how many pounds of torque a wheel drive in the course of the year

by Tracey Rice DDS 4 min read

How do you calculate the required wheel torque?

Year Range Torque; ACURA: 2.2CL: ALL / COUPE: 1997 – 1997: 80 ft-lbs: 2.3CL: ALL / COUPE: 1998 – 2001: 80 ft-lbs: 2.5TL: 4 DOOR / ALL: 1996 – 1998: 80 ft-lbs: 3.0CL: ALL / COUPE: 1997 – 2000: 80 ft-lbs: 3.2CL: ALL / COUPE: 2001 – 2003: 80 ft-lbs: 3.2CL-S: ALL / COUPE: 2001 – 2003: 80 ft-lbs: 3.2TL: 16-INCH / SEDAN: 1996 – 2003: 80 ft-lbs: 3.2TL-S: ALL / SEDAN: 2001 – 2003: …

What size torque wrench do I need to torque lug nuts?

The maximum tractive torque (MTT) a wheel can transmit is equal to the normal load times the friction coefficient between the wheel and the ground times the radius of the drive wheel. MTT = W. w [lb] x μ [-] x Rw [in] where: Ww = weight (normal load) on drive wheel [lb] μ. s = static friction coefficient between the wheel . and the ground

Why do you need a wheel lug torque chart?

Sep 15, 2015 · To accomplish this, we suggest using a 1/2” drive torque wrench. Torque the lug nuts in two steps, starting at 40 ft/lbs of torque for your first step to get the wheel seated properly. Then for the final torque refer to our chart below for torque recommendations based on your lug nut thread size. Be sure to follow the torque sequence shown ...

What is the torque on the axles?

Jul 26, 2020 · Chevrolet Wheel Lug Nut Torque Specs, Recommendations This chart contains Chevrolet Wheel Lug Nut Torque specs for Chevrolet vehicles up to 2018. For 2019 and 2020 Chevrolet wheel bolt torque specs updates, please scroll …

What is the average wheel torque?

Under- or over-tightening wheel-attaching hardware can be damaging and dangerous.Hardware Bolt or Stud SizeTypical Torque Range in Ft/LbsMinimum Number of Turns of Hardware Engagement12 x 1.25 mm70 - 80814 x 1.5 mm85 - 907.514 x 1.25 mm85 - 9097/16 in.70 - 8093 more rows

What is the torque for wheel lug nuts?

80 to 90 ft-lbsAnd when you look at that, and realize that the average torque required on a lug nut, to hold the wheel on, is 80 to 90 ft-lbs, well you can imagine how over-tightened some of these lug nuts are.

How many foot-pounds do you tighten lug nuts?

What is this? Most automotive lug nuts are tightened to 90 – 120 ft. lbs… Trucks will be more, about 120-150 ft.

What is the proper installation torque for a hub-piloted wheel system dry?

450-500 ft./lb.For hub-piloted wheel systems, use two to three drops of lubrication – SAE 30 weight or equivalent – on the outer two threads of the stud and a drop between the nut body and flange. Torque each two piece flange nut for the following: M22 x 1.5 to 450-500 ft./lb., M20 x 1.5 to 280-330 ft./lb.

What size drive torque wrench for lug nuts?

1/2-inch driveThe bigger the drive and the longer the handle, the more torque they can deliver. Most home mechanics will find that a torque wrench with a 1/2-inch drive and at least an 18-inch handle is the best choice for lug nuts, cylinder heads, suspension bushings, and other likely uses.Oct 4, 2021

Can you over torque lug nuts?

When you over-torque the lug nut you could cause stress fractures and this makes it no longer certified for the load rating, there is a risk of the lugs breaking under normal conditions and your wheels will pass you in traffic, rare, but it does create a safety concern.Feb 7, 2020

Is 300 ft-lbs enough to remove lug nuts?

Realistically, the answer is no. A quick glance at a lug nut torque chart shows that most lug nuts should be torqued between 80 and 100 ft-lbs. Some require less torque, others more.Apr 29, 2016

How much torque can a 1/2 drive take?

