how many power point slides in a 2 hour college course

by Dr. Oral Predovic III 8 min read

This rule dictates that you should use about ten slides for a twenty minute presentation, and each slide should utilize thirty point font. In other words, each slide should be about two minutes in length. Perhaps the 10/20/30 rule works for you. If it does not, don’t feel as if you’re using the wrong number of slides.

Some experts recommend 1 to 2 slides per minute, or 30 to 60 slides for an hour-long talk. That's about the average count in corporate presentations—but most of them cram too much information on each slide. If you've broken your content down to one idea per slide, you may end up with more than 60 slides.

Full Answer

How long does a 15 slide PowerPoint take?

A 15-minute presentation should have 15-20 slides. Aiming for one slide per 45-60 seconds in your presentation allows you to be informative and professional without sharing too little or too much. The goal is to keep Goldilocks attention, focus on your message and the shared outcomes.Feb 9, 2021

How many slides should a college presentation have?

There is a rule that can help you make a perfect presentation – the 10/20/30 rule recommends you to include not more than 10 slides in your project, limit the time of presentation to a maximum of 20 minutes, and use minimum 30-point font size to make it easy to read.Aug 26, 2021

What is the average time per PowerPoint slide?

Typically technical speakers should spend 1.5 to 3.0 minutes per slide presenting a single main idea. But, if it takes longer than say 3.5 minutes to present a slide (or one idea), then you likely need to add another slide. You could do it as a build or maybe you just break it up into two separate ideas.Jun 5, 2009

How many slides is a 30 minute academic presentation?

If we have to perform a presentation in 30 minutes and we want to make it on time, let's imagine every slide should take 2 minutes as most. Then, using 15 slides we'll be able to present it in a timeframe of 30 minutes.Sep 24, 2021

How many slides do I need for a 2 hour presentation?

Some experts recommend 1 to 2 slides per minute, or 30 to 60 slides for an hour-long talk. That's about the average count in corporate presentations—but most of them cram too much information on each slide. If you've broken your content down to one idea per slide, you may end up with more than 60 slides.

How many slides do I need for a 15-minute presentation?

In general, the answer to how many slides for a 15-minute presentation lies in about 25 slides. Yet, think anywhere between 20-30 as the broadest use of those.Feb 27, 2020

What is the 10 20 30 rule in PowerPoint?

The 10/20/30 rule of PowerPoint is a straightforward concept: no PowerPoint presentation should be more than ten slides, longer than 20 minutes, and use fonts smaller than 30 point size. Coined by Guy Kawasaki, the rule is a tool for marketers to create excellent PowerPoint presentations.Nov 12, 2020

How many slides do you need for a 45 minute presentation?

So, how many slides for a 45 minute presentation? Following the previous advices, plus the 10/20/30 rule, if a presentation of 20 minutes takes 10 slides, a 45 minute presentation would take between 20 and 25 slides. The presentation technique is your sidekick so make efficient use of it.Sep 24, 2021

How many slides do I need for a 40 minute talk?

“Keep it to one slide for every three minutes.” Even presentation pros like Guy Kawasaki will advocate for the 10/20/30 rule (10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 point font).May 9, 2018

How many slides is a 20 minute PowerPoint?

One well-known formulation for PowerPoint presentations is the 10/20/30 rule. This rule dictates that you should use about ten slides for a twenty minute presentation, and each slide should utilize thirty point font. In other words, each slide should be about two minutes in length.

How many slides are there in PowerPoint?

>> Technically, there is no limit. Let's make that "no practical limit". The numbers it uses internally to track slides (SlideIndex, SlideID and such) are all Longs, meaning that PPT will probably get a very bad tummy-ache once there are more than 16million and some-odd slides.May 24, 2011

How many slides is a 10-minute presentation?

Given the normal speed of speech, you should consider a 10-minute talk the same as a 1500-word paper. Rule of thumb for the number of slides is 10 slides for 10 minutes, and many speakers will vary between 20 to 30 seconds or a minute per slide. Create only 10 or 12 slides to be used during this 10-minute period.

