how many points do you need for recertification 3a in new york pesticide course

by Madalyn Zemlak 10 min read

This package will earn the student 4 Recertification Credits in Category 3A/3B as well as 6 Core Recertification Credits. All courses are approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

Commercial Categories:
Commercial Pesticide Category3 Year Recertification Requirement*
3A - Ornamentals, Shade Trees & Turf10
3B - Turf10
3C - Interior Plant Maintenance10
4 - Seed Treatment5
23 more rows

Full Answer

Where can I find information about New York state pesticide administration?

Please visit the "New York State Pesticide Administration Database" by clicking the NYSPAD link below to search and view information regarding applicators and technicians, training courses and certification/recertification exams. Important NYSDMV Requirement!

Where can I find training manuals for pesticide applicators?

Training manuals can be found by clicking the Pesticide Applicator Training Manuals link found in the right column of this page. Please visit the NYSPAD portal and click on Courses for assistance in locating training courses to fit your individual needs.

What are the requirements to become a pesticide applicator?

Individuals must also pass the core and appropriate category examination (s). The Department has issued a clarification regarding the appropriate pesticide applicator certification category/subcategory for the control of bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets and other stinging insects nesting in the ground, trees and shrubs.

How do I find out if my pesticide certification is valid?

Pesticide Professionals - Look up an individual applicator/technician for certification category or to ensure certification is valid/current. Exams - Find upcoming exam locations and times, exam procedures, exam registration form and the felon information checklist.

How do I get a pesticide license in NY?

For an individual to be eligible for commercial pesticide technician certification, the individual must:be at least 17 years of age at the time of application; and.have successfully completed a comprehensive 30-hour training course, approved by the department; or.More items...

How many certified pesticide applicators are there in the US?

approximately one million pesticide applicatorsThere are approximately one million pesticide applicators in the United States certified to use RUPs and an estimate of 930,000 noncertified applicators.

Can I spray pesticides without a license in California?

Do I need a California pesticide applicator's license to apply general use pesticides for hire? Yes. a license with the Structural Pest Control Board would be required for the control of pests within or on a structure.

What role does Texas A&M AgriLife Extension play in pesticide certification and licensing?

The Agricultural and Environmental Safety Unit at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension provides written study materials as well as education and training to pesticide applicators in Texas.

What does a custom applicator do?

Custom applicators are responsible for the operation of spray equipment and the effective application of pesticides or fertilizer. They mix, load and apply pesticides and fertilizers to fields at approved applicable rates.

What is a pest control license called?

All Agricultural Pest Control Adviser License (PCA), Pest Control Aircraft Pilot Certificate (APC and JPC), Qualified Applicator (QAL and QAC), and Designated Dealer Agent (DDA) exams are now given at computer-based testing centers.

What is a branch 3 license?

Branch 3 - The practice relating to the control of wood-destroying pests or organisms by the use of insecticides or structural repairs and corrections, excluding fumigation with poisonous or lethal gases.

Can a felon get a pest control license in California?

Provides that the Board cannot deny a license on the basis: (1) that an applicant has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (or based on the underlying acts of the conviction) if the applicant was pardoned or shows rehabilitation, or (2) that the conviction was dismissed, or (3) an arrest that resulted in anything ...

What is the difference between QAL and Qac?

QAL is appropriate for an applicator who works for a private pest control company and wants to supervise pesticide applications of the business. If your job is only to apply pesticides without supervising other people's applications, then a QAC may be more appropriate for you.

Do you need a license to fertilize in Texas?

Applicators who apply only fertilizer do not need to be licensed by either agency. To license with TDA in the 3A ag category, applicators will certify as either commercial or noncommercial. Commercial applicators apply restricted-use and state-limited-use pesticides or regulated herbicides for hire.

Do I need a license to spray herbicides in Texas?

The Texas Pesticide Law requires that you must be licensed or certified by TDA in order to lawfully use a restricted-use pesticide, state-limited-use pesticide or regulated herbicides.

Do you need a license to sell fertilizer in Texas?

However, if you're a Texas-based lawn care company, you don't need a license or certification to apply fertilizer on home lawns. You also need to know if your state, city, or county requires you to purchase a permit or business license to operate in their municipality.

Where to drop a category from pesticide certification?

Please complete the Commercial Pesticide Category Drop Letter form found in the right hand column of this page and mail to: NYSDEC, Pesticide Reporting & Certification, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7254. There are NO REFUNDS for dropped categories.

How many hours do you need to be a pesticide applicator?

An individual must meet at least one or more of the following eligibility requirements to become a certified commercial pesticide applicator: one year of verifiable experience as a technician with an additional 12 hours of category-specific recertification training; or. two years of verifiable experience as a technician; or. ...

What is a certified pesticide applicator?

Certified Private Pesticide Applicator. An individual shall be eligible for private applicator certification if that individual has met the following experience and/or training requirements and has successfully passed the necessary examinations.

How many years of experience is required to become a pesticide applicator?

three years experience in the sale of pesticides or industrial chemicals, or can otherwise demonstrate, through applicable training certificates or educational degrees, that the individual possesses appropriate technical background, as determined by the department, if seeking pesticide applicator certification in the Sales Category.