SOCKET DRIVE SIZES – TORQUE LIMITS & MAXIMUM TYPICAL LOADINGDrive SizeReasonable Torque Rating Limit*1-1/2″ Square Drive11,500 ft-lbs [15,600 Nm]2-1/2″ Square Drive45,000 ft-lbs [61,015 Nm]3-1/2″ Square Drive100,000 ft-lbs [135,590 Nm]4-1/2″ Square Drive200,000 ft-lbs [271,165 Nm]4 more rows

How much torque does an impact wrench need to remove lug nuts?

An impact wrench with a minimum of 500 ft-lbs torque is required to remove lug nuts. What tool do you use to remove lug nuts? An impact wrench works best, either battery-powered or air-operated.

What is the torque on Dayton wheels?

Subject: RE: What would a good torque be on dayton wheels? 250 ft lbs.Mar 24, 2014

What size are hub pilot nuts?

SKF M22 X 1.5 two-piece wheel nuts, available in 33mm and 38mm OD, fit most tractors and trailers with hub piloted wheels.

What is the torque setting for alloy wheels?

The optimum torque value for your car or mounted rims can be found in the vehicle manual. It depends on the car model, rim size, design (aluminium or steel rims) and number of bolts. It is normally between 110 N⋅m and 120 N⋅m.

What is a 60 degree lug nut?

Determining the lug nut seat type that your wheels require is the first step in selecting the proper lug nuts for your needs. A 60 degree included angle tapered se at lug nut is a very common automotive lug nut design . The tapered seat will help center the wheel as the lug nuts are tightened and will typically yield a truer ...

What is a spline drive lug nut?

Spline drive lug nuts can be used to change the look or to match a wheel style. One spline drive lug nut per wheel can also be used for anti-theft purposes and are commonly called wheel locks. These lug nuts will require a very specific socket to install and remove them.

What are lug nuts?

Lug nuts come in a variety of seat types. It's important to the application to know the difference. Shank or mag seat lug nuts have a flat seat and typically have a washer between the lug nut and the wheel. These lug nuts must be ordered by the shank diameter and shank length that is required for your wheels.

What is a double sided lug nut?

Double sided lug nuts are primarily used in racing applications where pit stop times must be trimmed down to be as short as possible. The double sided design allows you to install the lug nut either direction so there is no fumbling around or lug nuts installed backwards.

What is an open end lug nut?

Open end lug nuts are generally cheaper than other styles and used on vehicles which have hub caps that cover the lug nuts. Open lug nuts are also widely used for racing applications since some rules will require a specific amount of threads protruding past the end of the lug nut.


While you could buy a torque multiplier, you could also get a 3/4" breaker bar, socket and 5' pipe.


I have a 3/4" torque wrench from my trucking days. Expensive but it was a business write off. Now it serves me well as the owner of an old class A. Maybe eBay for a used one or good buy on new?


475 foot pounds sounds like a lot. I'm not sure I could stand on the torque wrench and get that many foot pounds. I don't even think I could lift the cheater bar it would take.


That is the reason I go to my friendly tire shop. They have the tools and man power to do the job.


This is the very reason why I don't let people under the hood of anything at home unless I'm standing right there.


When I had my new Michelin tiers installed it was at a truck place and I caught the guy installing the rims on my CR-V like it was a truck with the big impact wrench. I told him to take them all lose and torque to the 80 foot pounds specced my Honda. Some places just don't know.


Try pulling 800# torque with a 3/4 pull handle with a ten foot pipe extension, I broke the Snapon pull handle once that way. Should have seen the face of the Snap rep that day! Of course I was pileing on all 240 that day .

How many types of impact wrenches are there?

Types of Impact Wrench. As mentioned above, there are three types of impact wrenches. The three types of impact wrenches are differentiated by their power sources. Following is a brief look into the three types of impact wrenches and their functions. 1.

Why use an impact wrench?

The first and foremost reason an impact wrench is needed is that it produces a high torque output without requiring too much exertion by the user . Another good reason for using an impact wrench is tightening screws and fastening bolts optimally.

What is pneumatic impact wrench?

Pneumatic Impact Wrench. An impact wrench that runs on compressed air, pneumatic impact wrench has a power source that is activated by an air compressor. As it does need any electric power source, a pneumatic impact wrench can be used without stoppage.