How many slides should I make for a PowerPoint presentation?

Hands-down, the best advice for creating slides is Guy Kawasaki’s 10-20-30 rule of PowerPoint, which says you should have just 10 slides, your presentation should last no more than 20 minutes, and your font should be no less than 30 points.

What happens if you have 50 slides?

With 50+ slides, you won’t have the freedom and flexibility to flow in a more natural way. The more slides you have, the more fixed the order becomes.

How long should a Kawasaki presentation be?

Kawasaki says to limit your presentation to 20 minutes. His main scenario isn’t presenters at a conference but rather presentations from startups to venture capitalists (VCs), and he doesn’t really give much reason here for the 20-minute length except to sarcastically say that if you have a Windows machine, it will take 40 minutes to troubleshoot the display. My guess is that VCs are executive types who have a lot of questions and don’t want to be lectured at extensively.

How many points does Kawasaki limit?

Another Kawasaki principle is to limit the font to no less than 30 points. This is also key. When I see slides with extensive bulleted lists, I cringe. While these bulleted lists might prompt the presenter with details to say, what ends up happening is the presenter more or less reads the slides and presents the presentation rather than telling a story.

What is the best advice for a presentation?

The absolute best advice for any presentation is to structure the idea journey as a story. I don’t mean to pepper in anecdotes everywhere (though that is actually great advice). I mean presentations should follow the general story arc. You have some sort of goal, and you encounter challenges to that goal. The bulk of your work is in getting through these challenges, until you finally come to some realization or conclusion. This flow aligns perfectly with the essay format.

Why are there fewer slides?

Although having fewer slides might make you panic about possibly forgetting what you want to say, in reality fewer slides gives you more flexibility to narrate your idea journey in a dynamic way. If you have too many slides, it locks you into a fixed, rigid structure that can actually make presenting harder. Additionally, a good essay is often the ...

When to put up an argument overview slide?

Speaking of arguments, I also recommend putting up an “Argument Overview” slide right after your intro hook slide (which usually comes after your title slide). In other words, after you introduce the relevance of your topic, present the audience with your overall argument, so they know where you’re going and what you’re arguing for.

How many slides are in 10/20/30?

Even presentation pros like Guy Kawasaki will advocate for the 10/20/30 rule (10 slides, 20 minutes, 30 point font).

Can you design beautiful slides?

Sure, designing beautiful slides will help, but they won’t do the work for you.

Can you put a single word on a slide?

Remember, slides are empty canvases for your information. You can put a single word and a picture to demonstrate your point or 500 words and a chart to do the exact same thing.

How many slides are needed for a 45 minute presentation?

Following the previous advices, plus the 10/20/30 rule, if a presentation of 20 minutes takes 10 slides, a 45 minute presentation would take between 20 and 25 slides.

How long should a timer be for a PowerPoint presentation?

To make effective presentations and adhere to the required timing, you may use a timer widget or add-in in PowerPoint or learn how to set a 15 minutes timer for a presentation.

How long should you judge a slide?

Do not judge without practicing; if you have allotted 2 minutes to every slide then make sure that the time is utilized properly. The time can vary according to the points covered in the slide.

Do extempore speakers need too many slides?

There are many extempore speakers who can speak on a topic for any given time, so they usually do not require too many slides. But do not forget your listeners will get bored if they are made to stare a slide for long. The presentation technique is your sidekick so make efficient use of it.

Do slides need to be analogous to time?

The duration of the presentation and the number of slides have always been related, but the glitch here is that your slides do not need to be analogous with time length of the presentation.

How many slides per minute for a presentation?

Seasoned speakers, often giving a presentation that they’ve done a lot of times, can average 5 slides per minute. These are fast-paced quick hit images that really keep the audience thinking and engaged.

What is a PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) is the go-to choice for creating presentations. This series shares tips and ideas for working with PowerPoint, as well as beautiful PowerPoint templates and themes to make your presentations look stunning.

