CLEP Level 1 scores are good for six credits, Level 2 scores for twelve. There are CLEP language exams for French, German, and Spanish. Level 1 scores should be equivalent to the first two semesters of the language at college level. As a rule of thumb, a year of diligent high school language study is comparable to a semester of college study.
How many credits are CLEP tests worth? This is ultimately up to the university you transfer them to, but a passing score on a CLEP exam is generally worth between 3 and 6 credit hours. 11. How much do CLEP exams cost?
Yes, it is possible, though passing CLEP exams will not get you a degree by itself. To get a degree, you need to find a university that will allow you to transfer the credits you earn through CLEP tests. You’ll then need to pay the necessary fees to enroll as a student at that university and get your credits transferred.
They’re exams that test your knowledge of a variety of academic subjects. Many colleges and universities will give you credit towards a degree for each CLEP test you pass. (Though it depends on the college and your major, as we’ll discuss below).
CLEP exams are offered on a continuous basis with exam dates determined by individual test centers. While there are no specific deadlines to register for CLEP exams, you are required to take an exam within 6 months of purchasing it and receiving a registration ticket.
CLEP Level 1 scores are good for six credits, Level 2 scores for twelve. There are CLEP language exams for French, German, and Spanish. Level 1 scores should be equivalent to the first two semesters of the language at college level.
No, CLEP exams are almost always considered pass or fail. Because they don't receive letter grades, they aren't factored into your GPA. On your transcript, they will be indicated with either a “P” (pass) or “F” (fail), or less commonly, “CR” (credit) or “NC” (no credit). 2.
The scaled score is the result of the raw score conversion process. The CLEP score range is from 20 to 80, and the test scores are presented on the test taker's score report.
CLEP credits don't technically expire. But the College Board only keeps your transcripts on record for 20 years after you take the exam.
Generally, only 50 out of 80 is needed to pass a CLEP exam, which comes out to a grade of 63%. The catch is that a CLEP test will appear as a “P” for “pass” on your transcript whether you get a 50 or an 80. Since CLEP exams cover such a broad range of concepts, you are not expected to pass with flying colors.
CLEP exams have no effect on your grade point average—all they do is allow you to receive course credit. That means any passing grade on a CLEP test earns you the same amount of college credit—no matter if you get a “C” or an “A” on the exam.
Remember that this can change across colleges and the same college can even have different requirements for each CLEP test subject. Take practice tests before you take the real exam. It's best to score a bare minimum of 60% before taking the real exam, a practice test score of around 70% is much safer.
The American Council on Education (ACE) recommends that colleges grant credit for a score of 50 or higher, but individual institutions can set their own CLEP credit policies.
80that ranges from 20, the lowest, to 80, the highest. This scaled score is the score that appears on your score report. The scores that appear in the table shown are the credit- granting scores recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).
CLEP exams are free for eligible military service members, spouses, and civil service employees. Some test centers may charge a test administrative fee in addition to the CLEP exam fee. However, DANTES-funded test takers can have the administrative fee waived when testing at fully funded and on-base test centers.
No, Massachusetts Institute of Technology does not accept the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). The CLEP is an exam sponsored by the College Board that allows students to gain college credit by demomstrating their knowledge in college level coursework.
PTOC. The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a credit-by-examination program that measures a student's level of comprehension of introductory college-level material and consecutively earn college credit. The CSU requires a passing score of at least 50 on the CLEP exam.
Our Dual Credit at Home CLEP Study Plans cover three of these high value CLEP exams — College Mathematics, Social Sciences and History, and Natural Sciences. You can learn how our program works by attending our free online workshop, How to Earn a Bachelor’s Degree during High School.
Thus, if you have studied one of the three languages for at least two years and worked hard, you should be able to pass the CLEP exam.
H omeschool students can maximize their time and college savings by taking CLEP exams that offer the most college credit.
College Mathematics is an exam intended to fulfill general education math requirements for liberal arts majors. It typically is also worth six college credits.
Finally, the modern languages examinations are designed to offer the opportunity for either six or twelve credits, depending on how high the tester scores.
Social Sciences and History is typically worth six college credits. This exam is designed to test for broad knowledge of social sciences and history topics equivalent to the general education requirements of most colleges.
While ACE recommends 6 credits for each of these examinations, be sure to check your college’s specific guidelines. Some institutions, including Charter Oak State College, will still require a laboratory course.
With CLEP, you can test out of 60 credits in total. But, it depends on how many credits your college will accept by Credit by Exam. In general, you can earn up to 25% of your undergraduate degree and 40% of a 2-year degree.
You only need to score 50 out of 80 to pass a CLEP exam. This score is the lowest CLEP allows for granting credits to test takers. Still, whether you get a 50 or an 80, the CLEP test will appear as a “P” for “pass” on your transcript.
CLEP helps students with previous knowledge on a subject to earn their degree without sitting for a class. Anyone can use CLEP, but if you’ve taken advanced high school courses or had on-the-job training, CLEP is especially useful for you to test out of subjects.
More than 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States accept CLEP credits. However, some schools accept more than others. Some big-name universities that accept the highest number of CLEP credits include: 1 The University of Massachusetts 2 University of Central Florida 3 Texas A&M University 4 University of Arizona 5 Michigan State University 6 Purdue University
CLEP credits don’t technically expire. But the College Board only keeps your CLEP transcripts on record for 20 years after you take the exam. So if you haven’t sent your CLEP transcripts to your college by then, you probably won’t be able to use those credits. There can also be other issues with getting credit for old CLEP exams depending on your college’s requirements.
There are over 2,900 colleges and universities that will give you credit for CLEP tests.
Starting with the cost, CLEP exams are much cheaper than a full college course. Each exam costs $87 (plus an administrative fee of around $25 generally charged by the testing center).
CLEP stands for “College Level Examination Program.” It’s a set of tests developed and administered by the College Board.
Planning your coursework is an essential step for any college student, but it’s especially important if you’re going to use CLEP tests to skip certain courses.
This is ultimately up to the university you transfer them to, but a passing score on a CLEP exam is generally worth between 3 and 6 credit hours.
CLEP tests can help you get a degree much faster than the traditional college path. The conventional amount of time to get an undergraduate degree is 4 years, though it can take many students as long as six years. If you just need a degree to get a better job, then 4–6 years is much too long to wait.
Civilian employees of Air Force. Generally, you’ll need to take your CLEP exams at either a military base or fully-funded test center in order to get all the fees (including administrative fees) waived. To find a fully-funded test center near you, look for the “Fully funded” tag next to test center names.
In addition to determining the recommended credit-granting score of 50 , the panel of college faculty also recommend a scaled score that is equivalent to a grade of B. Although ACE hasn't endorsed this B score, it's provided to some schools that print grade equivalents for CLEP exams on student transcripts, or those specialized programs that require a passing score higher than the credit-granting score recommended by ACE.
The American Council on Education sets recommendations on the scores needed to earn credit for a course and the semester hours earned for a passing score.
Students receive their CLEP exam scores immediately after completing the exam (except for College Composition and Spanish with Writing).
CLEP exams let you test out of introductory courses and move to more advanced courses sooner, saving time toward your degree.