How long does it take to get a pesticide license if you don't pay?

If you do not pay the invoice within 30 days , you will be required to submit a new application. Your Pesticide Applicator/Technician license will be issued after full payment is received.

How old do you have to be to become a pesticide technician?

For an individual to be eligible for commercial pesticide technician certification, the individual must: be at least 17 years of age at the time of application; and. have successfully completed a comprehensive 30-hour training course, approved by the department; or.

How to sign up for pesticide updates?

To sign up for Pesticides Updates, subscribe to DEC Delivers! This will take you to the "Quick Subscription" page where you will see all the topics that you can receive email updates on from DEC. Scroll to the "Prevent and Control Pollution" category and check the box next to "Pesticides." You will receive a welcome email from DEC confirming your subscription (s).

NYSDEC Course Calendar

The NYSDEC Pesticide Training Course Database: New York State certified pesticide applicators must be recertified every three years (for commercial applicators) or five years (for private applicators). You can recertify by accumulating required number of continuing education credits for each category/subcategory.

CCE-PSEP Distance Learning Center

Online Recertification Courses at the CCE-PSEP Distance Learning Center: This site is home to online pesticide applicator courses produced by Cornell Cooperative Extension. Each one qualifies for New York DEC recertification credits, and often qualifies for recertification in other Northeast states.

What are the requirements to become a pesticide certified?

Basic Certification Requirements - To become certified in any category or subcategory, an applicant shall be required to pass two separate written examinations: a core examination which shall include , but not be limited to , such areas as pesticide handling and safety, environmental considerations, symptoms of pesticide poisoning, current State and Federal laws and regulations governing the use of pesticides; and a technical examination which shall be specific to the commercial category or subcategory in which the applicant has applied to be certified. All category and subcategory exams are 'open-book'.

How often do you need to recertify a commercial applicator?

Recertification Requirements - Certified commercial applicators must be recertified in each category or subcategory every six years. Recertification is based on the applicant's satisfactory attendance at a minimum of three training courses within the previous six years that have been approved by the commissioner, combined with a history of satisfactory performance for each category or subcategory. Commercial applicator certificates are valid for a period of three years unless suspended, revoked or otherwise modified by the commissioner and are renewed by application to the department and payment of appropriate fees.

What is a certified applicator?

Certified applicators whose activities indicate a supervisory role must demonstrate a practical knowledge of State and Federal supervisory requirements, including labeling, regarding the application of restricted use pesticides by non-certified applicators.

How long does it take to become a pesticide inspector?

Completed a 30-hour training course approved by the Department; or. Received an associate or baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university; or. At least three years of full-time experience within the last five years in a category or categories of commercial pesticide application.

Can you be provisionally certified?

An individual who has met the education requirements instead of the experience requirements may take the examination and, if passed, may be provisionally certified until the necessary experience requirements have been met. The length of the provisional period will be based on the individual's previous education.

How to sign up for pesticide updates?

To sign up for Pesticides Updates, subscribe to DEC Delivers! This will take you to the "Quick Subscription" page where you will see all the topics that you can receive email updates on from DEC. Scroll to the "Prevent and Control Pollution" category and check the box next to "Pesticides." You will receive a welcome email from DEC confirming your subscription (s).

Can you apply dry ice pesticides?

Applying Registered Rodenticides with Dry Ice as Only Active Ingredient (PDF - 60 KB) - Intended to allow technicians and apprentices, in appropriate certification categories, to apply dry ice rodenticides under off-site direct supervision of a certified pesticide applicator.

Can you become a pesticide applicator in New York?

Individuals may become certified as commercial pesticide applicators, commercial pesticide technicians and/or private pesticide applicators. The type of applications that a person may perform is dependent on the applicator's certification. The pesticide applicator requirements are explained in detail in Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York Part 325 Application of Pesticides (link leaves DEC website.)

How many years of experience is required to become a pesticide applicator?

three years experience in the sale of pesticides or industrial chemicals, or can otherwise demonstrate, through applicable training certificates or educational degrees, that the individual possesses appropriate technical background, as determined by the department, if seeking pesticide applicator certification in the Sales Category.

What is a commercial pesticide license?

Commercial Applicator/Technician License: Intended for pesticide use or supervision of pesticide use on property not owned or leased by the applicator.

What is a private applicator license?

Private Applicator License: Intended for the use or supervision of the use of restricted pesticides, including chemigation, when producing agricultural commodities on property owned or leased by the applicator.

What is a handler in pesticides?

A handler is anyone who assists with applications, mixes, loads, or transfers pesticides into application equipment, cleans repairs, or maintains application equipment, works on equipment that has been used to mix, load, or apply, disposes of pesticides or materials with pesticides on them, acts as a flagger, performs tasks as a crop adviser, or applies pesticides.

How many years of experience do you need to be an apprentice?

have two years of verifiable experience as an apprentice.

What does it mean to be certified in agronomy?

Any adviser/consultant that spends the majority of their time advising growers or farm managers/operators on agronomic practices and can meet the standards of the program. Being certified adds credibility and shows that you are serious about what you do.