What is flash slide?

Flash slide (quick on and off the screen): For transitions between large topic areas or polling the audience to keep them engaged. Now you can look at your content and do a few quick calculations to get a rough idea of how many slides you might need.

What to consider when planning a presentation?

Consider location with longer presentations. Will the slides be projected on a large screen? Design for that environment.

Can you use text based slides without images?

Use text-based slides without images for more complex information or to show bullet points, charts or numbers. You don’t have to have a new photo and image for each slide. Use the same image and change the text if you need to. Or don’t use an image at all. Nice typography is pretty awesome.

Can you take questions at the end of a presentation?

With more time, you can vary pacing and might have time to take questions at the end of the talk. (Your slide count will be less if you cut time from your presentation to answer questions.)

Do you have to have a new photo for each slide?

You don’t have to have a new photo and image for each slide. Use the same image and change the text if you need to. Or don’t use an image at all. Nice typography is pretty awesome.

How many slides are enough for a presentation?

Some people think five slides is enough for thirty minutes, others think ten is enough for twenty minutes, and still others think ninety or more could be right for twenty minutes. In fact, each presentation is different, and needs to be approached on its own merits.

How long should a slide be on screen?

Others argue that an average slide should be onscreen for no more than two minutes, and can be onscreen for as little as 15 seconds. Match the number of slides to the subject matter. Some topics require a few slides and a lot of exposition. Other topics require many slides with only minimal explanation.

How to add a new slide in PowerPoint?

Community Answer. Click on the tab, "Home," on the top left of your PowerPoint window and then find "New Slide" in the second section, "Slides," which is now shown below the tabs. You can then either click on the symbol to simply add a slide or click the little arrow to decide between different slide layouts. Thanks!

What to do if your presentation ends well before the time limit?

If your presentation ended well before the time limit you’ve been given, try to extend the amount of time you spend on each slide, or add extra slides to expand on the info introduced in the presentation.

Why is a slide presentation important?

Slide presentations are greatly important for school students, most projects require them as visual aids, or sometimes the entire project IS the slide presentation. If you put enough effort into your presentation, it will dramatically improve your grade, which opens up your options to different colleges and careers!

Why is PowerPoint important?

PowerPoint presentations are useful to provide an overview, a general description of a given topic. Your presentation should not be encyclopedic. Don’t go overboard including every little detail, citation, or factoid which may inform the conversation on the issue you’re presenting.

How to know if you have too many slides?

1. Practice your presentation in front of a mirror or a small audience of friends and family before you do it for real. If, during your practice run, you find that your time has elapsed before you could get through your whole presentation, you’ll know that your presentation has too many slides.

How many slides per minute?

The number of slides you need per minute may depend on your topic. If it's simple, a few slides might do, while a more complex topic might need more slides.

How many slides should I use for a short presentation?

For short presentations, it's best to limit the number of slides. In fact, you probably won't want more than 10 slides. And you could get away with fewer. I've even seen people do 5-minute presentations with a single, well-designed slide.

How to find the perfect PowerPoint slide?

To find the perfect PowerPoint slide design, select Presentation Templates from the onscreen search box. You'll find thousands of templates. Use the on-site filtering tools to find the perfect one for your next presentation.

Why use templates in a presentation?

Use templates to give your presentations a harmonious and attractive look without having to do the design work yourself. Human beings are very visual. Attractive slides will subtly enhance the appeal of your presentation.

How long should a presentation be?

As advised for presentations 20 minutes and above , you've got the choice to add more slides for supplementary points. Or, you can speak much longer about the key points. And you'll need to keep slide design appealing to give your audience something to focus on.

What to include in a 5 minute presentation?

With longer presentations, include a brief introduction and conclusion to make your presentation even more polished. A 5-minute presentation can have a pretty simple design. As presentations get longer, it's important to think about ways to hold your audience's attention.

How to hold attention in a long presentation?

