fictitious name, and both terms can be used interchangeably.

What Is A Fictitious Business Name Statement In California?

By filing a FBN statement, the public can identify the person doing business under a fictitious name. It is necessary to register a sole proprietorship when: The business will operate under a name that does not contain the owner’s last name.

Can My DBA Name Be The Same As My LLC Name?

Jane Haskins, Esq. is the author of this article. LLCs can register a DBA, or “doing business as” name, and continue to use their official LLC names for business. DBAs are similar to personal nicknames in that you can use your nickname for some purposes and your full legal name for others.


Who Can File

In-Person Appointment

  • Appointments can be scheduled up to two (2) weeks in advance. Before you can make an appointment you must complete the Online Business Filing and Registration System. When you complete the application and receive your confirmation number you can then make an appointment.
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Mail Request

  • Mail filings are only processed at our Norwalk Headquarters. District offices do not process mail requests. All mail requests must include a completed Fictitious Business Name Statement and a notarized Affidavit of Identity form. Norwalk Headquarters
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Filing Requirements

  • There are several requirements that must be met to complete the filing of a Fictitious Business Name Statement. We encourage you to review all requirementsbefore beginning the filing process.
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