Match your slides to your material. Even long presentations can hold attention if the topic is interesting enough.

How long should a presentation be?

If your topic is more complex and absolutely requires the use of a few more slides, don’t hesitate to include what you deem necessary. Likewise, if you just absolute CANNOT deliver your presentation in less than 30 minutes, take the time you need. Just remember that it is important to edit your presentation and get rid of any material that is not necessary. Audiences will appreciate it and you will be more apt to deliver a meaningful presentation.

Why limit slides to 10?

By limiting your slides to just 10, you are forced to evaluate the necessity of each slide and just like every other part of your presentation, if it isn’t necessary it shouldn’t be included! Selecting fewer slides also encourages the presenter to design their presentation wisely, keeping it clear and concise.

What is the smallest font size for a slide?

30 point font is the smallest font size you should use on your slides.

How many slides should a PowerPoint presentation have?

It’s quite simple: a PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points. by using 10/20/30 rule of PowerPoint for example, you can make less boring presentations, with only 10 slides and no font smaller than thirty point. Photo: credit cozgrl05.

How many words should be in a slide?

Some experts suggest using the 5/5/5 rule: no more than five words per line of text, five lines of text per slide, or five text-hea vy slides in a row.

How long should a presentation be wrapped?

Alternatively, if you need to wrap a presentation in 5 minute presentation or 10 minutes or 20 minutes, then you should be aware that are some well known methodologies, rules and frameworks that are interesting to know in advance.

How many words should a 10 minute presentation be?

Having this in mind, a 10-minute presentation would require between 1000 to 2000 words .

Why do we add 30 seconds to every slide?

Why are we adding 30 more seconds to every new slide? It is very common that we as presenters underestimate the length in minutes for a slide, so by adding a few more seconds for every slide, we’ll be safe in the total presentation time.

Why is 30 minutes good for a presentation?

Also during a presentation in the classroom, a 30 minute presentation is good to leave more space for other student presentations during the same day. This way, many groups can perform the presentation in a single day.

How long is an instructor led course?

An average 1 hour instructor led course will take 43 hours to develop.

How many hours is 1 minute of elearning?

For example, on average, one minute of a Level 2 program will require 197 minutes (or just over 3.25 hours) of development time.

How long does it take to develop an eLearning course?

But development of a 1-hour elearning course can range between 49 hours for the low end of the range of a “basic” course to 716 hours for the high end of the range of an “advanced” course.

What is the rule of thumb for instructional design?

Ideally, the inclusion of interactivity, and how much, should be instructional design decisions. You want to think about how to best ensure that the material engages viewers so learning transfer can happen.

What is level 1 in elearning?

Level 1 – Basic: This is a simple elearning program, similar to an automated PowerPoint. Sometimes referred to as “click and read.” A quiz or similar assessment may be present.


Comparing Two Recent Presentations

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The Right Number of Slides

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Font Size and Bulleted Lists

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Avoiding Laundry Lists

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Argument Overview Slide

  • Speaking of arguments, I also recommend putting up an “Argument Overview” slide right after your intro hook slide (which usually comes after your title slide). In other words, after you introduce the relevance of your topic, present the audience with your overall argument, so they know where you’re going and what you’re arguing for. Many presentations will omit this argumen…
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  • Kawasaki says to limit your presentation to 20 minutes. His main scenario isn’t presenters at a conference but rather presentations from startups to venture capitalists (VCs), and he doesn’t really give much reason here for the 20-minute length except to sarcastically say that if you have a Windows machine, it will take 40 minutes to troubleshoot the display. My guess is that VCs are e…
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A Good Essay Makes For A Good Presentation

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  • Although I’m not a professional presenter and I lack more training and polish, in the presentations I’ve given over the years, fewer slides work better than more slides. Overall, if I can shape the essay right in the first place, it usually eliminates most of the problems with presentations. That’s why I spend about 90% of the time writing the essay first, and then in the last couple of weeks cr…
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